Apache JMeter

Package org.apache.jmeter.engine.util

Interface Summary
ConfigMergabilityIndicator Interface that gives a hint about the merge policy to apply between Samplers and Config elements
NoConfigMerge Implement this method-less interface to indicate that this ConfigElement should not be merged.
NoThreadClone Implement this method-less interface to indicate your test element should not be cloned for each thread in a test run.

Class Summary
CompoundVariable CompoundFunction.
ReplaceFunctionsWithStrings Transforms strings into variable references (in spite of the name, which suggests the opposite!)
ReplaceStringWithFunctions Replaces a String containing functions with their Function properties equivalent, example: ${__time()}_${__threadNum()}_${__machineName()} will become a FunctionProperty of a CompoundVariable containing 3 functions
UndoVariableReplacement Replaces ${key} by value extracted from JMeterVariables if any
ValueReplacer Perfom replacement of ${variable} references.

Apache JMeter

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