Uses of Class

Packages that use JobPool

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job that return JobPool
 JobPool Job.getJobPool()

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job with parameters of type JobPool
 void Job.setJobPool(JobPool jobPool)

Constructors in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job with parameters of type JobPool
Job(int parentId, State state, java.lang.String options, Hardware h, Function func, JobPool jp)
Job(Job parent, java.lang.String options, Hardware h, Function f, JobPool jp)
Job(java.lang.String options, Hardware h, Function f, JobPool jp)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool that return JobPool
 JobPool JobPool.correctStates()
 JobPool JobPool.fillObject(java.sql.ResultSet r)
 JobPool JobPool.get(int id)
static JobPool JobPool.getJobPool(int id)
 JobPool JobPoolModel.getObject(int id)
static JobPool JobPool.reportCompleted(JobPool jp)
static JobPool jp)

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool that return types with arguments of type JobPool
static java.util.Collection<JobPool> JobPool.getJobPools()
static java.util.Collection<JobPool> JobPool.getJobPools(Project p)
static java.util.Collection<JobPool> JobPool.getJobPools(State s)
static java.util.Collection<JobPool> JobPool.getJobPools(User u)
static TMCCollectionImpl<JobPool> JobPool.getJobPools(User u, java.util.Date startDate, java.util.Date endDate, java.lang.String filter, Function... functions)
static java.util.Collection<JobPool> JobPool.getJobPoolsLimited(State s)
 java.util.Collection<JobPool> JobPoolModel.getObjects()

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool with parameters of type JobPool
static void JobPool.complete(JobPool jp)
static JobPool JobPool.reportCompleted(JobPool jp)
static JobPool jp)
static void JobPool.update(JobPool jp)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.pool

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.pool with parameters of type JobPool
 void HostingPoolModel.addVirtualHost(VirtualHost vh, JobPool jobPool, HostingPool hp, User u)
 void HostingPoolModel.checkLogAndDeploy(Project p, User u, JobPool jobPool, HostingPool hp, VirtualHost vh)
 void HostingPoolModel.deployApacheConfs(Project p, User u, JobPool jobPool, java.util.Collection<HostingPool> c)
 void HostingPoolModel.deployApacheConfs(Project p, User u, JobPool jobPool, HostingPool hp)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.project

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.project that return types with arguments of type JobPool
 java.util.SortedSet<JobPool> Project.getJobPools()

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.server

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.server with parameters of type JobPool
 void HardwareModel.addHardware(JobPool jp, Hardware h)
 void HardwareModel.deleteHardware(JobPool jp, Hardware h)
 void HardwareModel.deployJvmConf(User u, java.util.Collection<Hardware> c, JobPool jobPool)
 void HardwareModel.deployJvmConf(User u, Hardware h, JobPool jobPool)
 void HardwareModel.updateHardware(JobPool jp, Hardware h)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.user

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.user that return types with arguments of type JobPool
 java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,JobPool> User.getRecentJobPools(int number)
 java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,JobPool> User.getRecentJobPools(java.lang.String number)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.interfaces

Fields in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.interfaces declared as JobPool
protected  JobPool

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.util

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.util that return JobPool
 JobPool TMCVelocityViewTool.getJobPool(int id)
 JobPool TMCVelocityViewTool.getJobPool(java.lang.String id)

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.util that return types with arguments of type JobPool
 TMCCollectionImpl<JobPool> TMCVelocityViewTool.getJobPools(int userId, java.lang.String filter, java.lang.String startDate, java.lang.String endDate, int... functionIds)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller.task

Constructors in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller.task with parameters of type JobPool
BuildDeployApacheConfig(ApacheWorker aw, JobPool jobPool, boolean shouldGraceful)
BuildDeployApacheConfig(Job j, ApacheWorker aw, JobPool jobPool, boolean shouldGraceful)
CheckJobPoolTask(JobPool jp)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.httpd.api.entity

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.httpd.api.entity with parameters of type JobPool
static boolean VirtualHost.delete(java.util.Collection<VirtualHost> c, User u, JobPool jp)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.httpd.api.pool

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.httpd.api.pool with parameters of type JobPool
 void ApachePoolModel.configtestApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)
 void ApachePoolModel.deployApacheConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)
 void ApachePoolModel.gracefulApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)
 void ApachePoolModel.restartApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)
 void ApachePoolModel.startApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)
 void ApachePoolModel.stopApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)
 void ApachePoolModel.updateApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApachePool ap)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.httpd.api.worker

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.httpd.api.worker with parameters of type JobPool
 void ApacheWorkerModel.configtestApache(Function f, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.configtestApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.deployApacheConfig(Function f, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.deployApacheConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.deployApacheConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw, Function f)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.gracefulApache(Function f, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.gracefulApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.restartApache(Function f, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.restartApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.startApache(Function f, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.startApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.stopApache(Function f, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)
 void ApacheWorkerModel.stopApache(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, ApacheWorker aw)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.tomcat.api.pool

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.tomcat.api.pool with parameters of type JobPool
 void TomcatPoolModel.deployTomcatConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatPool tp)
 void TomcatPoolModel.deployTomcatConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatPool tp, Function f)
 void TomcatPoolModel.restartTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatPool tp)
 void TomcatPoolModel.startTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatPool tp)
 void TomcatPoolModel.stopTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatPool tp)
 void TomcatPoolModel.updateTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatPool tp)

Uses of JobPool in org.apache.lokahi.tomcat.api.worker

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.tomcat.api.worker with parameters of type JobPool
 void TomcatWorkerModel.deployTomcatConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatWorker tw)
 void TomcatWorkerModel.deployTomcatConfig(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatWorker tw, Function f)
 void TomcatWorkerModel.restartTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatWorker tw)
 void TomcatWorkerModel.startTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatWorker tw)
 void TomcatWorkerModel.stopTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatWorker tw)
 void TomcatWorkerModel.updateTomcat(User u, Project p, JobPool jobPool, TomcatWorker tw)