Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Datastream Namespace Reference

Ignite Streamer classes. More...


interface  IDataStreamer
 Data streamer is responsible for loading external data into cache. It achieves it by properly buffering updates and properly mapping keys to nodes responsible for the data to make sure that there is the least amount of data movement possible and optimal network and memory utilization. More...
interface  IStreamReceiver
 Updates cache with batch of entries. Usually it is enough to configure IDataStreamer<K,V>.AllowOverwrite property and appropriate internal cache receiver will be chosen automatically. But in some cases custom implementation may help to achieve better performance. More...
class  StreamTransformer
 Convenience adapter to transform update existing values in streaming cache based on the previously cached value. More...
class  StreamVisitor
 Convenience adapter to visit every key-value tuple in the stream. Note that the visitor does not update the cache. More...

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