Running Ibator From a Command Prompt

Ibator may be run directly from a command prompt. The JAR manifest includes the name of the default class (org.apache.ibatis.ibator.api.IbatorRunner) or you may specify it yourself. The IbatorRunner class accepts several arguments as detailed below:

Argument Value
-configfile file_name
Specifies the name of the configuration file.
-overwrite (optional) If specified, then existing Java files will be overwritten if an existing Java file if found with the same name as a generated file. If not specified, and a Java file already exists with the same name as a generated file, then Ibator will write the newly generated Java file to the proper directory with a unique name (e.g.,, etc.). Important: Ibator will always merge and overwrite XML files.
-verbose (optional) If specified, then Ibator will write progress messages to the console.
-forceJavaLogging (optional) If specified, then Ibator will use Java logging rather than Log4J even if Log4J is in the runtime classpath.
-contextids context1,context2,...
If specified, then this is a comma delimited list of contexts to use in the current run of Ibator. Any id specified in the list must exactly match the value of the id attribute of an <ibatorContext> configuration element. Only ids specified in this list will be active for this run of Ibator. If this argument is not specified, then all contexts will be active.
-tables table1, table2,...
If specified, then this is a comma delimited list of tables to use in the current run of Ibator. Any table specified in the list must exactly match the fully qualified table name specified in a <table> configuration element. Only tables specified in this list will be active for this run of Ibator. If this argument is not specified, then all tables will be active. Specify table names as:


You must create an Ibator XML configuration file to run Ibator from the command line. If the file is named "ibatorConfig.xml", then any of the following command lines will run Ibator:

   java -jar ibator.jar -configfile ibatorConfig.xml
   java -jar ibator.jar -configfile ibatorConfig.xml -overwrite
   java -cp ibator.jar org.apache.ibatis.ibator.api.IbatorRunner -configfile ibatorConfig.xml
   java -cp ibator.jar org.apache.ibatis.ibator.api.IbatorRunner -configfile ibatorConfig.xml -overwrite