Uses of Class

Packages that use ValidValue
org.uddi.v3_service WSDL service definition for UDDI 3.0.2 specification 

Uses of ValidValue in org.apache.juddi.api.impl

Method parameters in org.apache.juddi.api.impl with type arguments of type ValidValue
 void UDDIValueSetCachingImpl.getAllValidValues(String authInfo, String modelKey,<String> chunkToken,<List<ValidValue>> validValue)

Uses of ValidValue in org.uddi.v3_service

Method parameters in org.uddi.v3_service with type arguments of type ValidValue
 void UDDIValueSetCachingPortType.getAllValidValues(String authInfo, String tModelKey,<String> chunkToken,<List<ValidValue>> validValue)

A UDDI node that supports external value sets MAY invoke a get_allValidValues Web service offered by a value set provider that has granted permission to that registry to cache the valid values for that value set.  The external value set provider MAY offer the get_allValidValues Web service and the UDDI node MAY use it.  The normal use is to return a full set of valid values for the identified value set.  If the value set provider determines there are too many values to return in one chunk, the set of valid values may be returned in chunks.


Uses of ValidValue in org.uddi.vscache_v3

Fields in org.uddi.vscache_v3 with type parameters of type ValidValue
protected  List<ValidValue> ValidValuesList.validValue

Methods in org.uddi.vscache_v3 that return ValidValue
 ValidValue ObjectFactory.createValidValue()
          Create an instance of ValidValue

Methods in org.uddi.vscache_v3 that return types with arguments of type ValidValue
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<ValidValue> ObjectFactory.createValidValue(ValidValue value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<ValidValue>}
 List<ValidValue> ValidValuesList.getValidValue()
          Gets the value of the validValue property.

Methods in org.uddi.vscache_v3 with parameters of type ValidValue
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<ValidValue> ObjectFactory.createValidValue(ValidValue value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<ValidValue>}

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