AbstractActionCommand - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Abstract class AbstractActionCommand defines the common state validation and state update behavior for Action Commands as per RFC 3028, section 8.
AbstractActionCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractActionCommand
Constructor for AbstractActionCommand.
AbstractBodyCommand - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Abstract class AbstractBodyCommand defines the common state update behavior for Body Commands.
AbstractBodyCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractBodyCommand
Constructor for AbstractBodyCommand.
AbstractCommand - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Abstract class AbstractCommand defines a framework of common behavior for Sieve Commands.
AbstractCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Constructor for AbstractCommand.
AbstractCompatatorTest - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
AbstractCompatatorTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractCompatatorTest
AbstractConditionalCommand - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Abstract class AbstractConditionalCommand defines a framework of common behavior for conditional Commands (if, elsif, else).
AbstractConditionalCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractConditionalCommand
Constructor for AbstractConditionalCommand.
AbstractControlCommand - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Abstract class AbstractControlCommand defines a framework of common behavior for control Commands as defined in RFC 3028, section 3.
AbstractControlCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractControlCommand
Constructor for AbstractControlCommand.
AbstractPrologCommand - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Abstract class AbstractPrologCommand defines the common state validation behavior for Prolog Commands.
AbstractPrologCommand() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractPrologCommand
Constructor for AbstractPrologCommand.
AbstractTest - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Abstract class AbstractTest defines a framework of common behavior for Sieve Tests.
AbstractTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractTest
Constructor for AbstractTest.
Action - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Interface Action defines the final state of a MailAdapter instance.
ActionContext - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Provides context for action execution.
ActionDispatcher - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Dynamically dispatches an Action depending on the type of Action received at runtime.
ActionDispatcher() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionDispatcher
Constructor for ActionDispatcher.
ActionFileInto - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Class ActionFileInto encapsulates the information required to file a mail into a location.
ActionFileInto(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionFileInto
Constructor for ActionFileInto.
ActionKeep - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Class ActionKeep encapsulates the information required to keep a mail.
ActionKeep() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionKeep
Constructor for ActionKeep.
ActionModeAutomatic - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ActionModeAutomatic
ActionModeAutomatic() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ActionModeAutomatic
Default Constructor
ActionModeManual - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ActionModeManual
ActionModeManual() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ActionModeManual
Default Constructor
ActionRedirect - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Class ActionRedirect encapsulates the information required to redirect a mail.
ActionRedirect(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionRedirect
Constructor for ActionRedirect.
ActionReject - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Class ActionReject encapsulates the information required to reject a mail.
ActionReject(String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionReject
Constructor for ActionReject.
ActionUtils - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Utility methods helpful for actions.
ActionUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionUtils
addAction(Action) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method addAction adds an Action to the List of Actions to be performed by the receiver.
addAction(Action) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Adds an Action.
addAction(Action) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method addAction adds an Action to the List of Actions to be performed by the receiver.
addAddresses(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.SieveAddressBuilder
Adds addresses in the given list.
Address - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class Address implements the Addresss Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.1.
Address() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Address
Constructor for Address.
AddressImpl - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Simple immutable address implementation.
AddressImpl(String, String) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mail.AddressImpl
Constructs an address.
AddressNode - Class in org.apache.jsieve.parser.address
AddressNode() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.AddressNode
AddressPartTags - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Interface AddressPartTags defines the String constants used to specify an ADDRESS-PART tag.
addStartLineAndColumn(CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Appends a standard position phrase to the given message.
ALL_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.tests.AddressPartTags
AllOf - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class AllOf implements the AllOf Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.2.
AllOf() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AllOf
Constructor for AnyOf.
allTestsPass(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Do all tests pass for the given mail?
AnyOf - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class AnyOf implements the AnyOf Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.3.
AnyOf() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AnyOf
Constructor for AnyOf.
anyTestsPass(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Do any tests pass for the given mail?
Argument - Interface in org.apache.jsieve
A simple Interface for Arguments.
argument(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles a tag argument.
argument(int) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handler a numeric argument.
argument(int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
argument(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
Arguments - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
Arguments(List<Argument>, TestList) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Constructor for Arguments.
ASCII_CASEMAP_COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorNames
AsciiCasemap - Class in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Class AsciiCasemap implements the EQUALITY operation of the i;ascii-casemap comparator as defined by RFC2244, section 3.4 - "With this function the values "hello" and "HELLO" have the same ordinal value and are considered equal".
AsciiCasemap() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiCasemap
Constructor for AsciiCasemap.
AsciiNumeric - Class in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Class AsciiNumeric implements the EQUALITY operation of the i;ascii-numeric comparator as defined by RFC2244, section 3.4.
AsciiNumeric() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiNumeric
Constructor for AsciiNumeric.
attribute(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml.Out
Outputs a attribute.
attribute(CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
Writes an attribute of an element.
attribute(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut


BaseAddressListVisitor - Class in org.apache.jsieve.parser.address
Do nothing implementation suitablae for subclassing.
BaseAddressListVisitor() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
BaseSieveContext - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Bean based implementation of context.
BaseSieveContext(CommandManager, ComparatorManager, TestManager, Log) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
Block - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
Block(Commands) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.Block
Constructor for Block.
Body - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional
Implementation of body extension defined in RFC5173.
Body() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Body
build() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
build(SieveToXml.Out) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Builds a handler to writes to the given output.
build(Writer) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.ToSieveHandlerFactory
Builds a configured handler.


check(File, File) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker
Checks the sieve script contained in the given file by executing it against the given message.
check(InputStream, InputStream) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker
Checks the sieve script contained in the given file by executing it against the given message.
closeDocument() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
Closes all pending elements.
closeElement() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml.Out
Ends an XML Element.
closeElement() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
Closes the last element written.
Command - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
Command(String, Arguments, Block, ScriptCoordinate) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Constructor for Command.
CommandException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class CommandException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while executing a Command.
CommandException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.CommandException
Constructor for CommandException.
CommandException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.CommandException
Constructor for CommandException.
CommandException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.CommandException
Constructor for CommandException.
CommandException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.CommandException
Constructor for CommandException.
commandException(CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Creates a command exception based on the given message containing details of the script position.
CommandManager - Interface in org.apache.jsieve
Maps Command names to configured Command implementation classes.
CommandManagerImpl - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Maps command names to comman implementations.
CommandManagerImpl(ConcurrentMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.CommandManagerImpl
Constructor for CommandManager.
Commands - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
Commands(List<Command>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.Commands
Constructor for Commands.
CommandStateManager - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Thread singleton class CommandStateManager records the state of a Sieve evaluation.
CommandStateManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Constructor for CommandStateManager.
Comparator - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Interface Comparator defines the method signatures for Sieve comparators.
COMPARATOR_ASCII_CASEMAP_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
Name of the standard ascii casemap comparator.
COMPARATOR_OCTET_NAME - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
Name of the standard octet comparator.
COMPARATOR_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
Prefix used to identify comparator extensions.
COMPARATOR_PREFIX_LENGTH - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
Number of characters in Constants.COMPARATOR_PREFIX
COMPARATOR_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.tests.ComparatorTags
ComparatorManager - Interface in org.apache.jsieve
Maps Comparator names to configured Comparator implementation classes.
ComparatorManagerImpl - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Maps Comparator names to configured Comparator implementation classes.
ComparatorManagerImpl(ConcurrentMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
Constructs a manager with the standard comparators implicitly defined.
ComparatorManagerImpl(ConcurrentMap<String, String>, CopyOnWriteArraySet<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
Constructor for ComparatorManager.
ComparatorNames - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Interface ComparatorNames defines the String constants used to specify a COMPARATOR name.
ComparatorTags - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Interface ComparatorTags defines the String constants used to specify a COMPARATOR tag.
ComparatorUtils - Class in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Class ComparatorUtils implements utility methods used by Comparators.
computeActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns a new List of actions.
computeCompareString(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiNumeric
Method getCompareString answers a String in which all non-digit characters are translated to the character 0xff.
computeList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
Returns a new list.
computeTestList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Computes the testList.
ConditionManager - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Thread singleton class ConditionManager manages Conditional Commands during a Sieve evaluation.
ConditionManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Constructor for ConditionManager.
ConfigurationManager - Class in org.apache.jsieve
ConfigurationManager parses the XML statements in the Sieve configuration file and translates them to Java objects.
ConfigurationManager() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
Constructor for ConfigurationManager.
Constants - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Constants() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
contains(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiCasemap
contains(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiNumeric
Unsupported, see RFC4790.
contains(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method contains answers a boolean indicating if the parameter container contains the parameter contents.
contains(String, String, String, SieveContext) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method contains answers a boolean indicating if the parameter container contains the parameter contents using an instance of comparatorName.
Contains - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Interface Contains defines the method signatures for contains comparators.
contains(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Contains
Method contains answers a boolean indicating if parameter container contains parameter content using the comparison rules defind by the implementation.
contains(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Octet
CONTAINS_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.MatchTypeTags
content(CharSequence) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml.Out
Outputs body text.
content(CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
Writes content.
CONTROL_COMMANDS - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Control commands (as listed in RFC 3028)
create(String, String, String, String, String, String, Disposition) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.MDNFactory
Answers a MimeMultipartReport containing a Message Delivery Notification as specified by RFC 2298.


DEBUG_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.LogLevelTags
debugDiagnostics(Log) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Logs diagnotic information about the script coordinate.
DEFAULT_NAME_ACTION_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_ATTRIBUTE - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_CONTROL_COMMAND - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_LIST - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_NUM - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_STRING - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_TAG - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAME_TEST - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_NAMESPACE - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
DEFAULT_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
detectAndHandleLocalLooping(Mail, ActionContext, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionUtils
Detect and handle locally looping mail.
Discard - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Discard implements the Discard Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 4.5.
Discard() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Discard
Constructor for Discard.
Disposition - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class Disposition encapsulating disposition information as defined by RFC 2298.
Disposition(DispositionActionMode, DispositionSendingMode, DispositionType) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Disposition(DispositionActionMode, DispositionSendingMode, DispositionType, DispositionModifier[]) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
DispositionActionMode - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Interface DispositionActionMode marks a type encapsulating disposition action mode information as defined by RFC 2298.
DispositionModifier - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Interface DispositionModifier marks a type encapsulating disposition modifier information as defined by RFC 2298.
DispositionSendingMode - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Interface DispositionSendingMode marks a type encapsulating disposition sending mode information as defined by RFC 2298.
DispositionType - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Interface DispositionType marks a type encapsulating disposition type information as defined by RFC 2298.
DOMAIN_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.tests.AddressPartTags


Else - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Else implements the Else Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 3.1.
Else() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Else
Constructor for Else.
Elsif - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Elsif implements the Elsif Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 3.1.
Elsif() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Elsif
Constructor for Elsif.
end() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends a tree traveral.
end(SimpleNode) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTstart) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTcommands) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTcommand) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTblock) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTarguments) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTargument) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTtest) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTtest_list) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTstring) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end(ASTstring_list) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Ends traversal of given node.
end() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(SimpleNode) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTstart) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTcommands) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTcommand) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTblock) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTarguments) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTargument) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTtest) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTtest_list) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTstring) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
end(ASTstring_list) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
endArguments() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endArguments() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a block of arguments.
endBlock() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endBlock() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a block.
endCommand(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endCommand(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a command.
endCommands() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endCommands() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a block of commands.
endScript() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endScript() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a Sieve script.
endStringListArgument() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endStringListArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of an argument which is a list of strings.
endTest(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endTest(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a test.
endTestList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
endTestList() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the end of a list of tests.
Envelope - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional
Class Envelope implements the optional Envelope Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.4.
Envelope() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Envelope
Constructor for EnvelopeAccessors.
EnvelopeAccessors - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mail.optional
Interface EnvelopeAccessors specifies the method signatures required to support the Envelope Test.
equals(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiCasemap
equals(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiNumeric
equals(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method equals answers a boolean indicating if the parameter string1 is equal to the parameter string2.
Equals - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Interface Equals defines the method signatures for equals comparators.
equals(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Equals
Method equals answers a boolean indicating if parameter string1 is equal to parameter string2 using the comparison rules defind by the implementation.
equals(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Octet
ERROR_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.LogLevelTags
evaluate(MailAdapter, Node) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveFactory
Method evaluate evaluates an RFC 822 compliant mail message wrapped in a MailAdapter by visting each node of the parsed script beginning at the passed start node.
Executable - Interface in org.apache.jsieve
Interface for an Executable operation.
ExecutableCommand - Interface in org.apache.jsieve
Interface ExecutableCommand defines the method signatures for Sieve Commands.
ExecutableTest - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Interface ExecutableTest defines the method signatures for a Sieve Test.
execute(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Block
execute(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
execute(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Method execute executes a basic Sieve Command after first invoking framework methods to validate that Sieve is in a legal state to invoke the Command and that the Command arguments are legal.
execute(MailAdapter, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractConditionalCommand
Method execute executes a Block within the context of a new ConditionManager.
execute(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Commands
execute(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.Executable
execute(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.ExecutableCommand
Method execute executes a Sieve Command.
execute(Action, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionDispatcher
Method execute executes the passed Action by invoking the method mapped by the receiver with a parameter of the EXACT type of Action.
execute(Action, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.FileIntoAction
execute(ActionFileInto, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.FileIntoAction
Executes the passed ActionFileInto.
execute(Action, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.KeepAction
execute(ActionKeep, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.KeepAction
Executes the passed ActionKeep.
execute(Action, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.MailAction
Executes the given action.
execute(Action, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.RedirectAction
execute(ActionRedirect, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.RedirectAction
Method execute executes the passed ActionRedirect.
execute(Action, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.RejectAction
execute(ActionReject, Mail, ActionContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.RejectAction
Method execute executes the passed ActionReject.
execute(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
execute(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
execute(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractTest
Method execute executes a basic Sieve Test after first invoking framework methods to validate the Command arguments.
execute(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.tests.ExecutableTest
Method execute executes a Test and answers a boolean indicating if the test was passed.
executeActions() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method executeActions.
executeActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
executeActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method executeActions.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Abstract method executeBasic invokes a Sieve Command.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Discard
Discard silently discards a Mail by cancelling the implicit keep as specified in RFC 3028, Section 4.5.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Else
Conditionally eexecute a Block if an Else Condition is runnable.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Elsif
Conditionally eexecute a Block if an Elsif Condition is allowed and runnable.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.If
Conditionally eexecute a Block if an If Condition is allowed and runnable.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Keep
Add an ActionKeep to the List of Actions to be performed.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.FileInto
Add an ActionFileInto to the List of Actions to be performed passing the sole StringList argument as the destination.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.Reject
Add an ActionReject to the List of Actions to be performed.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Redirect
Add an ActionRedirect to the List of Actions to be performed passing the sole StringList argument as the recipient.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Require
Ensure the required feature is configured.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Stop
Throws a StopException.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractCompatatorTest
From RFC 3028, Section 5.1...
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractTest
Abstract method executeBasic invokes a Sieve Test.
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AllOf
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AnyOf
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Exists
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.False
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Header
From RFC 3028, Section 5.7...
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Not
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Body
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Size
executeBasic(MailAdapter, Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.True
Exists - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class Exists implements the Exists Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.5.
Exists() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Exists
Constructor for Exists.


False - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class False implements the False Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.6.
False() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.False
Constructor for False.
FATAL_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.LogLevelTags
FeatureException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class FeatureException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while evaluating a feature of Sieve.
FeatureException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException
Constructor for FeatureException.
FeatureException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException
Constructor for FeatureException.
FeatureException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException
Constructor for FeatureException.
FeatureException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.FeatureException
Constructor for FeatureException.
FileInto - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional
Class FileInto implements the FileInto Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 4.2.
FileInto() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.FileInto
Constructor for Require.
FileIntoAction - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Performs the filing of a mail into a specified destination.
FileIntoAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.FileIntoAction
firstToken - Variable in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.AddressNode


get(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ResourceLocator
GET verb locates and loads a resource.
getActionMode() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Answer the Disposition Mode.
getActions() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method getActions answers the List of Actions accumulated by the receiver.
getActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns the List of actions.
getActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method getActions answers the List of Actions accumulated by the receiver.
getActionsExecuted() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Gets the actions executed by the script.
getAddress() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionRedirect
Returns the address.
getAddresses() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.SieveAddressBuilder
Gets addresses currently accumulated by calls to SieveAddressBuilder.addAddresses(String) since the last call to SieveAddressBuilder.reset().
getArgumentList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Returns the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Returns the arguments.
getArguments() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
Returns the arguments.
getBlock() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Returns the block.
getChildren() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Block
Returns the commands.
getChildren() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Commands
Returns the commands.
getClassName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandManagerImpl
Method getClassName answers the name of the class to which a Command name is mapped.
getCommand(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.CommandManager
Gets an instance of a command by name.
getCommand(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandManagerImpl
Method newInstance answers an instance of the class to which a Command name is mapped.
getCommandManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
getCommandManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
getCommandManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the command manager.
getCommandMap() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
Method getCommandMap answers a Map of Command names and their associated class names, lazily initialized if required.
getCommandNameMapper() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets mapper for command names.
getCommandStateManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
getCommandStateManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the command state manager.
getComparator(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManager
Gets a comparator by name.
getComparator(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
Method newInstance answers an instance of the class to which a Comparator name is mapped.
getComparatorManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
getComparatorManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
getComparatorManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the comparator manager.
getComparatorMap() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
Method getComparatorMap answers a Map of Comparator names and their associated class names, lazily initialized if required.
getConditionManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
getConditionManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the condition manager.
getContentType() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method getContentType returns string/mime representation of the message type.
getContentType() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getContentType() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method getContentType returns string/mime representation of the message type.
getCoordinate() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
Gets the script position of the current operation.
getCoordinate() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Gets the position of this node in the script.
getCoordinate() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the script position of the current operation.
getDestination() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionFileInto
Returns the destination.
getDispositionModifiers() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Answer the Disposition Modifiers.
getDispositionType() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Answer the Disposition Type.
getDomain() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.AddressImpl
Gets the domain of the address.
getDomain() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter.Address
Gets the domain part of the email address.
getEndColumnNumber() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Gets the number of the column where the elements ends.
getEndLineNumber() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Gets the number of the line where the element ends.
getEnvelope(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.optional.EnvelopeAccessors
Method getEnvelope answers a List of all of the envelope values in the receiver whose name is equal to the passed name.
getEnvelope(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getEnvelopeFrom() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns the from.
getEnvelopeNames() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.optional.EnvelopeAccessors
Method getEnvelopeNames answers a List of the names of the envelope values in the receiver.
getEnvelopeNames() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getEnvelopes() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Method getEnvelopes.
getEnvelopeTo() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns the sole recipient or null if there isn't one.
getException() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Gets the exception which was thrown during execution.
getExecutedActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Gets the actions accumulated when ScriptCheckMailAdapter.executedActions was last called.
getFirstToken() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Gets the first token comprising this node.
getHeader(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method getHeader answers a List of all of the headers in the receiver whose name is equal to the passed name.
getHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method getHeader answers a List of all of the headers in the receiver whose name is equal to the passed name.
getHeaderNames() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method getHeaderNames answers a List of all of the headers in the receiver.
getHeaderNames() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getHeaderNames() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method getHeaderNames answers a List of all of the headers in the receiver.
getInitialConcurrencyLevel() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
Gets the current initial size for the ConcurrentHashMap concurrency level.
getInteger() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.NumberArgument
Method getInteger answers the value of the receiver as an Integer.
getLastComment() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Get the last comment before this node and after the last node.
getLastToken() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Gets the last token comprising this node.
getList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
Returns the list, lazy initialised if required.
getListElementName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the element name used for lists.
getLocalPart() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.AddressImpl
Gets the local part of the address.
getLocalPart() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter.Address
Gets the local part of the email address.
getLocator() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
getLog() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
getLog() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
getLog() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionContext
Gets the log.
getLog() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getLog() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
getLog() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the log.
getMail() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns the mail.
getMail() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Gets the wrapped email.
getMailetContext() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns the mailetContext.
getMailetInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Return a string describing this mailet.
getMatchingEnvelope(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.optional.EnvelopeAccessors
Method getMatchingEnvelope answers a List of all of the envelope values in the receiver with the passed name.
getMatchingEnvelope(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getMatchingHeader(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method getMatchingHeader answers a List of all of the headers in the receiver with the passed name.
getMatchingHeader(MailAdapter, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailUtils
Method getMatchingHeader answers a List of all of the headers in the mail with the passed name.
getMatchingHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getMatchingHeader(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method getMatchingHeader answers a List of all of the headers in the receiver with the passed name.
getMatchingValues(MailAdapter, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Envelope
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionReject
Returns the message explaining the reason for rejection.
getMessage() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Returns the message.
getMethodMap() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionDispatcher
Returns the methodMap.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Returns the name.
getName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
Returns the name.
getNameAttributeName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the name of the attribute to be used to name command and tests.
getNamespacePrefix() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the namespace prefix to be used for all elements and attributes.
getNamespaceUri() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the namespace URI to be used for all elements and attributes.
getNumberElementName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the name of the element that wraps a numeric argument.
getPoster() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
getPrecedingComments() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Get any comments between this node and the previous one.
getSendingMode() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Answer the Sending Mode.
getServerInfo() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionContext
Gets name (including version) of this server.
getServerInfo() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getSize() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Method getSize answers the receiver's message size in octets.
getSize() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
getSize() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Method getSize answers the receiver's message size in octets.
getSoleRecipient(Mail) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionUtils
Answers the sole intended recipient for aMail.
getStartColumnNumber() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Gets the number of the column where the element start.
getStartLineNumber() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Gets the number of the line where the element starts.
getStringElementName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the name of the element that wraps a string element.
getTag() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
Returns the tag.
getTagElementName() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the name of the element that wraps a tag element.
getTest(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.TestManager
Gets a test instance by name.
getTest(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestManagerImpl
Method newInstance answers an instance of the class to which a Test name is mapped.
getTestList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Returns the testList, lazily initialised if required.
getTestManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
getTestManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
getTestManager() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Gets the test manager.
getTestMap() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
Method getTestMap answers a Map of Test names and their associated class names, lazily initialized if required.
getTestNameMapper() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Gets the mapper for names of test nodes.
getTests() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Returns the children.
getValue() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.Argument
Method getValue answers the value of the receiver's Argument.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.NumberArgument
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Returns the value.
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
getValue() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument


HaltTraversalException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.util
Indicators that the node traversal should be abandoned.
HaltTraversalException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.HaltTraversalException
HaltTraversalException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.HaltTraversalException
HaltTraversalException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.HaltTraversalException
HaltTraversalException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.HaltTraversalException
hasTests() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Returns true if there is a TestList and it has Tests.
Header - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class Header implements the Header Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.7.
Header() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Header
Constructor for Header.


If - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class If implements the If Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 3.1.
If() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.If
Constructor for If.
INFO_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.LogLevelTags
init(MailetConfig) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
init() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
initialize() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Initialize the receiver.
initialize() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Initialize the receiver.
InternetAddressException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class InternetAddressException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while evaluating an Internet Address.
InternetAddressException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.InternetAddressException
Constructor for InternetAddressException.
InternetAddressException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.InternetAddressException
Constructor for InternetAddressException.
InternetAddressException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.InternetAddressException
Constructor for InternetAddressException.
InternetAddressException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.InternetAddressException
Constructor for InternetAddressException.
interpret(MailAdapter, InputStream) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveFactory
Method interpret parses a Sieve script and then evaluates the result against a mail.
InvalidXmlException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.util
InvalidXmlException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.InvalidXmlException
InvalidXmlException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.InvalidXmlException
is(String, String, String, SieveContext) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method is answers a boolean indicating if the parameter container is equal to the parameter contents using an instance of comparatorName.
is(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
Does this argument match the given tag?
IS_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.MatchTypeTags
isActionFileInto(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Is the n'th action a FileInto with given destination?
isActionKeep(int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Is the n'th action a Keep?
isActionRedirect(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Is the n'th action a Redirect with given address?
isActionReject(String, int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Is the n'th action a Reject with given message?
isCommandSupported(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.CommandManager
Method isSupported answers a boolean indicating if a Command name is configured.
isCommandSupported(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandManagerImpl
Method isSupported answers a boolean indicating if a Command name is configured.
isComparator() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
Is this a comparator tag?
isConsume() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Is this mailet GHOSTing all mail it processes?
isElseAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method isElseAllowed answers a boolean indicating if an Else Command is allowed.
isElseRunnable() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method isElseRunnable answers a boolean indicating if an Else Command is runnable based upon the current evaluation state.
isElsifAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method isElsifAllowed answers a boolean indicating if an Elsif Command is allowed.
isElsifRunnable() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method isElsifRunnable answers a boolean indicating if an Elsif Command is runnable based upon the current evaluation state.
isEmpty() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Is this test list empty?
isHasActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Returns the hasActions.
isIfAllowed() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method isIfAllowed answers a boolean indicating if an If Command is allowed.
isIfRunnable() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method isIfRunnable answers a boolean indicating if an If Command is runnable based upon the current evaluation state.
isImplicitKeep() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Returns the implicitKeep.
isImplicitlyDeclared(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManager
Is an explicit declaration in a require statement unnecessary for this comparator?
isImplicitlyDeclared(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
Is an explicit declaration in a require statement unnecessary for this comparator?
isInBodyText(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Is the given phrase found in the body text of this mail? This search should be case insensitive.
isInBodyText(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
isInBodyText(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
isInfoLoggingOn() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Is informational logging turned on?
isInProlog() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Returns the inProlog.
isPass() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Is this a pass?
isQuiet() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Is the logging for this mailet set to minimal?
isRejected() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Returns the isRejected.
isSupported(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManager
Is the comparator with the given name supported?
isSupported(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
isTestPassed(MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
Is this test passed for the given mail?
isTestResult() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Returns the testResult.
isVerbose() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Is this mailet logging verbosely? This property is set by init parameters.


Keep - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Keep implements the Keep Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 4.4.
Keep() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Keep
Constructor for Keep.
KeepAction - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Performs the filing of a mail into the inbox.
KeepAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.KeepAction


lastToken - Variable in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.AddressNode
listMember(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
listMember(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
One string from a list.
LOCALPART_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.tests.AddressPartTags
Log - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions
Class Log is an extension that implements a Command to write messages to the Sieve Log.
Log() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Constructor for Log.
log(String, String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method log.
logDebug(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method logDebug.
logDiagnosticsInfo(Log) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Logs diagnotic information about the script coordinate.
logError(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method logError.
logFatal(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method logFatal.
logInfo(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method logInfo.
LogLevelTags - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions
Interface LogLevelTags defines the String constants for the tags used to specify the logging level.
logTrace(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method logTrace.
logWarn(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
Method logWarn.
lookup(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
Method lookup answers the class to which a Comparator name is mapped.
lookup(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestManagerImpl
Method lookup answers the class to which a Test name is mapped.
LookupException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class LookupException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while locating a Sieve resource.
LookupException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.LookupException
Constructor for LookupException.
LookupException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.LookupException
Constructor for LookupException.
LookupException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.LookupException
Constructor for LookupException.
LookupException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.LookupException
Constructor for LookupException.


MailAction - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Executes a Sieve action.
MailAdapter - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Interface MailAdapter defines the minimum functionality required of of a class implementing a mail message.
MailAdapter.Address - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Contains address data required for SIEVE processing.
MailUtils - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Class MailUtils implements utility methods that are useful when processing Sieve mail.
MailUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailUtils
Constructor for MailUtils.
match(String, String, String, String, SieveContext) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method match answers a boolean indicating if the parameter matchTarget compares to parameter matchArgument is a match of matchType using the comparator comparatorName.
match(MailAdapter, String, String, String, List<String>, List<String>, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractCompatatorTest
Method match.
match(MailAdapter, String, String, String, String, List<String>, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractCompatatorTest
Method match.
match(MailAdapter, String, String, String, String, String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractCompatatorTest
Method match.
match(MailAdapter, String, String, String, String, String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Address
match(String, String, String, MailAdapter.Address, String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Address
match(MailAdapter, String, String, List<String>, List<String>, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Header
Method match.
match(String, String, List<String>, List<String>, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Header
Method match.
match(String, String, String, List<String>, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Header
Method match.
match(String, String, String, String, String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Envelope
Method match.
match(MailAdapter, String, String, String, String, String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Envelope
matches(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiCasemap
matches(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.AsciiNumeric
Unsupported operation.
matches(String, String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method matches answers a boolean indicating if the parameter string matches the glob pattern described by parameter glob.
matches(String, String, String, SieveContext) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Method matches answers a boolean indicating if the parameter string/code> is matched by the patterm glob using an instance of comparatorName.
Matches - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Interface Matches defines the method signatures for matches comparators.
matches(String, String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Matches
Method matches answers a boolean indicating if parameter string1 matches the pattern in parameter glob using the matching rules defind by the implementation.
matches(String, String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Octet
MATCHES_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.MatchTypeTags
MatchTypeTags - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Interface MatchTypeTags defines the String constants used to specify an MATCH-TYPE tag.
MDNFactory - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class MDNFactory creates MimeMultipartReports containing Message Delivery Notifications as specified by RFC 2298.
ModifierError - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ModifierError
ModifierError() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierError
Default Constructor
ModifierExpired - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ModifierExpired
ModifierExpired() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierExpired
Default Constructor
ModifierFailed - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ModifierFailed
ModifierFailed() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierFailed
Default Constructor
ModifierMailboxTerminated - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ModifierMailboxTerminated
ModifierMailboxTerminated() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierMailboxTerminated
Default Constructor
ModifierSuperseded - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ModifierSuperseded
ModifierSuperseded() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierSuperseded
Default Constructor
ModifierWarning - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class ModifierWarning
ModifierWarning() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierWarning
Default Constructor


NodeHandler - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.util
Presents a low level reporting view of a Sieve node tree.
NodeToSieveAdapter - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Adapters low level NodeHandler output into a high level SieveHandler.
NodeToSieveAdapter(SieveHandler) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
Constructs an adapter to the given SieveHandler.
NodeTraverser - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Traverses nodes.
NodeTraverser() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeTraverser
Not - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class Not implements the Not Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.8.
Not() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Not
Constructor for Not.
NumberArgument - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
NumberArgument(Token) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.NumberArgument
Constructor for NumberArgument.


Octet - Class in org.apache.jsieve.comparators
Class Octet implements the EQUALITY operation of the i;octet comparator as defined by RFC2244, section 3.4 - "For the equality function, two strings are equal if they are the same length and contain the same octets in the same order.
Octet() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.Octet
Constructor for Octet.
OCTET_COMPARATOR - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorNames
openElement(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml.Out
Starts an XML element.
openElement(CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
Writes the start of an element.
openElement(CharSequence, CharSequence, CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
OperationException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class OperationException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while executing an Operation.
OperationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.OperationException
Constructor for OperationException.
OperationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.OperationException
Constructor for OperationException.
OperationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.OperationException
Constructor for OperationException.
OperationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.OperationException
Constructor for OperationException.
OperationNotAllowedException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.util
OperationNotAllowedException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.OperationNotAllowedException
OperationNotAllowedException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.util.OperationNotAllowedException
org.apache.jsieve - package org.apache.jsieve
org.apache.jsieve.commands - package org.apache.jsieve.commands
org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions - package org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions
org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional - package org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional
org.apache.jsieve.comparators - package org.apache.jsieve.comparators
org.apache.jsieve.exception - package org.apache.jsieve.exception
org.apache.jsieve.mail - package org.apache.jsieve.mail
org.apache.jsieve.mail.optional - package org.apache.jsieve.mail.optional
org.apache.jsieve.mailet - package org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Sieve filtering mailet.
org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn - package org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
MDN for JavaMail.
org.apache.jsieve.parser - package org.apache.jsieve.parser
org.apache.jsieve.parser.address - package org.apache.jsieve.parser.address
org.apache.jsieve.tests - package org.apache.jsieve.tests
org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional - package org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional
org.apache.jsieve.util - package org.apache.jsieve.util
Useful utilities for Sieve.
org.apache.jsieve.util.check - package org.apache.jsieve.util.check
This package contains the ScriptCheckMailAdapter MailAdapter implementation.
OutputUtils - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Output utilities.
OutputUtils() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.OutputUtils


parse(InputStream) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveFactory
Method parse parses a Sieve script into a hierarchy of parsed nodes.
parseAddresses(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Parses the named header value into individual addresses.
parseAddresses(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
parseAddresses(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
parseAddresses(String, Message) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Parses the value from the given message into addresses.
post(String, MimeMessage) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionContext
Experimental mail delivery.
post(MailAddress, Collection<MailAddress>, MimeMessage) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionContext
Posts the given mail.
post(String, MimeMessage) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mailet.Poster
Experimental mail delivery.
post(String, MimeMessage) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
post(MailAddress, Collection, MimeMessage) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Poster - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Experimental interface.


Redirect - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Redirect implements the Redirect Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 4.3.
Redirect() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Redirect
Constructor for Redirect.
RedirectAction - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Performs the redirection of a mail.
RedirectAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.RedirectAction
Reject - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional
Class Reject implements the Reject Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 4.1.
Reject() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.Reject
Constructor for Reject.
RejectAction - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Performs the rejection of a mail, with a reply to the sender.
RejectAction() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.RejectAction
Require - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Require implements the Require Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 3.2.
Require() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Require
Constructor for Require.
REQUIRE_EXTENSION_PREFIX - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
Prefix used to identify extension groups.
reset() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.SieveAddressBuilder
Clears the addresses currently accumulated.
reset() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Resets executed and accumlated actions.
ResourceLocator - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Experimental API locates resources.


ScriptChecker - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util.check
Checks a sieve script by executing it against a given mail and reporting the results.
ScriptChecker() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker
ScriptChecker.Results - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util.check
Contains results of script execution.
ScriptChecker.Results(Exception) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
ScriptChecker.Results(List) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
ScriptCheckMailAdapter - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util.check
Checks script execution for an email.
ScriptCheckMailAdapter() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
ScriptCoordinate - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Specifies the positional extent of an element within the script being executed.
ScriptCoordinate(int, int, int, int) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
SendingModeAutomatic - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class SendingModeAutomatic
SendingModeAutomatic() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.SendingModeAutomatic
Default Constructor
SendingModeManual - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class SendingModeManual
SendingModeManual() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.SendingModeManual
Default Constructor
service(Mail) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Delivers a mail to a local mailbox.
setActionMode(DispositionActionMode) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Set the Disposition Mode.
setActions(List<Action>) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Sets the actions.
setAddress(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionRedirect
Sets the address.
setArgumentList(List<Argument>) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Sets the arguments.
setArguments(Arguments) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Sets the arguments.
setArguments(Arguments) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
Sets the arguments.
setBlock(Block) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Sets the block.
setChildren(Commands) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Block
Sets the commands.
setChildren(List<Command>) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Commands
Sets the commands.
setCommandNameMapper(SieveToXml.NameMapper) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets mapper for command names.
setConditionManager(ConditionManager) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
setConditionManager(ConditionManager) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Sets the condition manager.
setConsume(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Sets whether this mailet should GHOST all mail.
setContext(SieveContext) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.mail.MailAdapter
Sets the context for the current sieve script execution.
setContext(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
setContext(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
setCoordinate(ScriptCoordinate) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.BaseSieveContext
Sets the script position of the current operation.
setCoordinate(ScriptCoordinate) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
Sets the script position of the current operation.
setDestination(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionFileInto
Sets the destination.
setDispositionModifiers(DispositionModifier[]) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Set the Disposition Modifiers.
setDispositionType(DispositionType) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Set the Disposition Type.
setElseAllowed(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Sets the elseAllowed.
setElseTestResult(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method setElseTestResult disables a following Else Command and records the test result.
setElsifTestResult(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method setElsifTestResult enables a following Else Command and records the test result.
setFirstToken(Token) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Sets the first token comprising this node.
setHasActions(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Sets the hasActions.
setIfTestResult(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Method setIfTestResult enables a following Else Command and records the test result.
setImplicitKeep(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Sets the implicitKeep.
setInitialConcurrencyLevel(int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
Sets the current initial size for the ConcurrentHashMap concurrency level.
setInProlog(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Sets the inProlog.
setLastToken(Token) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Sets the last token comprising this node.
setList(List<String>) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
Sets the list.
setListElementName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the element name used for lists.
setLocator(ResourceLocator) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
setLog(Log) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConfigurationManager
setLog(Log) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
setLog(Log) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
setMail(Mail) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Sets the mail.
setMail(Message) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptCheckMailAdapter
Sets the wrapped email and ScriptCheckMailAdapter.reset()s the adapter ready for another execution.
setMailetContext(MailetContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Sets the mailetContext.
setMessage(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionReject
Sets the message explaining the reason for rejection.
setMethodMap(ConcurrentMap<Class, MailAction>) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.ActionDispatcher
Sets the mail action mail.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Sets the name.
setName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
Sets the name.
setNameAttributeName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the name of the attribute to be used to indicate command and test names.
setNamespacePrefix(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the namespace prefix to be used for all elements and attributes.
setNamespaceUri(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the namespace uri to be used for all elements and attributes.
setNumberElementName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the name of the element that wraps a numeric argument.
setPoster(Poster) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
setQuiet(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Sets the logging for this mailet to minimal.
setRejected(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.CommandStateManager
Sets the isRejected.
setSendingMode(DispositionSendingMode) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
Set the Sending Mode.
setStringElementName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the name of the element that wraps a string element.
setTag(Token) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
Method setTag.
setTag(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
Sets the tag.
setTagElementName(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the name of the element that wraps a tag element
setTestList(TestList) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Sets the testList.
setTestNameMapper(SieveToXml.NameMapper) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Sets the mapper for names of test nodes.
setTestResult(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ConditionManager
Sets the testResult.
setTests(List<Test>) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Sets the children.
setValue(Integer) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.NumberArgument
Sets the value of the reciver to an Integer.
setValue(Token) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.NumberArgument
Sets the value of the receiver from a Token.
setValue(Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Sets the value.
setVerbose(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
Sets whether logging should be verbose for this mailet.
SieveAddressBuilder - Class in org.apache.jsieve.parser.address
Builds MailAdapter.Address from address lists.
SieveAddressBuilder() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.SieveAddressBuilder
SieveConfigurationException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve
Class SieveConfigurationException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while evaluating the Sieve configuration.
SieveConfigurationException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.SieveConfigurationException
Constructor for SieveConfigurationException.
SieveConfigurationException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.SieveConfigurationException
Constructor for SieveConfigurationException.
SieveConfigurationException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.SieveConfigurationException
Constructor for SieveConfigurationException.
SieveConfigurationException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.SieveConfigurationException
Constructor for SieveConfigurationException.
SieveContext - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Context for sieve operations.
SieveContext() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.SieveContext
SieveException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class SieveException indicates an exceptional condition encountered within Sieve.
SieveException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SieveException
Constructor for SieveException.
SieveException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SieveException
Constructor for SieveException.
SieveException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SieveException
Constructor for SieveException.
SieveException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SieveException
Constructor for SieveException.
SieveFactory - Class in org.apache.jsieve
SieveFactory is the primary invocation point for all Sieve operations.
SieveFactory(CommandManager, ComparatorManager, TestManager, Log) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.SieveFactory
Constructor for SieveFactory.
SieveHandler - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.util
Presents a high level reporting view of a Sieve node tree.
SieveHandler.Base - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Convenience basic implementation.
SieveHandler.Base() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
sieveInXmlMapper() - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Creates a mapper which returns values given in draft-freed-sieve-in-xml-01
Sieve Email Filtering: Sieves and display directives in XML.
SieveMailAdapter - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Class SieveMailAdapter implements a MailAdapter for use in a Mailet environment.
SieveMailAdapter(Mail, MailetContext, ActionDispatcher, Poster) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Constructor for SieveMailAdapter.
SieveMailboxMailet - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet
Executes a Sieve script against incoming mail.
SieveMailboxMailet() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
SieveMailboxMailet(Poster, ResourceLocator) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
SieveMailException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.mail
Class SieveMailException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while processing Sieve Mail.
SieveMailException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.mail.SieveMailException
Constructor for SieveMailException.
SieveMailException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.mail.SieveMailException
Constructor for SieveMailException.
SieveMailException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.mail.SieveMailException
Constructor for SieveMailException.
SieveMailException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.mail.SieveMailException
Constructor for SieveMailException.
SieveNode - Class in org.apache.jsieve.parser
Class SieveNode defines aspects all jjTree parse nodes may require.
SieveNode() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.parser.SieveNode
Constructor for SieveNode.
SieveParserVisitorImpl - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Class SieveParserVisitorImpl defines the behaviour for each visited node in the Sieve grammar.
SieveParserVisitorImpl(SieveContext) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
Constructor for NodeVisitor.
SievePatternException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class SievePatternException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while evaluating a glob expression.
SievePatternException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SievePatternException
Constructor for SievePatternException.
SievePatternException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SievePatternException
Constructor for SievePatternException.
SievePatternException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SievePatternException
Constructor for SievePatternException.
SievePatternException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SievePatternException
Constructor for SievePatternException.
sieveToJavaRegex(String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.comparators.ComparatorUtils
Converts a Sieve pattern in a java regex pattern
SieveToXml - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Converts Sieve nodes to xml.
SieveToXml() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
SieveToXml.NameMapper - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.util
Maps node names to element names.
SieveToXml.Out - Interface in org.apache.jsieve.util
Simple infoset output.
SieveValidationVisitor - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Validates nodes visited.
SieveValidationVisitor(CommandManager, TestManager, ComparatorManager) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
Size - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class Size implements the Size Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.9.
Size() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Size
Constructor for Size.
standardDefinedComparators() - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.ComparatorManagerImpl
Constructs a set containing the names of those comparisons for which require is not necessary before usage, according to RFC5228.
start() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts a tree traversal.
start(SimpleNode) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTstart) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTcommands) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTcommand) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTblock) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTarguments) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTargument) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTtest) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTtest_list) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTstring) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start(ASTstring_list) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeHandler
Starts traversal of given node.
start() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(SimpleNode) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTstart) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTcommands) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTcommand) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTblock) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTarguments) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTargument) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTtest) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTtest_list) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTstring) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
start(ASTstring_list) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeToSieveAdapter
startArguments() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startArguments() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a block of arguments.
startBlock() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startBlock() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a block.
startCommand(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startCommand(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a command.
startCommands() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startCommands() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a block of commands.
startDocument() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut
Starts a document by writing a prolog.
startScript() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startScript() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a Sieve script.
startStringListArgument() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startStringListArgument() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of an argument which is a list of strings.
startTest(String) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startTest(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a test.
startTestList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler.Base
startTestList() - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveHandler
Handles the start of a list of tests.
Stop - Class in org.apache.jsieve.commands
Class Stop implements the Stop Command as defined in RFC 3028, section 3.3.
Stop() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Stop
Constructor for Require.
StopException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class StopException indicates that evaluation should be terminated.
StopException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.StopException
Constructor for StopException.
StopException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.StopException
Constructor for StopException.
StopException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.StopException
Constructor for StopException.
StopException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.StopException
Constructor for StopException.
storeMail(MailAddress, MailAddress, Mail) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailboxMailet
StringListArgument - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Class StringListArgument is a parsed representation of the RFC3028 BNF...
StringListArgument(List<String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
Constructor for StringListArgument.
SyntaxException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class SyntaxException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while evaluating the operands of a Sieve operation, such as a Command, Test or Comparator.
SyntaxException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SyntaxException
Constructor for SyntaxException.
SyntaxException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SyntaxException
Constructor for SyntaxException.
SyntaxException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SyntaxException
Constructor for SyntaxException.
SyntaxException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.SyntaxException
Constructor for SyntaxException.
syntaxException(CharSequence) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.ScriptCoordinate
Creates a syntax exception based on the given message containing details of the script position.


TAG_COMPARATOR - Static variable in class org.apache.jsieve.Constants
TagArgument - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of an RFC3028 TAG argument...
TagArgument(Token) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
Constructor for TagArgument.
Test - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of an RFC3028 test argument...
Test(String, Arguments) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.Test
Constructor for Test.
test(MailAdapter, String, int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Size
Method test.
TestException - Exception in org.apache.jsieve.exception
Class TestException indicates an exceptional condition encountered while executing a Test.
TestException() - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.TestException
Constructor for TestException.
TestException(String) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.TestException
Constructor for TestException.
TestException(String, Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.TestException
Constructor for TestException.
TestException(Throwable) - Constructor for exception org.apache.jsieve.exception.TestException
Constructor for TestException.
TestList - Class in org.apache.jsieve
A parsed representation of an RFC3028 testlist argument...
TestList(List<Test>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Constructor for TestList.
TestList(Test) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
Constructor for TestList.
TestManager - Interface in org.apache.jsieve
Maps Test names to configured Test implementation classes.
TestManagerImpl - Class in org.apache.jsieve
Maps Test names to configured Test implementation classes.
TestManagerImpl(ConcurrentMap<String, String>) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.TestManagerImpl
TestManager is instanciated with getInstance
testOver(MailAdapter, int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Size
Method testOver.
testUnder(MailAdapter, int) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Size
Method testUnder.
toElementName(String) - Method in interface org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml.NameMapper
Converts the given node name to an element local name.
toSieve(Node, Writer) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.OutputUtils
Writes the tree rooted at the given node to a Sieve script.
ToSieveHandlerFactory - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Builds sieve handlers that convert nodes to a Sieve script.
ToSieveHandlerFactory() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.ToSieveHandlerFactory
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Block
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Command
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Commands
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionFileInto
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionKeep
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionRedirect
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mail.ActionReject
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ActionModeAutomatic
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ActionModeManual
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.Disposition
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierError
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierExpired
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierFailed
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierMailboxTerminated
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierSuperseded
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.ModifierWarning
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.SendingModeAutomatic
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.SendingModeManual
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDeleted
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDenied
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDispatched
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDisplayed
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeFailed
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeProcessed
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.NumberArgument
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TagArgument
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Test
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.TestList
toString() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.check.ScriptChecker.Results
Prints out details of results.
toXml(Node, Writer) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.OutputUtils
Writes the given node as xml.
toXmlDocument(Node, Writer) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.OutputUtils
Writes the given node as xml.
TRACE_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.LogLevelTags
traverse(NodeHandler, Node) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeTraverser
Traverses the tree structure rooted at the given node.
traverse(SieveHandler, Node) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.NodeTraverser
Traverses the tree structure rooted at the given node.
True - Class in org.apache.jsieve.tests
Class True implements the True Test as defined in RFC 3028, section 5.10.
True() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.tests.True
Constructor for True.
TypeDeleted - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class TypeDeleted
TypeDeleted() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDeleted
Default Constructor
TypeDenied - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class TypeDenied
TypeDenied() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDenied
Default Constructor
TypeDispatched - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class TypeDispatched
TypeDispatched() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDispatched
Default Constructor
TypeDisplayed - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class TypeDisplayed
TypeDisplayed() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeDisplayed
Default Constructor
TypeFailed - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class TypeFailed
TypeFailed() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeFailed
Default Constructor
TypeProcessed - Class in org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn
Class TypeProcessed
TypeProcessed() - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.mdn.TypeProcessed
Default Constructor


uniformMapper(String) - Static method in class org.apache.jsieve.util.SieveToXml
Creates a mapper which will return the same name for any node.
updateActions() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.mailet.SieveMailAdapter
Updates the actions.
updateList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.StringListArgument
Updates the list.
updateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractActionCommand
Method updateState() updates the CommandStateManager to indicate an Action Command has been processed and to cancel implicit keep.
updateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractBodyCommand
Method updateState() updates the CommandStateManager to indicate a Body Command has been processed.
updateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Framework method updateState is invoked after a Sieve Command has executed to update the Sieve state.
updateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.Reject
updateTestList() - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.Arguments
Updates the TestList


validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Framework method validateArguments is invoked before a Sieve Command is executed to validate its arguments.
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Elsif
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.Log
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.If
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.FileInto
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.Reject
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Redirect
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Require
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractCompatatorTest
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.AbstractTest
Framework method validateArguments is invoked before a Sieve Test is executed to validate its arguments.
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Exists
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Header
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.optional.Body
validateArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.tests.Size
validateBlock(Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Framework method validateBlock is invoked before a Sieve Command is executed to validate its Block.
validateBlock(Block, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractConditionalCommand
validateCommand(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Require
Method validateCommand.
validateFeature(String, MailAdapter, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Require
Method validateFeature validates the required feature is configured as either a Command or a Test.
validateSingleStringArguments(Arguments, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractActionCommand
This is an utility method for subclasses
validateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractActionCommand
Method validateState() validates via the CommandStateManager that an Action Command is legal at this time.
validateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractCommand
Framework method validateState is invoked before a Sieve Command is executed to validate its state.
validateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.AbstractPrologCommand
Method validateState() ensures, via the CommandStateManager, that a Prolog Command is permissible.
validateState(SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.optional.Reject
validateTest(String, SieveContext) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.commands.Require
Method validateTest.
visit(SimpleNode, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTaddress_list, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTaddress, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTmailbox, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTname_addr, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTgroup_body, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTangle_addr, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTroute, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTphrase, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTaddr_spec, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTlocal_part, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTdomain, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.parser.address.BaseAddressListVisitor
visit(ASTargument, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTarguments, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTblock, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTcommand, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTcommands, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTstart, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTstring_list, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTstring, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTtest_list, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(ASTtest, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(SimpleNode, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
visit(SimpleNode, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTstart, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTcommands, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTcommand, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTblock, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTarguments, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTargument, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTtest, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTtest_list, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTstring, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visit(ASTstring_list, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveValidationVisitor
visitChildren(SimpleNode, Object) - Method in class org.apache.jsieve.SieveParserVisitorImpl
Method visitChildren adds the children of the node to the passed List.


WARN_TAG - Static variable in interface org.apache.jsieve.commands.extensions.LogLevelTags


XmlOut - Class in org.apache.jsieve.util
Lightweight SieveToXml.Out implementation.
XmlOut(Writer) - Constructor for class org.apache.jsieve.util.XmlOut


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