The Jakarta Project The Jakarta Slide Project



User's Guide

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Programmer's Corner

Slide API


11/06/2001 - Slide 1.0 branch

The Slide 1.0 maintenance branch has been created in the CVS repository. The tag name is "SLIDE_1_0".

11/06/2001 - Slide 1.0.16 (stable) released

Slide 1.0.16 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_16".

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

Get the source code in .zip or .tar.gz format.

10/10/2001 - Tamino WebDAV server released

Software AG announced the release of the first version of the Tamino WebDAV server (more details here).

The Tamino WebDAV Server uses Slide as the central WebDAV engine.

10/07/2001 - Slide 1.0.15 (beta) released

Slide 1.0.15 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_15".

09/02/2001 - Slide 1.0.14 (alpha) released

Slide 1.0.14 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_14".

08/28/2001 - Slide 1.0.13 (alpha) released

Slide 1.0.13 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_13".

07/27/2001 - Slide 1.0.12 (alpha) released

Slide 1.0.12 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_12".

07/07/2001 - Slide 1.0.11 (alpha) released

Slide 1.0.11 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_11".

06/07/2001 - Slide @ JavaOne 2001

The slides of the BOF on Slide and WebDAV which was given at JavaOne on 06/06/2001 are now available here.

05/28/2001 - Slide 1.0.10 (alpha) released

Slide 1.0.10 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_10".

03/25/2001 - Slide 1.0.9 (alpha) released

Slide 1.0.9 is now available, and the source in the CVS has been tagged as "SLIDE_1_0_9".

03/10/2001 - Slide nightly builds available

Slide nightly builds are available again, in both source and binary form in the builds section of the Jakarta website. Kudos to Sam Ruby for making Gump (and doing the setup for Slide) :-)

03/03/2001 - Slide 1.0M8 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

02/19/2001 - UML diagrams available online

The UML diagrams for the Slide API have been contributed by Michael Dalrymple and are available here. They are based on Slide 1.0 milestone 7.

02/16/2001 - JavaDoc available online

The JavaDoc of both the Slide API and of the HTTP/WebDAV client library API is now available for online browsing.

02/11/2001 - Slide 1.0M7 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

01/20/2001 - Slide 1.0M6 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

12/15/2000 - Slide 1.0M5 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

12/03/2000 - Slide 1.0M4 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

11/28/2000 - Slide 1.0M3 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

11/25/2000 - Slide 1.0M2 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

11/19/2000 - Slide 1.0M1 released !

Get it in .zip or .tar.gz format.

May 2000 - Slide 0.7 (original CVS release)

Original Slide codebase, donated by Intalio Inc.

Copyright © 1999-2001, Apache Software Foundation