Class FileSystemConfig

  extended byorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.BeanConfig
      extended byorg.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.FileSystemConfig

public class FileSystemConfig
extends BeanConfig

File system configuration. This bean configuration class is used to create a configured file system object. The file system is instantiated by the init() method, and accessible using the getFileSystem() method. Calling dispose() will close and dispose a file system instance previously created by the init() method.

Constructor Summary
FileSystemConfig(BeanConfig config)
          Creates a file system configuration object.
Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Closes and disposes a file system instance previously created by the init() method, i.e.
 FileSystem getFileSystem()
          Returns the configured file system.
 void init()
          Instantiates and initializes the configured file system implementation class.
Methods inherited from class org.apache.jackrabbit.core.config.BeanConfig
getClassName, getParameters, newInstance
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public FileSystemConfig(BeanConfig config)
Creates a file system configuration object.

config - file system implementation class configuration
Method Detail


public void init()
          throws ConfigurationException,
Instantiates and initializes the configured file system implementation class.

ConfigurationException - on file system initialization errors
IllegalStateException - if the file system has already been initialized


public void dispose()
Closes and disposes a file system instance previously created by the init() method, i.e. resets this instance to the uninitialized state.


public FileSystem getFileSystem()
                         throws IllegalStateException
Returns the configured file system. The init() method must have been called before this method can be invoked.

configured file system
IllegalStateException - if the file system has not been initialized

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