Uses of Class

Packages that use ChangeRecord
org.uddi.v3_service WSDL service definition for UDDI 3.0.2 specification 

Uses of ChangeRecord in org.apache.juddi.api.impl

Methods in org.apache.juddi.api.impl that return types with arguments of type ChangeRecord
 List<ChangeRecord> UDDIReplicationImpl.getChangeRecords(String requestingNode, HighWaterMarkVectorType changesAlreadySeen, BigInteger responseLimitCount, HighWaterMarkVectorType responseLimitVector)

Uses of ChangeRecord in org.uddi.repl_v3

Fields in org.uddi.repl_v3 declared as ChangeRecord
protected  ChangeRecord ChangeRecordCorrection.changeRecord

Fields in org.uddi.repl_v3 with type parameters of type ChangeRecord
protected  List<ChangeRecord> ChangeRecords.changeRecord

Methods in org.uddi.repl_v3 that return ChangeRecord
 ChangeRecord ObjectFactory.createChangeRecord()
          Create an instance of ChangeRecord
 ChangeRecord ChangeRecordCorrection.getChangeRecord()
          Gets the value of the changeRecord property.

Methods in org.uddi.repl_v3 that return types with arguments of type ChangeRecord
 List<ChangeRecord> ChangeRecords.getChangeRecord()
          Gets the value of the changeRecord property.

Methods in org.uddi.repl_v3 with parameters of type ChangeRecord
 void ChangeRecordCorrection.setChangeRecord(ChangeRecord value)
          Sets the value of the changeRecord property.

Uses of ChangeRecord in org.uddi.v3_service

Methods in org.uddi.v3_service that return types with arguments of type ChangeRecord
 List<ChangeRecord> UDDIReplicationPortType.getChangeRecords(String requestingNode, HighWaterMarkVectorType changesAlreadySeen, BigInteger responseLimitCount, HighWaterMarkVectorType responseLimitVector)
          The get_changeRecords message is used to initiate the replication of change records from one node to another.

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