Class ExternalContextResourceLoader

  extended by org.apache.myfaces.commons.resourcehandler.resource.ResourceLoader
      extended by org.apache.myfaces.commons.resourcehandler.resource.ExternalContextResourceLoader

public class ExternalContextResourceLoader
extends ResourceLoader

A resource loader implementation which loads resources from the webapp root. It uses the methods on ExternalContext for handle resources.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.commons.resourcehandler.resource.ResourceLoader
Field Summary
protected static Pattern RESOURCE_VERSION_CHECKER
          It checks version like this: /1.js, /1_0.js, /1_0_0.js, /100_100.js Used on getResourceVersion to filter resources
protected static Pattern VERSION_CHECKER
          It checks version like this: /1/, /1_0/, /1_0_0/, /100_100/ Used on getLibraryVersion to filter resource directories
Fields inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.commons.resourcehandler.resource.ResourceLoader
Constructor Summary
ExternalContextResourceLoader(String prefix)
Method Summary
 ResourceMeta createResourceMeta(String prefix, String libraryName, String libraryVersion, String resourceName, String resourceVersion)
 String getLibraryVersion(String path)
          Return the max available version found (if exists) or return null if no version available.
 InputStream getResourceInputStream(ResourceMeta resourceMeta)
protected  Set<String> getResourcePaths(String path)
 URL getResourceURL(ResourceMeta resourceMeta)
          Return the max available version found (if exists) or return null if no version available.
 String getResourceVersion(String path)
 boolean libraryExists(String libraryName)
Methods inherited from class org.apache.myfaces.commons.resourcehandler.resource.ResourceLoader
getPrefix, getVersionComparator, resourceExists, setPrefix, setVersionComparator
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected static Pattern VERSION_CHECKER
It checks version like this: /1/, /1_0/, /1_0_0/, /100_100/ Used on getLibraryVersion to filter resource directories


protected static Pattern RESOURCE_VERSION_CHECKER
It checks version like this: /1.js, /1_0.js, /1_0_0.js, /100_100.js Used on getResourceVersion to filter resources

Constructor Detail


public ExternalContextResourceLoader(String prefix)
Method Detail


protected Set<String> getResourcePaths(String path)


public String getResourceVersion(String path)
Specified by:
getResourceVersion in class ResourceLoader


public String getLibraryVersion(String path)
Description copied from class: ResourceLoader
Return the max available version found (if exists) or return null if no version available.

Specified by:
getLibraryVersion in class ResourceLoader


public URL getResourceURL(ResourceMeta resourceMeta)
Description copied from class: ResourceLoader
Return the max available version found (if exists) or return null if no version available.

Specified by:
getResourceURL in class ResourceLoader


public InputStream getResourceInputStream(ResourceMeta resourceMeta)
Specified by:
getResourceInputStream in class ResourceLoader


public ResourceMeta createResourceMeta(String prefix,
                                       String libraryName,
                                       String libraryVersion,
                                       String resourceName,
                                       String resourceVersion)
Specified by:
createResourceMeta in class ResourceLoader


public boolean libraryExists(String libraryName)
Specified by:
libraryExists in class ResourceLoader

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