Uses of Class

Packages that use AddressLine

Uses of AddressLine in org.apache.juddi.mapping

Method parameters in org.apache.juddi.mapping with type arguments of type AddressLine
static void MappingModelToApi.mapAddressLines(List<AddressLine> modelAddressLineList, List<AddressLine> apiAddressLineList)
static void MappingApiToModel.mapAddressLines(List<AddressLine> apiAddressLineList, List<AddressLine> modelAddressLineList, Address modelAddress, String businessKey, Long contactId)

Uses of AddressLine in org.uddi.api_v3

Fields in org.uddi.api_v3 with type parameters of type AddressLine
protected  List<AddressLine> Address.addressLine

Methods in org.uddi.api_v3 that return AddressLine
 AddressLine ObjectFactory.createAddressLine()
          Create an instance of AddressLine

Methods in org.uddi.api_v3 that return types with arguments of type AddressLine
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<AddressLine> ObjectFactory.createAddressLine(AddressLine value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<AddressLine>}
 List<AddressLine> Address.getAddressLine()
          Gets the value of the addressLine property.

Methods in org.uddi.api_v3 with parameters of type AddressLine
 javax.xml.bind.JAXBElement<AddressLine> ObjectFactory.createAddressLine(AddressLine value)
          Create an instance of JAXBElement<AddressLine>}

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