Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor.PluginDescriptorBuilder
Classes in this File Line Coverage Branch Coverage Complexity
 package org.apache.maven.plugin.descriptor;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentDependency;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.component.repository.ComponentRequirement;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfiguration;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.PlexusConfigurationException;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.configuration.xml.XmlPlexusConfiguration;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.Xpp3DomBuilder;
 import org.codehaus.plexus.util.xml.pull.XmlPullParserException;
 import java.util.ArrayList;
 import java.util.List;
  * @author <a href="">Jason van Zyl</a>
  * @version $Id: 640545 2008-03-24 19:50:56Z bentmann $
 39  0
 public class PluginDescriptorBuilder
     public PluginDescriptor build( Reader reader )
         throws PlexusConfigurationException
 44  0
         return build( reader, null );
     public PluginDescriptor build( Reader reader, String source )
         throws PlexusConfigurationException
 50  0
         PlexusConfiguration c = buildConfiguration( reader );
 52  0
         PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor = new PluginDescriptor();
 54  0
         pluginDescriptor.setSource( source );
 55  0
         pluginDescriptor.setGroupId( c.getChild( "groupId" ).getValue() );
 56  0
         pluginDescriptor.setArtifactId( c.getChild( "artifactId" ).getValue() );
 57  0
         pluginDescriptor.setVersion( c.getChild( "version" ).getValue() );
 58  0
         pluginDescriptor.setGoalPrefix( c.getChild( "goalPrefix" ).getValue() );
 60  0
         pluginDescriptor.setName( c.getChild( "name" ).getValue() );
 61  0
         pluginDescriptor.setDescription( c.getChild( "description" ).getValue() );
 63  0
         String isolatedRealm = c.getChild( "isolatedRealm" ).getValue();
 65  0
         if ( isolatedRealm != null )
 67  0
             pluginDescriptor.setIsolatedRealm( Boolean.valueOf( isolatedRealm ).booleanValue() );
 70  0
         String inheritedByDefault = c.getChild( "inheritedByDefault" ).getValue();
 72  0
         if ( inheritedByDefault != null )
 74  0
             pluginDescriptor.setInheritedByDefault( Boolean.valueOf( inheritedByDefault ).booleanValue() );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Components
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 81  0
         PlexusConfiguration[] mojoConfigurations = c.getChild( "mojos" ).getChildren( "mojo" );
 83  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < mojoConfigurations.length; i++ )
 85  0
             PlexusConfiguration component = mojoConfigurations[i];
 87  0
             MojoDescriptor mojoDescriptor = buildComponentDescriptor( component, pluginDescriptor );
 89  0
             pluginDescriptor.addMojo( mojoDescriptor );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Dependencies
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 96  0
         PlexusConfiguration[] dependencyConfigurations = c.getChild( "dependencies" ).getChildren( "dependency" );
 98  0
         List dependencies = new ArrayList();
 100  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < dependencyConfigurations.length; i++ )
 102  0
             PlexusConfiguration d = dependencyConfigurations[i];
 104  0
             ComponentDependency cd = new ComponentDependency();
 106  0
             cd.setArtifactId( d.getChild( "artifactId" ).getValue() );
 108  0
             cd.setGroupId( d.getChild( "groupId" ).getValue() );
 110  0
             cd.setType( d.getChild( "type" ).getValue() );
 112  0
             cd.setVersion( d.getChild( "version" ).getValue() );
 114  0
             dependencies.add( cd );
 117  0
         pluginDescriptor.setDependencies( dependencies );
 119  0
         return pluginDescriptor;
     public MojoDescriptor buildComponentDescriptor( PlexusConfiguration c, PluginDescriptor pluginDescriptor )
         throws PlexusConfigurationException
 125  0
         MojoDescriptor mojo = new MojoDescriptor();
 126  0
         mojo.setPluginDescriptor( pluginDescriptor );
 128  0
         mojo.setGoal( c.getChild( "goal" ).getValue() );
 130  0
         mojo.setImplementation( c.getChild( "implementation" ).getValue() );
 132  0
         PlexusConfiguration langConfig = c.getChild( "language" );
 134  0
         if ( langConfig != null )
 136  0
             mojo.setLanguage( langConfig.getValue() );
 139  0
         PlexusConfiguration configuratorConfig = c.getChild( "configurator" );
 141  0
         if ( configuratorConfig != null )
 143  0
             mojo.setComponentConfigurator( configuratorConfig.getValue() );
 146  0
         PlexusConfiguration composerConfig = c.getChild( "composer" );
 148  0
         if ( composerConfig != null )
 150  0
             mojo.setComponentComposer( composerConfig.getValue() );
 153  0
         String since = c.getChild( "since" ).getValue();
 155  0
         if ( since != null )
 157  0
             mojo.setSince( since );
 160  0
         String phase = c.getChild( "phase" ).getValue();
 162  0
         if ( phase != null )
 164  0
             mojo.setPhase( phase );
 167  0
         String executePhase = c.getChild( "executePhase" ).getValue();
 169  0
         if ( executePhase != null )
 171  0
             mojo.setExecutePhase( executePhase );
 174  0
         String executeMojo = c.getChild( "executeGoal" ).getValue();
 176  0
         if ( executeMojo != null )
 178  0
             mojo.setExecuteGoal( executeMojo );
 181  0
         String executeLifecycle = c.getChild( "executeLifecycle" ).getValue();
 183  0
         if ( executeLifecycle != null )
 185  0
             mojo.setExecuteLifecycle( executeLifecycle );
 188  0
         mojo.setInstantiationStrategy( c.getChild( "instantiationStrategy" ).getValue() );
 190  0
         mojo.setDescription( c.getChild( "description" ).getValue() );
 192  0
         String dependencyResolution = c.getChild( "requiresDependencyResolution" ).getValue();
 194  0
         if ( dependencyResolution != null )
 196  0
             mojo.setDependencyResolutionRequired( dependencyResolution );
 199  0
         String directInvocationOnly = c.getChild( "requiresDirectInvocation" ).getValue();
 201  0
         if ( directInvocationOnly != null )
 203  0
             mojo.setDirectInvocationOnly( Boolean.valueOf( directInvocationOnly ).booleanValue() );
 206  0
         String requiresProject = c.getChild( "requiresProject" ).getValue();
 208  0
         if ( requiresProject != null )
 210  0
             mojo.setProjectRequired( Boolean.valueOf( requiresProject ).booleanValue() );
 213  0
         String requiresReports = c.getChild( "requiresReports" ).getValue();
 215  0
         if ( requiresReports != null )
 217  0
             mojo.setRequiresReports( Boolean.valueOf( requiresReports ).booleanValue() );
 220  0
         String aggregator = c.getChild( "aggregator" ).getValue();
 222  0
         if ( aggregator != null )
 224  0
             mojo.setAggregator( Boolean.valueOf( aggregator ).booleanValue() );
 227  0
         String requiresOnline = c.getChild( "requiresOnline" ).getValue();
 229  0
         if ( requiresOnline != null )
 231  0
             mojo.setOnlineRequired( Boolean.valueOf( requiresOnline ).booleanValue() );
 234  0
         String inheritedByDefault = c.getChild( "inheritedByDefault" ).getValue();
 236  0
         if ( inheritedByDefault != null )
 238  0
             mojo.setInheritedByDefault( Boolean.valueOf( inheritedByDefault ).booleanValue() );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Parameters
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 245  0
         PlexusConfiguration[] parameterConfigurations = c.getChild( "parameters" ).getChildren( "parameter" );
 247  0
         List parameters = new ArrayList();
 249  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < parameterConfigurations.length; i++ )
 251  0
             PlexusConfiguration d = parameterConfigurations[i];
 253  0
             Parameter parameter = new Parameter();
 255  0
             parameter.setName( d.getChild( "name" ).getValue() );
 257  0
             parameter.setAlias( d.getChild( "alias" ).getValue() );
 259  0
             parameter.setType( d.getChild( "type" ).getValue() );
 261  0
             String required = d.getChild( "required" ).getValue();
 263  0
             parameter.setRequired( Boolean.valueOf( required ).booleanValue() );
 265  0
             PlexusConfiguration editableConfig = d.getChild( "editable" );
             // we need the null check for pre-build legacy plugins...
 268  0
             if ( editableConfig != null )
 270  0
                 String editable = d.getChild( "editable" ).getValue();
 272  0
                 parameter.setEditable( editable == null || Boolean.valueOf( editable ).booleanValue() );
 275  0
             parameter.setDescription( d.getChild( "description" ).getValue() );
 277  0
             parameter.setDeprecated( d.getChild( "deprecated" ).getValue() );
 279  0
             parameter.setImplementation( d.getChild( "implementation" ).getValue() );
 281  0
             parameters.add( parameter );
 284  0
         mojo.setParameters( parameters );
         // TODO: this should not need to be handed off...
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Configuration
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 292  0
         mojo.setMojoConfiguration( c.getChild( "configuration" ) );
         // TODO: Go back to this when we get the container ready to configure mojos...
         //        mojo.setConfiguration( c.getChild( "configuration" ) );
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
         // Requirements
         // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
 301  0
         PlexusConfiguration[] requirements = c.getChild( "requirements" ).getChildren( "requirement" );
 303  0
         for ( int i = 0; i < requirements.length; i++ )
 305  0
             PlexusConfiguration requirement = requirements[i];
 307  0
             ComponentRequirement cr = new ComponentRequirement();
 309  0
             cr.setRole( requirement.getChild( "role" ).getValue() );
 311  0
             cr.setRoleHint( requirement.getChild( "role-hint" ).getValue() );
 313  0
             cr.setFieldName( requirement.getChild( "field-name" ).getValue() );
 315  0
             mojo.addRequirement( cr );
 318  0
         return mojo;
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     // ----------------------------------------------------------------------
     public PlexusConfiguration buildConfiguration( Reader configuration )
         throws PlexusConfigurationException
 330  0
             return new XmlPlexusConfiguration( configuration ) );
 332  0
         catch ( IOException e )
 334  0
             throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Error creating configuration", e );
 336  0
         catch ( XmlPullParserException e )
 338  0
             throw new PlexusConfigurationException( "Error creating configuration", e );