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on this site

Jena RDF Tutorial

The Jena API



The Jena Javadoc (Public APIs)

ARQ Javadoc (SPARQL)


Jena FAQ



ARQ is an implementation of the SPARQL query language for Jena.  Documentation.

Persistence Subsystems for Jena

There are two subsystems for persisting RDF and OWL data, SDB or TDB. These are separate downloads.

TDB is a high-performance, native persistence engine using custom indexing and storage. SDB is a persistence layer that uses an SQL database and supports full ACID transactions. TDB is faster and simpler to setup.

The original RDB system is still shipped with Jena for legacy applications. It is deprecated for new development.

RDB documentation

Ontology Processing

The Jena Ontology API

Example programs:
Persistent Ontology Models
Textual description of a class
Textual rendering of the class hierarchy


Inference Engine User Manual


Creating models

I/O: RDF Readers and Writers

Typed literals

ARP - An RDF Parser

Schemagen - generate a Java class from a vocabulary or ontology

Model Event Mechanism


Jena Model Assemblers - describing models with RDF

Concurrency and locking

The file manager utility

Frame-like views of RDF resources and classes

Old HowTo's

Using a DIG description-logic reasoner with Jena

Migration from Jena1 to Jena2

OWL Syntax Checker

Jena 2.3 query performance notes

Command Line Utilities

Jena has a number of command line programs to process RDF models and to manipulate models held in relational databases.

Jena Internals

Reification API

Reification internal API

Enhanced Nodes

Resource Description Framework
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