Uses of Class

Packages that use ContentManagementException

Uses of ContentManagementException in org.apache.portals.graffito.exception

Subclasses of ContentManagementException in org.apache.portals.graffito.exception
 class CmsIncorrectServerException
          Exception occurs when a Server is not correct to do a specific operation like register/unregister a server
 class CmsInstantiateException
          Exception occurs when a CMS object cannot be instantiate
 class CmsInvalidObjectException
          Exception occurs when a CmsObject is not valid
 class CmsInvalidUriException
          Exception occurs when a CmsObject is not valid
 class CmsNotUniqueException
          Exception occurs when a content model item is not unique.
 class CmsPermissionException
          Exception occurs when a permission check fails.

Uses of ContentManagementException in

Methods in that throw ContentManagementException
 void ContentModelService.addContent(Content content)
          Adds a content to engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.addFolder(Folder folder)
          Adds a new folder to engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.addLink(Link link)
          Adds a Link to engine's persistent store.
 void ContentServerService.addServer(Server server)
          Adds a new server to engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.addVersionnedContent(VersionnedContent versionnedContent)
          Adds a versionned content to engine's persistent store.
 Content ContentModelService.createContent()
          Factory to create a new empty generic content object.
 Content ContentModelService.createContent(java.lang.String contentName)
          Factory to create a new empty content object.
 FileSystemServer ContentServerService.createFileSystemServer()
          Factory to create a new File System server reference object
 Folder ContentModelService.createFolder()
          Factory to create a new Folder object.
 GraffitoServer ContentServerService.createGraffitoServer()
          Factory to create a new Graffito server reference object
 Link ContentModelService.createLink()
          Factory to create a new Link object.
 CmsPermission ContentPermissionService.createPermission(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String actions)
          Factory to create a new cms permission object.
 VersionnedContent ContentModelService.createVersionnedContent()
          Factory to create a new empty generic versionned content object.
 VersionnedContent ContentModelService.createVersionnedContent(java.lang.String contentName)
          Factory to create a new empty versionned content object.
 WebdavServer ContentServerService.createWebdavServer()
          Factory to create a new WEBDAV server reference object
 java.util.Collection ContentServerService.getAllServers()
          Get all server references defined into the engine's persistence store.
 java.util.Collection ContentModelService.getChildren(Folder folder)
          Get all folder children.
 java.util.Collection ContentModelService.getChildren(java.lang.String parentUri)
          Get all folder children (documents & folders).
 CmsObject ContentModelService.getCmsObject(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a CmsObject from the engine's persistent store.
 Content ContentModelService.getContent(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a content from the engine's persistent store by uri.
 java.util.Collection ContentModelService.getContents(java.lang.String parentUri)
          Get all contents found in a parent uri.
 Folder ContentModelService.getFolder(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a folder from the engine's persistent store.
 java.util.Collection ContentModelService.getFolders(java.lang.String parentUri)
          Get all folders found in a parent uri.
 HistoryElement ContentVersionService.getHistory(java.lang.String uri)
          Get the last history element associated to an uri
 HistoryElement ContentVersionService.getHistory(VersionnedContent versionnedContent)
          Get the history element associated to a specific versionned content
 Link ContentModelService.getLink(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a Link from the engine's persistent store.
 java.util.Collection ContentModelService.getLinks(java.lang.String parentUri)
          Get all links found in a parent uri.
 Server ContentServerService.getServer(java.lang.String scope)
          Get a server reference from the engine's persistent store.
 VersionnedContent ContentModelService.getVersionnedContent(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a versionned content from the engine's persistent store by uri.
 VersionnedContent ContentModelService.getVersionnedContent(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String versionNum)
          Get a versionned content from the engine's persistent store by uri.
 void ContentPermissionService.grantPermission(java.lang.String principalFullPath, CmsPermission permission)
          Grant a CmsPermission to a principal
 void ContentModelService.removeAll(java.lang.String[] uris)
          Remove many cms objects
 void ContentModelService.removeContent(Content content)
          Remove a content from the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.removeFolder(Folder folder)
          Remove a folder from the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.removeLink(Link link)
          Remove a Link from the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentServerService.removeServer(Server server)
          Remove a server from the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.removeVersionnedContent(VersionnedContent versionnedContent)
          Remove a versionned content from the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.updateContent(Content content)
          Update a content in the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.updateFolder(Folder folder)
          Update a folder in the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.updateLink(Link link)
          Update a link in the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentServerService.updateServer(Server server)
          Update a server reference into the engine's persistent store.
 void ContentModelService.updateVersionnedContent(VersionnedContent versionnedContent)
          Update a versionned content in the engine's persistent store.

Uses of ContentManagementException in

Methods in that throw ContentManagementException
 void DocumentModelService.addDocument(Document document)
          Adds a document to engine's persistent store.
 Document DocumentModelService.createDocument()
          Factory to create a new empty document object.
 Document DocumentModelService.getDocument(java.lang.String uri)
          Get a document from the engine's persistent store by uri.
 Document DocumentModelService.getDocument(java.lang.String uri, java.lang.String versionNum)
          Get a document from the engine's persistent store by uri.
 void DocumentModelService.removeDocument(Document document)
          Remove a document from the engine's persistent store.
 void DocumentModelService.updateDocument(Document document)
          Update a document in the engine's persistent store.

Uses of ContentManagementException in

Methods in that throw ContentManagementException
 SearchResults ContentSearchService.searchCmsObjects(java.lang.Class cmsObjectClass, Filter filter)
          Search on CmsObjects
 SearchResults ContentSearchService.searchCmsObjects(Filter filter)
          Search on CmsObjects

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