Interface DateListProvider

public interface DateListProvider

Defines the interface for providing a list of individual dates within a given range. This interface is used in date picker components (e.g. chooseDate, selectInputDate).

Method Summary
 List<Date> getDateList(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context, Calendar base, Date rangeStart, Date rangeEnd)
          This method will generate a List of individual Date objects.

Method Detail


List<Date> getDateList(javax.faces.context.FacesContext context,
                       Calendar base,
                       Date rangeStart,
                       Date rangeEnd)
This method will generate a List of individual Date objects. This is often used to list the dates which will be rendered as disabled in a datePicker component. The Dates must be in the context of the given base Calendar.

context - The Faces context
base - The base Calendar object from which the start and end dates are taken. All returned Date objects should be gotten from this base by a series of set and getTime calls.
rangeStart - The start of the range for which dates are being requested.
rangeEnd - The end of the range for which dates are being requested.

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