Class EventStateCollection

  extended byorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.observation.EventStateCollection

public final class EventStateCollection
extends Object

The EventStateCollection class implements how EventState objects are created based on the ItemStates passed to the createEventStates(org.apache.jackrabbit.core.NodeId, org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ChangeLog, org.apache.jackrabbit.core.state.ItemStateManager) method.

The basic sequence of method calls is:

Method Summary
 void addAll(Collection c)
          Adds all event states in the given collection to this collection
 void createEventStates(NodeId rootNodeId, ChangeLog changes, ItemStateManager stateMgr)
          Creates EventState instances from ItemState changes.
 void dispatch()
          Dispatches the events to the EventListeners.
 Path getPathPrefix()
          Returns the path prefix for this event state collection or null if no path prefix was set in the constructor of this collection.
 void prepare()
          Prepares already added events for dispatching.
 void prepareDeleted(ChangeLog changes)
          Prepares deleted items from changes.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public void createEventStates(NodeId rootNodeId,
                              ChangeLog changes,
                              ItemStateManager stateMgr)
                       throws ItemStateException
Creates EventState instances from ItemState changes.

rootNodeId - the id of the root node.
changes - the changes on ItemStates.
stateMgr - an ItemStateManager to provide ItemState of items that are not contained in the changes collection.
ItemStateException - if an error occurs while creating events states for the item state changes.


public void addAll(Collection c)
Adds all event states in the given collection to this collection

c -


public void prepare()
Prepares already added events for dispatching.


public void prepareDeleted(ChangeLog changes)
Prepares deleted items from changes.

changes - the changes to prepare.


public void dispatch()
Dispatches the events to the EventListeners.


public Path getPathPrefix()
Returns the path prefix for this event state collection or null if no path prefix was set in the constructor of this collection. See also EventStateCollection#EventStateCollection.

the path prefix for this event state collection.

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