Package org.apache.http.entity

Core HTTP entity implementations.


Interface Summary
ContentLengthStrategy Represents a strategy to determine length of the enclosed content entity based on properties of the HTTP message.
ContentProducer An abstract entity content producer.

Class Summary
AbstractHttpEntity Abstract base class for entities.
BasicHttpEntity A generic streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream.
BufferedHttpEntity A wrapping entity that buffers it content if necessary.
ByteArrayEntity A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a byte array.
ContentType Content type information consisting of a MIME type and an optional charset.
EntityTemplate Entity that delegates the process of content generation to a ContentProducer.
FileEntity A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a file.
HttpEntityWrapper Base class for wrapping entities.
InputStreamEntity A streamed, non-repeatable entity that obtains its content from an InputStream.
SerializableEntity A streamed entity that obtains its content from a Serializable.
StringEntity A self contained, repeatable entity that obtains its content from a String.

Package org.apache.http.entity Description

Core HTTP entity implementations.

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