Apache Ignite.NET
Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV > Interface Template Reference

API for cache persistent storage for read-through and write-through behavior. More...

Inheritance diagram for Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >:
Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData > Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >

Public Member Functions

void LoadCache (Action< TK, TV > act, params object[] args)
 Loads all values from underlying persistent storage. Note that keys are not passed, so it is up to implementation to figure out what to load. This method is called whenever ICache<K,V>.LocalLoadCache method is invoked which is usually to preload the cache from persistent storage. This method is optional, and cache implementation does not depend on this method to do anything. For every loaded value method provided action should be called. The action will then make sure that the loaded value is stored in cache. More...
TV Load (TK key)
 Loads an object. Application developers should implement this method to customize the loading of a value for a cache entry. This method is called by a cache when a requested entry is not in the cache. If the object can't be loaded null should be returned. More...
IEnumerable< KeyValuePair< TK, TV > > LoadAll (IEnumerable< TK > keys)
 Loads multiple objects. Application developers should implement this method to customize the loading of cache entries. This method is called when the requested object is not in the cache. If an object can't be loaded, it is not returned in the resulting map. More...
void Write (TK key, TV val)
 Write the specified value under the specified key to the external resource. More...
void WriteAll (IEnumerable< KeyValuePair< TK, TV >> entries)
 Write the specified entries to the external resource. This method is intended to support both insert and update. More...
void Delete (TK key)
 Delete the cache entry from the external resource. More...
void DeleteAll (IEnumerable< TK > keys)
 Remove data and keys from the external resource for the given collection of keys, if present. More...
void SessionEnd (bool commit)
 Tells store to commit or rollback a transaction depending on the value of the commit parameter. More...

Detailed Description

Non-generic base type for ICacheStore<TK,TV>, used only for configuration property. Users should implement generic ICacheStore<TK,TV>.

Generic argument types depend on CacheConfiguration.KeepBinaryInStore property. When true (default), cache store operates on IBinaryObject instances. Otherwise, generic arguments should be the same as in corresponding ICache<TK, TV>.

Persistent store is configured in Ignite's Spring XML configuration file via CacheConfiguration.setStore() property. If you have an implementation of cache store in .NET, you should use special Java wrapper which accepts assembly name and class name of .NET store implementation (both properties are mandatory).

Optionally, you may specify "properies" property to set any property values on an instance of your store.

Here is an example:

<bean class="org.apache.ignite.configuration.CacheConfiguration">
<property name="cacheStoreFactory">
<bean class="org.apache.ignite.platform.dotnet.PlatformDotNetCacheStoreFactory">
<property name="assemblyName" value="MyAssembly"/>
<property name="className" value="MyApp.MyCacheStore"/>
<property name="properties">
<entry key="IntProperty">
<value type="java.lang.Integer">42</value>
<entry key="StringProperty" value="String value"/>

Assemply name and class name are passed to System.Activator.CreateInstance(String, String) method during node startup to create an instance of cache store. Refer to its documentation for details.

All transactional operations of this API are provided with ongoing ITransaction, if any. You can attach any metadata to transaction, e.g. to recognize if several operations belong to the same transaction or not.

Here is an example of how attach a ODBC connection as transaction metadata:

OdbcConnection conn = tx.Meta("some.name");
if (conn == null)
conn = ...; // Create or get connection.
// Store connection in transaction metadata, so it can be accessed
// for other operations on the same transaction.
tx.AddMeta("some.name", conn);
Template Parameters
TKKey type.
TVValue type.

Member Function Documentation

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.Delete ( TK  key)

Expiry of a cache entry is not a delete hence will not cause this method to be invoked.

This method is invoked even if no mapping for the key exists.

keyThe key that is used for the delete operation.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >.

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.DeleteAll ( IEnumerable< TK >  keys)

The order that individual deletes occur is undefined.

If this operation fails (by throwing an exception) after a partial success, the writer must remove any successfully written entries from the entries collection so that the caching implementation knows what succeeded and can mutate the cache.

Expiry of a cache entry is not a delete hence will not cause this method to be invoked.

This method may include keys even if there is no mapping for that key, in which case the data represented by that key should be removed from the underlying resource.

keysa mutable collection of keys for entries to delete. Upon invocation, it contains the keys to delete for write-through. Upon return the collection must only contain the keys that were not successfully deleted.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >.

TV Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.Load ( TK  key)
keyThe key identifying the object being loaded.
The value for the entry that is to be stored in the cache or null if the object can't be loaded

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >.

IEnumerable<KeyValuePair<TK, TV> > Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.LoadAll ( IEnumerable< TK >  keys)
keysKeys identifying the values to be loaded.
A map of key, values to be stored in the cache.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >.

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.LoadCache ( Action< TK, TV >  act,
params object[]  args 
actAction for loaded values.
argsOptional arguemnts passed to ICache<K,V>.LocalLoadCache method.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >.

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.SessionEnd ( bool  commit)
commitTrue if transaction should commit, false for rollback.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >.

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.Write ( TK  key,
TV  val 

This method is intended to support both key/value creation and value update.

keyKey to write.
valValue to write.

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >.

void Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.ICacheStore< TK, TV >.WriteAll ( IEnumerable< KeyValuePair< TK, TV >>  entries)

The order that individual writes occur is undefined.

If this operation fails (by throwing an exception) after a partial success, the writer must remove any successfully written entries from the entries collection so that the caching implementation knows what succeeded and can mutate the cache.

entriesa mutable collection to write. Upon invocation, it contains the entries to write for write-through. Upon return the collection must only contain entries that were not successfully written. (see partial success above).

Implemented in Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheParallelLoadStoreAdapter< TK, TV, TData >, and Apache.Ignite.Core.Cache.Store.CacheStoreAdapter< TK, TV >.