Uses of Class

Packages that use Job

Uses of Job in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job that return Job
 Job Job.fillObject(java.sql.ResultSet r)
 Job Job.get(int id)
static Job Job.getJob(int id)
static Job Job.getJob(java.lang.String name)
 Job JobModel.getObject(int id)
 Job Job.getParent()
static Job j)

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job that return types with arguments of type Job
static java.util.Collection<Job> Job.getJobs()
static java.util.Collection<Job> Job.getJobs(Instance i, State s)
static java.util.Collection<Job> Job.getJobs(int poolId)
          Returns a collection of ints that are the ids of the jobs in the job pool.
 java.util.Collection<Job> JobModel.getObjects()

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job with parameters of type Job
 void Job.setParent(Job parent)
static Job j)
static boolean Job.update(Job j)
          This method stores the job into the database, so the user can keep checking his 'Recent Jobs' to see if the request is processed

Constructors in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.job with parameters of type Job
Job(Job parent, java.lang.String options, Hardware h, Function f, JobPool jp)

Uses of Job in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool that return types with arguments of type Job
 java.util.Collection<Job> JobPool.getJobs()
 java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.String,java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,Job>> JobPool.getSortedJobs()

Method parameters in org.apache.lokahi.core.api.jobpool with type arguments of type Job
 void JobPool.setJobs(java.util.Collection<Job> jobs)

Uses of Job in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.util

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.common.util that return types with arguments of type Job
 java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.String,java.util.TreeMap<java.lang.Integer,Job>> TMCVelocityViewTool.getRunningJobs()

Uses of Job in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller that return Job
 Job ControllerJobFactory.fillObject(java.sql.ResultSet r)

Methods in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller that return types with arguments of type Job
 java.util.Collection<Job> ControllerJobFactory.getJobs(State s)

Uses of Job in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller.task

Constructors in org.apache.lokahi.core.controller.task with parameters of type Job
BuildDeployApacheConfig(Job j, ApacheWorker aw, JobPool jobPool, boolean shouldGraceful)
SendJobTask(Job j)