Class QueueLink

Package class diagram package QueueLink
  extended by org.apache.droids.queue.QueueLink
All Implemented Interfaces:
Link, Task

public class QueueLink
extends Object
implements Link, Task

Simple implementation of a task that as well is an implementation of a task

Constructor Summary
QueueLink(String uri, String taskDate, int depth)
          Create a new instance of a QueueLink based on the input parameter.
Method Summary
 int getDepth()
          Which is the depth of the current task.
 String[] getFrom()
          From where the link was created
 String getId()
          The id of the task.
 String getLastModifiedDate()
          last modified date
 String getTaskDate()
          When did the task showed up the first time in the queue
 String[] getTo()
          To where the link is pointing to
 void setDepth(int depth)
          The limit of nested task extractions we want to allow
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public QueueLink(String uri,
                 String taskDate,
                 int depth)
Create a new instance of a QueueLink based on the input parameter.

uri - the uri of that identifies the task uniquely
taskDate - when the task first registered within the queue
depth - the max depth we want to admit.
Method Detail


public String[] getFrom()
Description copied from interface: Link
From where the link was created

Specified by:
getFrom in interface Link
the parent link from where the link was coming from


public String getLastModifiedDate()
Description copied from interface: Link
last modified date

Specified by:
getLastModifiedDate in interface Link
last modified date


public String[] getTo()
Description copied from interface: Link
To where the link is pointing to

Specified by:
getTo in interface Link
the location where the link is pointing to


public String getId()
Description copied from interface: Task
The id of the task. In a standard crawl that is most likely the url that identifies the task

Specified by:
getId in interface Task
The id of the task


public String getTaskDate()
Description copied from interface: Task
When did the task showed up the first time in the queue

Specified by:
getTaskDate in interface Task
the date when the task registered with the queue


public int getDepth()
Description copied from interface: Task
Which is the depth of the current task.

Specified by:
getDepth in interface Task
the depth of the current tas


public void setDepth(int depth)
Description copied from interface: Task
The limit of nested task extractions we want to allow

Specified by:
setDepth in interface Task
depth - limit of nested task extractions

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