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lcn_terminfos.h File Reference

Routines for manipulating the terminfos file from a lucene segment. More...

#include "lcn_types.h"
#include "lcn_directory.h"
#include "lcn_term.h"
#include <apr_hash.h>
#include <apr_file_io.h>

Go to the source code of this file.


typedef lcn_terminfo_t lcn_terminfo_t
 Opaque structure representing the information about a particular term.
typedef lcn_terminfos_idx_t lcn_terminfos_idx_t
 Opaque structure representing the contents of the terminfos index.
typedef lcn_terminfos_t lcn_terminfos_t
 Opaque structure representing a segments terminfos file.


const lcn_term_tlcn_terminfo_term (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti)
 Return the term ti corresponds to.
apr_uint32_t lcn_terminfo_field_num (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti)
 Return the field number ti corresponds to.
apr_uint32_t lcn_terminfo_doc_freq (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti)
 Return the document frequency for terminfo ti.
apr_uint64_t lcn_terminfo_prox_position (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti)
 Return the proximity position for terminfo ti.
apr_uint64_t lcn_terminfo_freq_position (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti)
 Return the frequency position for terminfo ti.
apr_uint32_t lcn_terminfo_skip_offset (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti)
 Return the skip offset for terminfo ti.
lcn_terminfo_tlcn_terminfo_copy (const lcn_terminfo_t *ti, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return a copy of terminfo ti, allocated in pool.
lcn_error_tlcn_terminfos_idx_read (lcn_terminfos_idx_t **tisidx, const lcn_directory_t *directory, const lcn_char_t *segment, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Read the terminfos index for segment in directory directory and return it in tisidx, allocated in pool.
apr_uint64_t lcn_terminfos_idx_get_count (const lcn_terminfos_idx_t *tisidx)
 Return the count of the terminfos in tisidx.
lcn_error_tlcn_terminfos_idx_get_terminfo (lcn_terminfo_t **ti, const lcn_terminfos_idx_t *tisidx, apr_uint64_t position)
 Return the terminfo ti at position in tisidx.
lcn_error_tlcn_terminfos_open (lcn_terminfos_t **tis, const lcn_directory_t *directory, const lcn_char_t *segment, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Open the terminfos file for segment in directory, return it in tis, allocated in pool.
lcn_error_tlcn_terminfos_get_terminfo (lcn_terminfo_t **ti, const lcn_terminfos_t *tis, const lcn_term_t *term, apr_pool_t *pool)
 Return the terminfo ti from tis that corresponds to term, allocated in pool.

Detailed Description

Routines for manipulating the terminfos file from a lucene segment.

Definition in file lcn_terminfos.h.

Generated on Sat Mar 26 08:12:11 2005 for Lucene4c by  doxygen 1.4.0