Ibator Generated SQL Map Files

Ibator generates SQL Map files that conform to iBATIS' SQL Map DTD. The files contain many different elements based on the characteristics of the table, and on the configuration options you specify. Ibator generates a different SQL Map file for every table you specify. The name space of the SQL Map is the name of the table (qualified by schema and catalog if present). Ibator does not add the SQL Map entries to the iBATIS SQLMapConfig file - you must do that manually.

Every element generated by Ibator has an id that is prefixed with the string "ibatorgenerated_" . On subsequent runs of Ibator, every element with an id whose prefix is "ibatorgenerated_" will be deleted and replaced. Any other element in the SQL Map will be untouched by Ibator. With this in mind, you can add other elements to the file without fear of losing them in subsequent runs of Ibator - simply give your custom elements an id that DOES NOT start with "ibatorgenerated_".

The following sections describe the elements that will be generated by Ibator.

Note: in the following descriptions, the term "BLOB" is used to refer to any column with a data type of BLOB, CLOB, LONGVARCHAR, or LONGVARBINARY.

Result Map

This element is used to map table columns to properties of the generated Java model object. The result map (and corresponding select statements) will not contain:

The columns will be mapped according the configuration element <columnOverride> if it exists for the specific column. If the override does not exist, then a default property name and JDBC type will be used.

It is acceptable to extend this result map if you code any custom join queries in the SQL map. This is a common use case and is expected.

This element will be generated if either the select by example, or select by primary key statements are enabled.

Result Map With BLOBs

The element extends the base result map, and adds any BLOB fields that exist in the table. We do this because we offer different versions of the select by example statement depending on whether or not you want to return the BLOB fields in those queries.

The result map (and corresponding select statements) will not contain:

The columns will be mapped according the configuration element <columnOverride> if it exists for the specific column. If the override does not exist, then a default property name and JDBC type will be used.

It is acceptable to extend this result map if you code any custom join queries in the SQL map. This is a common use case and is expected.

This element will be generated if that table contains BLOB fields, and either the select by example, or select by primary key statements are enabled.

SQL Where Clause

This element contains a reusable where clause that conforms to the "by example" methods. The where clause will not include any BLOB fields if they exist in the table. Most databases do not support BLOB fields in the WHERE clause.

This element will be generated if either the select by example, or delete by example statements are enabled.

Select By Primary Key

This element contains a select statement that will return one row - designated by the primary key. The returned row will include BLOB fields if they exist in the table.

This element will be generated if the table has a primary key and the select by primary key statement is enabled.

Select by Example

This element contains a select statement with rows that match the example object. This implements a simple "query by example" functionality that can be used to generate many different database queries. The returned rows will not include any BLOB fields that exist in the table (see the select by example with BLOBs statement below).

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then all rows in the table will be selected.

This element will be generated if the select by example statement is enabled.

Select by Example With BLOBs

This element contains a select statement with rows that match the example object. This implements a simple "query by example" functionality that can be used to generate many different database queries. The returned rows will include any BLOB fields that exist in the table.

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then all rows in the table will be selected.

This element will be generated if the table contains BLOB fields, and the select by example statement is enabled.


This element is an insert statement that includes all fields in the table (including BLOBs), unless the field is specifically ignored with the <ignoreColumn> configuration element.

If the table has an auto generated key (an identity column or from a sequence), and the <generatedKey> configuration element is specified, then Ibator will generate an appropriate <selectKey> element and will return the value of the generated key.

This element will be generated if the insert statement is enabled.

Update By Primary Key

This element is an update statement that will update one row - designated by the primary key. The update statement will update all fields in the table unless:

This element will be generated if the table has a primary key, and the update by primary key statement is enabled.

Update By Primary Key With BLOBs

This element is an update statement that will update one row - designated by the primary key. The update statement will update all fields in the table (including BLOB fields) unless:

This element will be generated if the table has a primary key, the table has BLOB columns, and the update by primary key statement is enabled.

Update By Primary Key Selective

This element is an update statement that will update one row - designated by the primary key. The update statement will update only the fields in the table whose corresponding property in the parameter object is non-null. This statement can be used to update certain columns in a record without affecting all columns in the record. Important: if the column has been mapped to a primitive type, then the column will always be updated.

This element will be generated if the table has a primary key, and the update by primary key statement is enabled.

Delete By Primary Key

This element is a delete statement that will delete one row in the table - designated by the primary key.

This element will be generated if the table has a primary key, and the delete by primary key statement is enabled.

Delete By Example

This element is a delete statement that will delete one or more rows in the table - designated by the example object.

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then all rows in the table will be deleted.

This element will be generated if the delete by example statement is enabled.

Count By Example

This element is a select count(*) statement that will return the number of rows in the table that match the specified example object.

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then the select will return the number of rows in the entire table.

This element will be generated if the count by example statement is enabled.

Update By Example

This element is an update statement that will update all rows in a table that match the specified example. The update statement will update all fields in the table unless:

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then all rows in the table will be updated.

This element will be generated if the update by example statement is enabled.

Update By Example With BLOBs

This element is an update statement that will update all rows in a table that match the specified example. The update statement will update all fields in the table (including BLOB fields) unless:

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then all rows in the table will be updated.

This element will be generated if the table contains BLOB columns, and the update by example statement is enabled.

Update By Example Selective

This element is an update statement that will update all rows in a table that match the specified example. The update statement will update only the fields in the table whose corresponding property in the parameter object is non-null. This statement can be used to update certain columns in certain records without affecting all columns in the records. Important: if the column has been mapped to a primitive type, then the column will always be updated.

Important: If the example class is null, or no criteria have been set, then all rows in the table will be updated.

This element will be generated if the update by example statement is enabled.