Class AbstractMessageParser<T extends HttpMessage>

  extended by<T>
All Implemented Interfaces:
Direct Known Subclasses:
DefaultHttpRequestParser, DefaultHttpResponseParser, HttpRequestParser, HttpResponseParser

public abstract class AbstractMessageParser<T extends HttpMessage>
extends Object
implements HttpMessageParser<T>

Abstract base class for HTTP message parsers that obtain input from an instance of SessionInputBuffer.


Field Summary
protected  LineParser lineParser
Constructor Summary
AbstractMessageParser(SessionInputBuffer buffer, LineParser parser, HttpParams params)
          Deprecated. (4.3) use AbstractMessageParser(SessionInputBuffer, LineParser, MessageConstraints)
AbstractMessageParser(SessionInputBuffer buffer, LineParser lineParser, MessageConstraints constraints)
          Creates new instance of AbstractMessageParser.
Method Summary
 T parse()
          Generates an instance of HttpMessage from the underlying data source.
protected abstract  T parseHead(SessionInputBuffer sessionBuffer)
          Subclasses must override this method to generate an instance of HttpMessage based on the initial input from the session buffer.
static Header[] parseHeaders(SessionInputBuffer inBuffer, int maxHeaderCount, int maxLineLen, LineParser parser)
          Parses HTTP headers from the data receiver stream according to the generic format as given in Section 3.1 of RFC 822, RFC-2616 Section 4 and 19.3.
static Header[] parseHeaders(SessionInputBuffer inBuffer, int maxHeaderCount, int maxLineLen, LineParser parser, List<CharArrayBuffer> headerLines)
          Parses HTTP headers from the data receiver stream according to the generic format as given in Section 3.1 of RFC 822, RFC-2616 Section 4 and 19.3.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected final LineParser lineParser
Constructor Detail


public AbstractMessageParser(SessionInputBuffer buffer,
                                        LineParser parser,
                                        HttpParams params)
Deprecated. (4.3) use AbstractMessageParser(SessionInputBuffer, LineParser, MessageConstraints)

Creates an instance of AbstractMessageParser.

buffer - the session input buffer.
parser - the line parser.
params - HTTP parameters.


public AbstractMessageParser(SessionInputBuffer buffer,
                             LineParser lineParser,
                             MessageConstraints constraints)
Creates new instance of AbstractMessageParser.

buffer - the session input buffer.
lineParser - the line parser. If null BasicLineParser.INSTANCE will be used.
constraints - the message constraints. If null MessageConstraints.DEFAULT will be used.
Method Detail


public static Header[] parseHeaders(SessionInputBuffer inBuffer,
                                    int maxHeaderCount,
                                    int maxLineLen,
                                    LineParser parser)
                             throws HttpException,
Parses HTTP headers from the data receiver stream according to the generic format as given in Section 3.1 of RFC 822, RFC-2616 Section 4 and 19.3.

inBuffer - Session input buffer
maxHeaderCount - maximum number of headers allowed. If the number of headers received from the data stream exceeds maxCount value, an IOException will be thrown. Setting this parameter to a negative value or zero will disable the check.
maxLineLen - maximum number of characters for a header line, including the continuation lines. Setting this parameter to a negative value or zero will disable the check.
parser - line parser to use. Can be null, in which case the default implementation of this interface will be used.
array of HTTP headers
IOException - in case of an I/O error
HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation


public static Header[] parseHeaders(SessionInputBuffer inBuffer,
                                    int maxHeaderCount,
                                    int maxLineLen,
                                    LineParser parser,
                                    List<CharArrayBuffer> headerLines)
                             throws HttpException,
Parses HTTP headers from the data receiver stream according to the generic format as given in Section 3.1 of RFC 822, RFC-2616 Section 4 and 19.3.

inBuffer - Session input buffer
maxHeaderCount - maximum number of headers allowed. If the number of headers received from the data stream exceeds maxCount value, an IOException will be thrown. Setting this parameter to a negative value or zero will disable the check.
maxLineLen - maximum number of characters for a header line, including the continuation lines. Setting this parameter to a negative value or zero will disable the check.
parser - line parser to use.
headerLines - List of header lines. This list will be used to store intermediate results. This makes it possible to resume parsing of headers in case of a InterruptedIOException.
array of HTTP headers
IOException - in case of an I/O error
HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation


protected abstract T parseHead(SessionInputBuffer sessionBuffer)
                                            throws IOException,
Subclasses must override this method to generate an instance of HttpMessage based on the initial input from the session buffer.

Usually this method is expected to read just the very first line or the very first valid from the data stream and based on the input generate an appropriate instance of HttpMessage.

sessionBuffer - the session input buffer.
HTTP message based on the input from the session buffer.
IOException - in case of an I/O error.
HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation.
ParseException - in case of a parse error.


public T parse()
                            throws IOException,
Description copied from interface: HttpMessageParser
Generates an instance of HttpMessage from the underlying data source.

Specified by:
parse in interface HttpMessageParser<T extends HttpMessage>
HTTP message
IOException - in case of an I/O error
HttpException - in case of HTTP protocol violation

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