Package carstore

CarStore is a moderately complex demonstration of JavaServer Faces technology.


Class Summary
CarBean This bean encapsulates a car model, including pricing and package choices.
CarCustomizer A helper class that customizes a CarBean for a set of options in a package.
CarStore This is the main bean for the application.
CreditCardConverter CreditCardConverter Class accepts a Credit Card Number of type String and strips blanks and "-" if any from it.
FormatValidator FormatValidator is a Validator that checks the validity of String representation of the value of the associated component against a list of specified patterns.
FormatValidatorTag FormatValidatorTag is the tag handler class for FormatValidator tag, format_validator.
MessageFactory supported filters: package and protection.

Package carstore Description

CarStore is a moderately complex demonstration of JavaServer Faces technology. Please consult the tutorial for more detailed information on the concepts required to build applications with JavaServer Faces technology. Below we use whiteboard diagrams to illustrate the ease with which a web application can be designed, and how that design can be easily cast into a Faces application.

Page Flow

Here's a quick diagram of page flow through the application.

Each box corresponds to a JSP page. The arrows correspond to the supported flow from page to page, either with buttons in the page, or with the browser navigation buttons.

Supporting Beans

We then overlay the beans required to back the JSP pages.

See the JavaDocs for each bean to see what it does.

Back End Data

Finally, we add the back end data. In this simple application, the data is read from java.util.ResourceBundle instances, but it could just as well come from a database.

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