Uses of Class

Packages that use NestableRuntimeException

Uses of NestableRuntimeException in org.apache.portals.graffito.jcr.exception

Subclasses of NestableRuntimeException in org.apache.portals.graffito.jcr.exception
 class CustomNodeTypeCreationException
          This exception is thrown during repository setup while creating the custom graffito node types.
 class IllegalUnlockException
          If user cannot unlock path, for example if he/she have not correct lockTokens
 class IncorrectAtomicTypeException
          Occurs when the jcr mapping converters try to assign or read an incorrect atomic field type.
 class InitMapperException
          Occurs when it is not possible to initialise the Mapper
 class JcrMappingException
          Base class of all runtime exceptions used in the JCR mapping.
 class LockedException
          Throwed if a path is locked and a operation cannot be performed
 class LockingException
          Base exception for all exceptions related to JCR Locking feature.
 class PersistenceException
          Occurs when it is not possible to persist an object
 class RepositoryException
          Occurs when it is not possible to manage the JCR repository (register, login, ...)
 class VersionException
          Occurs when it is not possible to read information on version or manage versions

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