Building Ibator from Source

All Ibator distributions include source code. The only compile time dependency Ibator has is on ant.jar - for successful compilation of the included Ant task. It is straight forward to compile Ibator from source - simply unzip the source in an Ibator distribution and compile it with your favorite tool.

The Ibator distribution does not contain the tests that are run during the build, or other classes that are a necessary part of the build. If you would like to inspect those classes, or build Ibator from the very latest version of the source code at Apache then follow these steps:

  1. Ibator is built with Apache Maven2. First you must get maven running. If you are new to Maven, here are the most simple steps (for Windows):
    1. Download a Maven distribution from
    2. Unzip the distribution somewhere convenient
    3. Setup environment variables and the PATH. Examples:
      set JAVA_HOME=C:\JavaTools\jdk1.6.0_17
      set M2_HOME=C:\JavaTools\apache-maven-2.2.1
      set PATH=%PATH%;%M2_HOME%\bin;
  2. Do a Subversion checkout of the Ibator source tree from the location (You may use any Subversion client you prefer. We recommend TortoiseSVN.)
  3. Open a command window in the directory where you checked out the Ibator source and run the command mvn clean install - or any of the other Maven lifecycle commands. You can use the mvn site command to generate the code coverage reports, but the Ibator website is not built with Maven at this time.