Interface OjbFactory

All Known Implementing Classes:
DefaultOjbFactory, SpringOjbFactory

public interface OjbFactory

Interface featuring methods for OJB PersistenceBroker handling, allowing for reuse of PersistenceBroker instances within transactions. Note : inspired from the Spring framework.

$Id:,v 1.1 2004/12/22 20:37:01 christophe Exp $
Lombart Christophe

Method Summary getPersistenceBroker( pbKey, boolean allowCreate)
          Get an OJB PersistenceBroker for the given PBKey. getPersistenceBroker( pbKey, boolean allowCreate, boolean allowSynchronization)
          Get an OJB PersistenceBroker for the given PBKey.

Method Detail

getPersistenceBroker getPersistenceBroker( pbKey,
                                                             boolean allowCreate)
Get an OJB PersistenceBroker for the given PBKey. Is aware of a corresponding PersistenceBroker bound to the current thread, for example when using PersistenceBrokerTransactionManager. Will create a new PersistenceBroker else, if allowCreate is true.

pbKey - PBKey to create the PersistenceBroker for
allowCreate - if a new PersistenceBroker should be created if no thread-bound found
the PersistenceBroker
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no thread-bound PersistenceBroker found and allowCreate false

getPersistenceBroker getPersistenceBroker( pbKey,
                                                             boolean allowCreate,
                                                             boolean allowSynchronization)
Get an OJB PersistenceBroker for the given PBKey. Is aware of a corresponding PersistenceBroker bound to the current thread, for example when using PersistenceBrokerTransactionManager. Will create a new PersistenceBroker else.

pbKey - PBKey to create the PersistenceBroker for
allowCreate - if a new PersistenceBroker should be created if no thread-bound found
allowSynchronization - if a new OJB PersistenceBroker is supposed to be registered with transaction synchronization (if synchronization is active). This will always be true for typical data access code.
the PersistenceBroker
java.lang.IllegalStateException - if no thread-bound PersistenceBroker found and allowCreate false

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