Uses of Class

Packages that use FindTModel
org.uddi.v3_service WSDL service definition for UDDI 3.0.2 specification 

Uses of FindTModel in org.apache.juddi.api.impl

Methods in org.apache.juddi.api.impl with parameters of type FindTModel
 TModelList UDDIInquiryImpl.findTModel(FindTModel body)
static List<?> InquiryHelper.findTModel(FindTModel body, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, javax.persistence.EntityManager em)
static TModelList InquiryHelper.getTModelListFromKeys(FindTModel body, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, javax.persistence.EntityManager em, List<?> keysFound)
static TModelList InquiryHelper.getTModelListFromKeys(FindTModel body, FindQualifiers findQualifiers, javax.persistence.EntityManager em, List<?> keysFound, Date modifiedAfter, Date modifiedBefore,<Integer> subscriptionStartIndex, Integer subscriptionMaxRows)

Uses of FindTModel in org.apache.juddi.rmi

Methods in org.apache.juddi.rmi with parameters of type FindTModel
 TModelList UDDIInquiryService.findTModel(FindTModel body)

Uses of FindTModel in org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config

Methods in org.apache.juddi.v3.client.config with parameters of type FindTModel
 TModelList UDDIClerk.findTModel(FindTModel findTModel)
 TModelList UDDIClerk.findTModel(FindTModel findTModel, Node node)

Uses of FindTModel in org.apache.juddi.v3.client.mapping

Methods in org.apache.juddi.v3.client.mapping that return FindTModel
static FindTModel WSDL2UDDI.createFindBindingTModelForPortType(String portType, String namespace)
          Builds a finder to find the binding tModels for a portType.
static FindTModel WSDL2UDDI.createFindPortTypeTModelForPortType(String portTypeName, String namespace)
          Builds a finder to find the portType tModels for a portType.
 FindTModel BPEL2UDDI.createFindProcessesForPortTypes(String portTypeKey)
          Find all processes that use the given portType.
 FindTModel BPEL2UDDI.createFindTModelForProcessName(QName serviceName)
          Finds and returns ALL the tModels related to the process, so that i.e.

Uses of FindTModel in org.apache.juddi.validation

Methods in org.apache.juddi.validation with parameters of type FindTModel
 void ValidateInquiry.validateFindTModel(FindTModel body, boolean nullAllowed)

Uses of FindTModel in org.uddi.api_v3

Fields in org.uddi.api_v3 declared as FindTModel
protected  FindTModel FindService.findTModel
protected  FindTModel FindBusiness.findTModel
protected  FindTModel FindBinding.findTModel

Methods in org.uddi.api_v3 that return FindTModel
 FindTModel ObjectFactory.createFindTModel()
          Create an instance of FindTModel
 FindTModel FindService.getFindTModel()
          Gets the value of the findTModel property.
 FindTModel FindBusiness.getFindTModel()
          Gets the value of the findTModel property.
 FindTModel FindBinding.getFindTModel()
          Gets the value of the findTModel property.

Methods in org.uddi.api_v3 that return types with arguments of type FindTModel
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<FindTModel> ObjectFactory.createFindTModel(FindTModel value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<FindTModel>}

Methods in org.uddi.api_v3 with parameters of type FindTModel
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<FindTModel> ObjectFactory.createFindTModel(FindTModel value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<FindTModel>}
 void FindService.setFindTModel(FindTModel value)
          Sets the value of the findTModel property.
 void FindBusiness.setFindTModel(FindTModel value)
          Sets the value of the findTModel property.
 void FindBinding.setFindTModel(FindTModel value)
          Sets the value of the findTModel property.

Uses of FindTModel in org.uddi.sub_v3

Fields in org.uddi.sub_v3 declared as FindTModel
protected  FindTModel SubscriptionFilter.findTModel

Methods in org.uddi.sub_v3 that return FindTModel
 FindTModel SubscriptionFilter.getFindTModel()
          Gets the value of the findTModel property.

Methods in org.uddi.sub_v3 with parameters of type FindTModel
 void SubscriptionFilter.setFindTModel(FindTModel value)
          Sets the value of the findTModel property.

Uses of FindTModel in org.uddi.v3_service

Methods in org.uddi.v3_service with parameters of type FindTModel
 TModelList UDDIInquiryPortType.findTModel(FindTModel body)
          The find_tModel API is used to find UDDI tModel elements.

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