Coverage Report - org.apache.maven.index.context.IndexingContext
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 package org.apache.maven.index.context;
  * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
  * or more contributor license agreements.  See the NOTICE file
  * distributed with this work for additional information
  * regarding copyright ownership.  The ASF licenses this file
  * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the
  * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance
  * with the License.  You may obtain a copy of the License at
  * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing,
  * software distributed under the License is distributed on an
  * KIND, either express or implied.  See the License for the
  * specific language governing permissions and limitations
  * under the License.
 import java.util.Collection;
 import java.util.Date;
 import java.util.List;
 import java.util.Set;
 import org.apache.lucene.analysis.Analyzer;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexReader;
 import org.apache.lucene.index.IndexWriter;
 import org.apache.maven.index.artifact.GavCalculator;
  * An indexing context is representing artifact repository for indexing and searching. Indexing context is a statefull
  * component, it keeps state of index readers and writers.
  * @author Jason van Zyl
  * @author Tamas Cservenak
  * @author Eugene Kuleshov
 public interface IndexingContext
      * Standard name of the full repository index that is used when clients requesting index information have nothing to
      * start with.
     String INDEX_FILE_PREFIX = "nexus-maven-repository-index";
      * A prefix used for all index property names
     String INDEX_PROPERTY_PREFIX = "nexus.index.";
      * A property name used to specify index id
      * A property name used to specify legacy index timestamp (the last update time)
      * A property name used to specify index timtestamp
      * A prefix used to specify an incremental update chunk name
     String INDEX_CHUNK_PREFIX = INDEX_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "incremental-";
      * A date format used for index timestamp
     String INDEX_TIME_FORMAT = "yyyyMMddHHmmss.SSS Z";
      * A date format used for incremental update chunk names
     String INDEX_TIME_DAY_FORMAT = "yyyyMMdd";
      * A counter used to id the chunks
     String INDEX_CHUNK_COUNTER = INDEX_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "last-incremental";
      * An id that defines the current incremental chain. If when checking remote repo, the index chain doesn't match
      * you'll know that you need to download the full index
     String INDEX_CHAIN_ID = INDEX_PROPERTY_PREFIX + "chain-id";
      * Returns this indexing context id.
     String getId();
      * Returns repository id.
     String getRepositoryId();
      * Returns location for the local repository.
     File getRepository();
      * Returns public repository url.
     String getRepositoryUrl();
      * Returns url for the index update
     String getIndexUpdateUrl();
      * Is the context searchable when doing "non-targeted" searches? Ie. Should it take a part when searching without
      * specifying context?
      * @return
     boolean isSearchable();
      * Sets is the context searchable when doing "non-targeted" searches.
      * @param searchable
     void setSearchable( boolean searchable );
      * Returns index update time
     Date getTimestamp();
     void updateTimestamp()
         throws IOException;
     void updateTimestamp( boolean save )
         throws IOException;
     void updateTimestamp( boolean save, Date date )
         throws IOException;
      * Returns a number that represents the "size" useful for doing comparisons between contexts (which one has more
      * data indexed?). The number return does not represent the count of ArtifactInfos, neither other "meaningful" info,
      * it is purely to be used for inter-context comparisons only!
      * @return
      * @throws IOException
     int getSize()
         throws IOException;
      * Returns the Lucene IndexReader of this context.
      * @return reader
      * @throws IOException
     IndexReader getIndexReader()
         throws IOException;
      * Returns the Lucene IndexSearcher of this context.
      * @return searcher
      * @throws IOException
     IndexSearcher getIndexSearcher()
         throws IOException;
      * Returns the Lucene IndexWriter of this context.
      * @return indexWriter
      * @throws IOException
     IndexWriter getIndexWriter()
         throws IOException;
      * List of IndexCreators used in this context.
      * @return list of index creators.
     List<IndexCreator> getIndexCreators();
      * Returns the Lucene Analyzer of this context used for by IndexWriter and IndexSearcher. Note: this method always
      * creates a new instance of analyzer!
      * @return
     Analyzer getAnalyzer();
      * Commits changes to context, eventually refreshing readers/searchers too.
      * @throws IOException
     void commit()
         throws IOException;
      * Rolls back changes to context, eventually refreshing readers/searchers too.
      * @throws IOException
     void rollback()
         throws IOException;
      * Optimizes index
     void optimize()
         throws IOException;
      * Performs a shared locking on this context, guaranteeing that no IndexReader/Searcher/Writer close will occur. But
      * the cost of it is potentially blocking other threads, so stay in critical region locking this context as less as
      * possible.
     void lock();
      * Releases the shared lock on this context.
     void unlock();
      * Shuts down this context.
     void close( boolean deleteFiles )
         throws IOException;
      * Purge (cleans) the context, deletes/empties the index and restores the context to new/empty state.
      * @throws IOException
     void purge()
         throws IOException;
      * Merges content of given Lucene directory with this context.
      * @param directory - the directory to merge
     void merge( Directory directory )
         throws IOException;
      * Merges content of given Lucene directory with this context, but filters out the unwanted ones.
      * @param directory - the directory to merge
     void merge( Directory directory, DocumentFilter filter )
         throws IOException;
      * Replaces the Lucene index with the one from supplied directory.
      * @param directory
      * @throws IOException
     void replace( Directory directory )
         throws IOException;
     Directory getIndexDirectory();
     File getIndexDirectoryFile();
      * Returns the GavCalculator for this Context. Implies repository layout.
     GavCalculator getGavCalculator();
      * Sets all group names stored in the current indexing context
     void setAllGroups( Collection<String> groups )
         throws IOException;
      * Gets all group names stored in the current indexing context
     Set<String> getAllGroups()
         throws IOException;
      * Sets root group names stored in the current indexing context
     void setRootGroups( Collection<String> groups )
         throws IOException;
      * Gets root group names stored in the current indexing context
     Set<String> getRootGroups()
         throws IOException;
      * Rebuilds stored group names from the index
     void rebuildGroups()
         throws IOException;
      * Returns true if this context is receiving updates from remote via IndexUpdater.
      * @return
     boolean isReceivingUpdates();