[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
292 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 99.315% | 362.192 |
Note: failures are anticipated and checked for with assertions while errors are unanticipated.
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
Package | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time |
org.apache.maven.wagon.tck.http | 40 | 0 | 0 | 2 | 95% | 59.952 |
org.apache.maven.wagon.providers.http | 252 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 302.24 |
Note: package statistics are not computed recursively, they only sum up all of its testsuites numbers.
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
GetWagonTests | 20 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 95% | 29.986 | |
HttpsGetWagonTests | 20 | 0 | 0 | 1 | 95% | 29.966 |
Class | Tests | Errors | Failures | Skipped | Success Rate | Time | |
HttpClientWagonTest | 3 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.071 | |
HttpWagonReasonPhraseTest | 4 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 1.486 | |
HttpWagonPreemptiveTest | 58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 36.023 | |
HttpWagonTest | 58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 34.464 | |
AbstractHttpClientWagonTest | 1 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0.094 | |
HttpWagonTimeoutTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 5.409 | |
HttpsWagonTest | 58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 37.563 | |
HugeFileDownloadTest | 2 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 149.276 | |
BasicAuthScopeTest | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 0 | |
HttpsWagonPreemptiveTest | 58 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 100% | 36.854 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
testDefaultHeadersUsedByDefault | 1.068 | |
testTurnOffDefaultHeaders | 0.003 | |
testSetMaxRedirectsParamViaConfig | 0 |
testGetReasonPhase401 | 1.042 | |
testGetReasonPhase403 | 0.16 | |
testGetReasonPhase407 | 0.151 | |
testGetReasonPhase500 | 0.133 |
testGetForbidden | 0.092 | |
testSecuredPutWrongPassword | 0.193 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsUnauthorized | 0.146 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentByDefault | 0.035 | |
testSecuredGetUnauthorized | 0.043 | |
testHttpHeadersWithCommonMethods | 0.023 | |
testProxiedRequest | 5.039 | |
testRedirectPutFileWithFullUrl | 0.257 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamWithFullUrl | 0.273 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthenticationWithProvider | 5.169 | |
testList429 | 5.472 | |
testWagonGetFileList | 0.185 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsWrongPassword | 0.137 | |
testSecuredPutUnauthorized | 0.038 | |
testGzipGet | 0.149 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthentication | 5.145 | |
testRedirectPutFileRelativeUrl | 0.294 | |
testRedirectGetToStream | 0.058 | |
testSecuredGetWrongPassword | 0.039 | |
testSecuredResourceExists | 0.167 | |
testPutForbidden | 0.015 | |
testSecuredGetToStream | 0.138 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamRelativeUrl | 0.25 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentOnlyOnceIfSetMultipleTimes | 0.112 | |
testSecuredGet | 0.037 | |
testSecuredPut | 0.038 | |
testResourceExists404 | 0.02 | |
testResourceExists429 | 5.045 | |
testResourceExists500 | 0.02 | |
testHttpHeaders | 0.018 | |
testRedirectGet | 0.036 | |
testGet404 | 0.111 | |
testGet500 | 0.12 | |
testResourceExistsForbidden | 0.029 | |
testSecuredPutFromStream | 0.156 | |
testNonSecuredPutFromStream | 0.125 | |
testPut404 | 0.039 | |
testPut429 | 5.035 | |
testPut500 | 0.016 | |
testFailedGetToStream | 0.127 | |
testFailedGetIfNewerToStream | 0.023 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsNewer | 0.043 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsOlder | 0.133 | |
testStreamingWagon | 0.134 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsSame | 0.036 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryDeepDestination | 0.117 | |
testWagonGetFileListWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist | 0.134 | |
testWagon | 0.031 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryForDot | 0.111 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsNewer | 0.042 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsOlder | 0.04 | |
testFailedGet | 0.121 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryWhenDirectoryAlreadyExists | 0.014 | |
testWagonResourceExists | 0.186 | |
testFailedGetIfNewer | 0.124 | |
testWagonResourceNotExists | 0.137 | |
testWagonPutDirectory | 0.116 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsSame | 0.04 |
testGetForbidden | 0.127 | |
testSecuredPutWrongPassword | 0.141 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsUnauthorized | 0.023 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentByDefault | 0.116 | |
testSecuredGetUnauthorized | 0.018 | |
testHttpHeadersWithCommonMethods | 0.016 | |
testProxiedRequest | 5.124 | |
testRedirectPutFileWithFullUrl | 0.133 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamWithFullUrl | 0.226 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthenticationWithProvider | 5.128 | |
testList429 | 5.024 | |
testWagonGetFileList | 0.084 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsWrongPassword | 0.043 | |
testSecuredPutUnauthorized | 0.018 | |
testGzipGet | 0.025 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthentication | 5.117 | |
testRedirectPutFileRelativeUrl | 0.227 | |
testRedirectGetToStream | 0.024 | |
testSecuredGetWrongPassword | 0.124 | |
testSecuredResourceExists | 0.128 | |
testPutForbidden | 0.133 | |
testSecuredGetToStream | 0.026 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamRelativeUrl | 0.024 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentOnlyOnceIfSetMultipleTimes | 0.116 | |
testSecuredGet | 0.028 | |
testSecuredPut | 0.025 | |
testResourceExists404 | 0.108 | |
testResourceExists429 | 5.133 | |
testResourceExists500 | 0.053 | |
testHttpHeaders | 0.124 | |
testRedirectGet | 0.117 | |
testGet404 | 0.12 | |
testGet500 | 0.123 | |
testResourceExistsForbidden | 0.017 | |
testSecuredPutFromStream | 0.018 | |
testNonSecuredPutFromStream | 0.115 | |
testPut404 | 0.023 | |
testPut429 | 5.142 | |
testPut500 | 0.013 | |
testFailedGetToStream | 0.122 | |
testFailedGetIfNewerToStream | 0.06 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsNewer | 0.028 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsOlder | 0.036 | |
testStreamingWagon | 0.132 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsSame | 0.055 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryDeepDestination | 0.111 | |
testWagonGetFileListWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist | 0.125 | |
testWagon | 0.046 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryForDot | 0.014 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsNewer | 0.038 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsOlder | 0.034 | |
testFailedGet | 0.02 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryWhenDirectoryAlreadyExists | 0.011 | |
testWagonResourceExists | 0.03 | |
testFailedGetIfNewer | 0.017 | |
testWagonResourceNotExists | 0.018 | |
testWagonPutDirectory | 0.109 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsSame | 0.134 |
testPutTimeout | 1.338 | |
testResourceExits | 1.316 | |
testGetTimeout | 1.317 | |
testConnectionTimeout | 0.113 | |
testGetFileList | 1.325 |
testGetForbidden | 0.528 | |
testSecuredPutWrongPassword | 0.193 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsUnauthorized | 0.197 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentByDefault | 0.072 | |
testSecuredGetUnauthorized | 0.187 | |
testHttpHeadersWithCommonMethods | 0.063 | |
testProxiedRequest | 5.126 | |
testRedirectPutFileWithFullUrl | 0.334 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamWithFullUrl | 0.328 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthenticationWithProvider | 5.031 | |
testList429 | 5.124 | |
testWagonGetFileList | 0.224 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsWrongPassword | 0.167 | |
testSecuredPutUnauthorized | 0.156 | |
testGzipGet | 0.061 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthentication | 5.147 | |
testRedirectPutFileRelativeUrl | 0.113 | |
testRedirectGetToStream | 0.142 | |
testSecuredGetWrongPassword | 0.066 | |
testSecuredResourceExists | 0.08 | |
testPutForbidden | 0.059 | |
testSecuredGetToStream | 0.178 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamRelativeUrl | 0.21 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentOnlyOnceIfSetMultipleTimes | 0.062 | |
testSecuredGet | 0.176 | |
testSecuredPut | 0.189 | |
testResourceExists404 | 0.07 | |
testResourceExists429 | 5.061 | |
testResourceExists500 | 0.058 | |
testHttpHeaders | 0.067 | |
testRedirectGet | 0.192 | |
testGet404 | 0.146 | |
testGet500 | 0.067 | |
testResourceExistsForbidden | 0.049 | |
testSecuredPutFromStream | 0.062 | |
testNonSecuredPutFromStream | 0.061 | |
testPut404 | 0.166 | |
testPut429 | 5.173 | |
testPut500 | 0.155 | |
testFailedGetToStream | 0.155 | |
testFailedGetIfNewerToStream | 0.161 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsNewer | 0.155 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsOlder | 0.163 | |
testStreamingWagon | 0.062 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsSame | 0.174 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryDeepDestination | 0.134 | |
testWagonGetFileListWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist | 0.141 | |
testWagon | 0.054 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryForDot | 0.114 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsNewer | 0.061 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsOlder | 0.056 | |
testFailedGet | 0.145 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryWhenDirectoryAlreadyExists | 0.112 | |
testWagonResourceExists | 0.051 | |
testFailedGetIfNewer | 0.147 | |
testWagonResourceNotExists | 0.07 | |
testWagonPutDirectory | 0.014 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsSame | 0.054 |
permanentMove_TooManyRedirects_limit20 | 0.204 | |
infinitePermanentMove | 0.168 | |
unsuccessfulAuthentication | 0.078 | |
sixLevelTemporaryMove | 0.156 | |
proxied | 0 | |
FIX ME! | ||
oneLevelTemporaryMove | 0.096 | |
highLatencyLowTimeout | 0.127 | |
basic | 0.057 | |
error | 0.148 | |
highLatencyHighTimeout | 28.17 | |
successfulAuthentication | 0.094 | |
infiniteTemporaryMove | 0.074 | |
missing | 0.17 | |
proxyTimeout | 0.047 | |
sixLevelPermanentMove | 0.092 | |
forbidden | 0.037 | |
oneLevelPermanentMove | 0.055 | |
nonExistentHost | 0.138 | |
inifiniteLatencyTimeout | 0.036 | |
temporaryMove_TooManyRedirects_limit20 | 0.039 |
permanentMove_TooManyRedirects_limit20 | 0.077 | |
infinitePermanentMove | 0.064 | |
unsuccessfulAuthentication | 0.087 | |
sixLevelTemporaryMove | 0.215 | |
proxied | 0 | |
FIX ME! | ||
oneLevelTemporaryMove | 0.078 | |
highLatencyLowTimeout | 0.136 | |
basic | 0.061 | |
error | 0.163 | |
highLatencyHighTimeout | 28.092 | |
successfulAuthentication | 0.079 | |
infiniteTemporaryMove | 0.064 | |
missing | 0.057 | |
proxyTimeout | 0.057 | |
sixLevelPermanentMove | 0.09 | |
forbidden | 0.067 | |
oneLevelPermanentMove | 0.075 | |
nonExistentHost | 0.138 | |
inifiniteLatencyTimeout | 0.125 | |
temporaryMove_TooManyRedirects_limit20 | 0.241 |
testDownloadHugeFileWithChunked | 75.127 | |
testDownloadHugeFileWithContentLength | 74.149 |
testGetScopeAllOverridden | 0 | |
testGetScopeOriginalPortIsNegativeOne | 0 | |
testGetScopeRealmOverridden | 0 | |
testGetScopeAllAny | 0 | |
testGetScopeNothingOverridden | 0 |
testGetForbidden | 0.228 | |
testSecuredPutWrongPassword | 0.158 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsUnauthorized | 0.132 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentByDefault | 0.153 | |
testSecuredGetUnauthorized | 0.047 | |
testHttpHeadersWithCommonMethods | 0.134 | |
testProxiedRequest | 5.165 | |
testRedirectPutFileWithFullUrl | 0.288 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamWithFullUrl | 0.261 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthenticationWithProvider | 5.12 | |
testList429 | 5.07 | |
testWagonGetFileList | 0.141 | |
testSecuredResourceExistsWrongPassword | 0.152 | |
testSecuredPutUnauthorized | 0.096 | |
testGzipGet | 0.143 | |
testProxiedRequestWithAuthentication | 5.035 | |
testRedirectPutFileRelativeUrl | 0.182 | |
testRedirectGetToStream | 0.114 | |
testSecuredGetWrongPassword | 0.069 | |
testSecuredResourceExists | 0.152 | |
testPutForbidden | 0.139 | |
testSecuredGetToStream | 0.057 | |
testRedirectPutFromStreamRelativeUrl | 0.19 | |
testUserAgentHeaderIsPresentOnlyOnceIfSetMultipleTimes | 0.039 | |
testSecuredGet | 0.148 | |
testSecuredPut | 0.143 | |
testResourceExists404 | 0.041 | |
testResourceExists429 | 5.15 | |
testResourceExists500 | 0.153 | |
testHttpHeaders | 0.068 | |
testRedirectGet | 0.165 | |
testGet404 | 0.14 | |
testGet500 | 0.036 | |
testResourceExistsForbidden | 0.036 | |
testSecuredPutFromStream | 0.142 | |
testNonSecuredPutFromStream | 0.14 | |
testPut404 | 0.145 | |
testPut429 | 5.164 | |
testPut500 | 0.171 | |
testFailedGetToStream | 0.045 | |
testFailedGetIfNewerToStream | 0.044 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsNewer | 0.162 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsOlder | 0.156 | |
testStreamingWagon | 0.059 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerToStreamIsSame | 0.061 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryDeepDestination | 0.112 | |
testWagonGetFileListWhenDirectoryDoesNotExist | 0.043 | |
testWagon | 0.162 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryForDot | 0.116 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsNewer | 0.059 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsOlder | 0.051 | |
testFailedGet | 0.052 | |
testWagonPutDirectoryWhenDirectoryAlreadyExists | 0.122 | |
testWagonResourceExists | 0.152 | |
testFailedGetIfNewer | 0.147 | |
testWagonResourceNotExists | 0.041 | |
testWagonPutDirectory | 0.111 | |
testWagonGetIfNewerIsSame | 0.052 |
[Summary] [Package List] [Test Cases]
proxied | |
skipped: FIX ME! | |
proxied | |
skipped: FIX ME! |