Class ViewHandler

  extended by javax.faces.application.ViewHandler

public abstract class ViewHandler
extends Object

A ViewHandler manages the component-tree-creation and component-tree-rendering parts of a request lifecycle (ie "create view", "restore view" and "render response").

A ViewHandler is responsible for generating the component tree when a new view is requested; see method "createView".

When the user performs a "postback", ie activates a UICommand component within a view, then the ViewHandler is resonsible for recreating a view tree identical to the one used previously to render that view; see method "restoreView".

And the ViewHandler is also responsible for rendering the final output to be sent to the user by invoking the rendering methods on components; see method "renderView".

This class also isolates callers from the underlying request/response system. In particular, this class does not explicitly depend upon the javax.servlet apis. This allows JSF to be used on servers that do not implement the servlet API (for example, plain CGI).


Of course there is no reason why the "template" needs to be a textual file. A view could be generated based on data in a database, or many other mechanisms.

This class is expected to be invoked via the concrete implementation of Lifecycle.

For the official specification for this class, see JSF Specification.

$Revision: 676278 $ $Date: 2008-07-13 03:35:04 -0500 (Sun, 13 Jul 2008) $
Manfred Geiler (latest modification by $Author: skitching $)

Field Summary
static String DEFAULT_SUFFIX
Constructor Summary
Method Summary
abstract  Locale calculateLocale(FacesContext context)
          Return the Locale object that should be used when rendering this view to the current user.
abstract  String calculateRenderKitId(FacesContext context)
          Return the id of an available render-kit that should be used to map the JSF components into user presentation.
abstract  UIViewRoot createView(FacesContext context, String viewId)
          Build a root node for a component tree.
abstract  String getActionURL(FacesContext context, String viewId)
          Return a URL that a remote system can invoke in order to access the specified view.
abstract  String getResourceURL(FacesContext context, String path)
          Return a URL that a remote system can invoke in order to access the specified resource..
abstract  void renderView(FacesContext context, UIViewRoot viewToRender)
          Combine the output of all the components in the viewToRender with data from the original view template (if any) and write the result to context.externalContext.response.
abstract  UIViewRoot restoreView(FacesContext context, String viewId)
          Handle a "postback" request by recreating the component tree that was most recently presented to the user for the specified view.
abstract  void writeState(FacesContext context)
          Write sufficient information to context.externalContext.response in order to be able to restore this view if the user performs a "postback" using that rendered response.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final String CHARACTER_ENCODING_KEY
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX_PARAM_NAME
See Also:
Constant Field Values


public static final String DEFAULT_SUFFIX
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public ViewHandler()
Method Detail


public abstract Locale calculateLocale(FacesContext context)
Return the Locale object that should be used when rendering this view to the current user.

Some request protocols allow an application user to specify what locale they prefer the response to be in. For example, HTTP requests can specify the "accept-language" header.

Method Application.getSupportedLocales() defines what locales this JSF application is capable of supporting.

This method should match such sources of data up and return the Locale object that is the best choice for rendering the current application to the current user.


public abstract String calculateRenderKitId(FacesContext context)
Return the id of an available render-kit that should be used to map the JSF components into user presentation.

The render-kit selected (eg html, xhtml, pdf, xul, ...) may depend upon the user, properties associated with the request, etc.


public abstract UIViewRoot createView(FacesContext context,
                                      String viewId)
Build a root node for a component tree.

When a request is received, this method is called if restoreView returns null, ie this is not a "postback". In this case, a root node is created and then renderView is invoked. It is the responsibility of the renderView method to build the full component tree (ie populate the UIViewRoot with descendant nodes).

This method is also invoked when navigation occurs from one view to another, where the viewId passed is the id of the new view to be displayed. Again it is the responsibility of renderView to then populate the viewroot with descendants.


public abstract String getActionURL(FacesContext context,
                                    String viewId)
Return a URL that a remote system can invoke in order to access the specified view.


public abstract String getResourceURL(FacesContext context,
                                      String path)
Return a URL that a remote system can invoke in order to access the specified resource..


public abstract void renderView(FacesContext context,
                                UIViewRoot viewToRender)
                         throws IOException,
Combine the output of all the components in the viewToRender with data from the original view template (if any) and write the result to context.externalContext.response.

Component output is generated by invoking the encodeBegin, encodeChildren (optional) and encodeEnd methods on relevant components in the specified view. How this is interleaved with the non-component content of the view template (if any) is left to the ViewHandler implementation.

The actual type of the Response object depends upon the concrete implementation of this class. It will almost certainly be an OutputStream of some sort, but may be specific to the particular request/response system in use.

If the view cannot be rendered (eg due to an error in a component) then a FacesException is thrown.

Note that if a "postback" has occurred but no navigation to a different view, then the viewToRender will be fully populated with components already. However on direct access to a new view, or when navigation has occurred, the viewToRender will just contain an empty UIViewRoot object that must be populated with components from the "view template".



public abstract UIViewRoot restoreView(FacesContext context,
                                       String viewId)
Handle a "postback" request by recreating the component tree that was most recently presented to the user for the specified view.

When the user performs a "postback" of a view that has previously been created, ie is updating the state of an existing view tree, then the view handler must recreate a view tree identical to the one used previously to render that view to the user, so that the data received from the user can be compared to the old state and the correct "changes" detected.

The components in this tree will then be given the opportunity to examine new input data provided by the user, and react in the appropriate manner for that component, as specified for the JSF lifecycle.

Much of the work required by this method must be delegated to an instance of StateManager.

If there is no record of the current user having been sent the specified view (ie no saved state information available), then NULL should be returned.

Note that input data provided by the user may also be used to determine exactly how to restore this view. In the case of "client side state", information about the components to be restored will be available here. Even for "server side state", user input may include an indicator that is used to select among a number of different saved states available for this viewId and this user.

Note that data received from users is inherently untrustworthy; care should be taken to validate this information appropriately.

See saveState for more details.


public abstract void writeState(FacesContext context)
                         throws IOException
Write sufficient information to context.externalContext.response in order to be able to restore this view if the user performs a "postback" using that rendered response.

For "client side state saving", sufficient information about the view state should be written to allow a "restore view" operation to succeed later. This does not necessarily mean storing all data about the current view; only data that cannot be recreated from the "template" for this view needs to be saved.

For "server side state saving", this method may write out nothing. Alternately it may write out a "state identifier" to identify which of multiple saved user states for a particular view should be selected (or just verify that the saved state does indeed correspond to the expected one).


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