The internal representation of logging event.
Located in /LoggerLoggingEvent.php (line 27)
The category (logger) name.
This field will be marked as private in future releases. Please do not access it directly. Use the getLoggerName() method instead.
Level of the logging event.
Have we tried to do an MDC lookup? If we did, there is no need to do it again. Note that its value is always false when serialized. See also the getMDC and getMDCCopy methods.
The nested diagnostic context (NDC) of logging event.
Have we tried to do an NDC lookup? If we did, there is no need to do it again. Note that its value is always false when serialized. Thus, a receiving SocketNode will never use it's own (incorrect) NDC. See also writeObject method.
The application supplied message rendered through the log4php objet rendering mechanism. At present renderedMessage == message.
The name of thread in which this logging event was generated.
log4php saves here the process id via getmypid()
The number of seconds elapsed from 1/1/1970 until logging event was created plus microseconds if available.
Returns the time when the application started, as a UNIX timestamp with microseconds.
Instantiate a LoggingEvent from the supplied parameters.
Except $timeStamp all the other fields of LoggerLoggingEvent are filled when actually needed.
Returns the full qualified classname.
TODO: PHP does contain namespaces in 5.3. Those should be returned too,
Return the level of this event. Use this form instead of directly accessing the $level field.
Set the location information for this logging event. The collected information is cached for future use.
This method uses debug_backtrace() function (if exists) to collect informations about caller.
It only recognize informations generated by Logger and its subclasses.
Return the name of the logger. Use this form instead of directly accessing the $categoryName field.
Returns the the context corresponding to the
parameter.Returns the entire MDC context.
Return the message for this logging event.
Before serialization, the returned object is the message passed by the user to generate the logging event. After serialization, the returned value equals the String form of the message possibly after object rendering.
This method returns the NDC for this event. It will return the correct content even if the event was generated in a different thread or even on a different machine. The LoggerNDC::get() method should never be called directly.
Render message.
Calculates the time of this event.
Serialize this object
Documentation generated on Sat, 18 Feb 2012 22:32:25 +0000 by phpDocumentor 1.4.3