Karaf Container
Karaf Cellar
Karaf Cave
Karaf Decanter
Security Advisories
Other Resources
- Monitoring Apache Cassandra with Apache Karaf Decanter
- What's new in Apache Karaf Cellar 4.0.0 ?
- Creating a plugin system with Karaf and OSGi MicroServices
- Monitoring and alerting with Apache Karaf Decanter
- Apache Karaf Christmas gifts: docker.io, profiles, and decanter
- Encrypt ConfigAdmin properties values in Apache Karaf
- MDC logging with Apache Karaf and Camel
- JavaMagazin Articles (in German)
- Apache Syncope backend with Apache Karaf
- Apache Karaf, Camel, ActiveMQ with Falcon for Hadoop CDC solution
- Apache Karaf, Cellar, Camel, ActiveMQ monitoring with ELK (ElasticSearch, Logstash, and Kibana)
- Coming in Karaf 3.0.0: new enterprise JPA (OpenJPA, Hibernate) and CDI (OpenWebBeans, JBoss Weld) features
- Coming in Karaf 3.0.0: new enterprise JDBC feature
- Coming in Karaf 3.0.0: new enterprise JNDI feature
- Coming in Karaf 3.0.0: RBAC support for OSGi services and console commands
- Coming in Karaf 3.0.0: subshell and completion mode
- Coming in Karaf 3.0.0: JAAS users, groups, roles, and ACLs
- Karaf and Pax Web: disabling reverse lookup
- Pax Logging: loggers log level
- Apache Hadoop and Karaf, Article 1: Karaf as HDFS client
- Bind certain Web-Applications to specific HttpConnectors II
- Bind certain Web-Applications to specific HttpConnectors
- Integration in the cloude with Apache Karaf, Cellar and Camel
- Load balancing with Apache Karaf Cellar, and mod_proxy_balancer
- Multiple HTTP connectors in Karaf
- Communication between two remote Camel routes with Karaf Cellar
- xmppgtalk shell connector for Karaf and Gogo shell
- Create custom log4j appender for Karaf and Pax Logging
- How to enable HTTPs certificate client auth with Karaf
- Declarative Services with Karaf (SCR)
- Apache Karaf 2011 Millesime
- Coming in Karaf 3.0: new KAR service, command, and management
- Overview on Apache Karaf, Pax Web, and Camel archetypes
- Do you know Apache Karaf Maven plugins ?
- Apache Karaf moved to OSGi r4.3
- Use Camel, CXF, and Karaf to implement batches
- JAX-RS services using CXF and Karaf
- What's new in Apache Karaf 2.2.4 ?
- Adding custom log-appender to Pax Logging
- Adding additional ServletContext to Pax Web
- One Year of Apache Karaf
- Apache Karaf Child Instances, what are they, and why should I use them ?
- From Eclipse Tycho to Apache Karaf: the easy way!
- http://developer.eclipsesource.com/slides/deploy-and-manage-rap-applications/#/6