Interface CmsAccessController

All Known Implementing Classes:
CmsAccessControllerImpl, EmptyCmsAccessControllerImpl

public interface CmsAccessController

This interface is used by the different Graffito services in order to control permission for CMS actions (edit document, view document, create folder, ...).

Method Summary
 boolean hasPermission(java.lang.Object object, java.lang.String actions)
          check if the Subject can do specific actions on the a cms object
 boolean hasPermission(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String actions)
          Check permission for an cms object

Method Detail


boolean hasPermission(java.lang.Object object,
                      java.lang.String actions)
check if the Subject can do specific actions on the a cms object

object - The object on which the permission has to be checked. This object can be a CmsObject, a Server or an HistoryElement
actions - a comma separated list of actions
true if the action(s) are permitted


boolean hasPermission(java.lang.String uri,
                      java.lang.String actions)
Check permission for an cms object

uri - The uri assigned to the cms object
actions - The actions to checl (comma separeted list of actions)
true if the user has sufficient permission

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