<% /* * Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one * or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file * distributed with this work for additional information * regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file * to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the * "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance * with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ %> <%@ page contentType="text/html; charset=UTF-8" import="java.io.*" import="java.util.*" import="java.net.URLEncoder" import="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.util.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.fs.*" import="javax.servlet.jsp.*" import="java.text.SimpleDateFormat" import="org.apache.hadoop.http.HtmlQuoting" import="org.apache.hadoop.mapred.*" import="org.apache.hadoop.mapreduce.jobhistory.*" %> <%! private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; %> <% JobTracker tracker = (JobTracker) application.getAttribute("job.tracker"); String trackerName = StringUtils.simpleHostname(tracker.getJobTrackerMachine()); %> <%! private static SimpleDateFormat dateFormat = new SimpleDateFormat("d/MM HH:mm:ss"); %> <%= trackerName %> Hadoop Map/Reduce History Viewer

<%= trackerName %> Hadoop Map/Reduce History Viewer

<% final String search = (request.getParameter("search") == null) ? "" : request.getParameter("search"); String parts[] = search.split(":"); final String user = (parts.length >= 1) ? parts[0].toLowerCase() : ""; final String jobid = (parts.length >= 2) ? parts[1].toLowerCase() : ""; final String rawUser = HtmlQuoting.unquoteHtmlChars(user); final String rawJobid = HtmlQuoting.unquoteHtmlChars(jobid); PathFilter jobLogFileFilter = new PathFilter() { private boolean matchUser(String fileName) { // return true if // - user is not specified // - user matches return "".equals(rawUser) || rawUser.equals(fileName.split("_")[3]); } private boolean matchJobId(String fileName) { // return true if // - jobid is not specified // - jobid matches String[] jobDetails = fileName.split("_"); String actualId = jobDetails[0] + "_" +jobDetails[1] + "_" + jobDetails[2] ; return "".equals(rawJobid) || jobid.equalsIgnoreCase(actualId); } public boolean accept(Path path) { return (!(path.getName().endsWith(".xml") || path.getName().endsWith(JobHistory.OLD_SUFFIX)) && matchUser(path.getName()) && matchJobId(path.getName())); } }; FileSystem fs = (FileSystem) application.getAttribute("fileSys"); String historyLogDir = (String) application.getAttribute("historyLogDir"); if (fs == null) { out.println("Null file system. May be namenode is in safemode!"); return; } Path[] jobFiles = FileUtil.stat2Paths(fs.listStatus(new Path(historyLogDir), jobLogFileFilter)); out.println(""); if (null == jobFiles || jobFiles.length == 0) { out.println("No files found!"); return ; } // get the pageno int pageno = request.getParameter("pageno") == null ? 1 : Integer.parseInt(request.getParameter("pageno")); // get the total number of files to display int size = 100; // if show-all is requested or jobfiles < size(100) if (pageno == -1 || size > jobFiles.length) { size = jobFiles.length; } if (pageno == -1) { // special case 'show all' pageno = 1; } int maxPageNo = (int)Math.ceil((float)jobFiles.length / size); // check and fix pageno if (pageno < 1 || pageno > maxPageNo) { out.println("Invalid page index"); return ; } int length = size ; // determine the length of job history files to be displayed if (pageno == maxPageNo) { // find the number of files to be shown on the last page int startOnLast = ((pageno - 1) * size) + 1; length = jobFiles.length - startOnLast + 1; } // Display the search box out.println("
Filter (username:jobid) "); // heading out.println(""); // search box out.println("
"); out.println("Example: 'smith' will display jobs submitted by user 'smith'. "); out.println("Job Ids need to be prefixed with a colon(:) For example, :job_200908311030_0001 will display the job with that id. "); // example out.println("
"); //Show the status int start = (pageno - 1) * size + 1; // DEBUG out.println(""); out.println("Available Jobs in History "); // display the number of jobs, start index, end index out.println("( Displaying " + length + " jobs from " + start + " to " + (start + length - 1) + " out of " + jobFiles.length + " jobs"); if (!"".equals(user)) { out.println(" for user " + HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(user) + ""); // show the user if present } if (!"".equals(jobid)) { out.println(" for jobid " + HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(jobid) + " in it."); // show the jobid keyword if present } out.print(")"); // show the 'show-all' link out.println(" [show all]"); // show the 'first-page' link if (pageno > 1) { out.println(" [first page]"); } else { out.println("[first page]"); } // show the 'last-page' link if (pageno < maxPageNo) { out.println(" [last page]"); } else { out.println("[last page]"); } // sort the files on creation time. Arrays.sort(jobFiles, new Comparator() { public int compare(Path p1, Path p2) { String dp1 = null; String dp2 = null; dp1 = p1.getName(); dp2 = p2.getName(); String[] split1 = dp1.split("_"); String[] split2 = dp2.split("_"); // compare job tracker start time int res = new Date(Long.parseLong(split1[1])).compareTo( new Date(Long.parseLong(split2[1]))); if (res == 0) { Long l1 = Long.parseLong(split1[2]); res = l1.compareTo(Long.parseLong(split2[2])); } return res; } }); out.println("

"); // print the navigation info (top) printNavigation(pageno, size, maxPageNo, search, out); out.print(""); out.print(""); out.print( "") ; out.print(""); Set displayedJobs = new HashSet(); for (int i = start - 1; i < start + length - 1; ++i) { Path jobFile = jobFiles[i]; String jobId = JobHistory.getJobIDFromHistoryFilePath(jobFile).toString(); String userName = JobHistory.getUserFromHistoryFilePath(jobFile); // Check if the job is already displayed. There can be multiple job // history files for jobs that have restarted if (displayedJobs.contains(jobId)) { continue; } else { displayedJobs.add(jobId); } %>
<% printJob(jobId, userName, new Path(jobFile.getParent(), jobFile), out) ; %>
<% } // end while trackers out.print("
Job IdUser
"); // show the navigation info (bottom) printNavigation(pageno, size, maxPageNo, search, out); %> <%! private void printJob(String jobId, String user, Path logFile, JspWriter out) throws IOException { out.print(""); out.print("" + "" + HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(jobId) + ""); out.print("" + HtmlQuoting.quoteHtmlChars(user) + ""); out.print(""); } private void printNavigation(int pageno, int size, int max, String search, JspWriter out) throws IOException { int numIndexToShow = 5; // num indexes to show on either side //TODO check this on boundary cases out.print("
<"); // show previous link if (pageno > 1) { out.println("Previous"); } // display the numbered index 1 2 3 4 int firstPage = pageno - numIndexToShow; if (firstPage < 1) { firstPage = 1; // boundary condition } int lastPage = pageno + numIndexToShow; if (lastPage > max) { lastPage = max; // boundary condition } // debug out.println(""); for (int i = firstPage; i <= lastPage; ++i) { if (i != pageno) {// needs hyperlink out.println(" " + i + " "); } else { // current page out.println(i); } } // show the next link if (pageno < max) { out.println("Next"); } out.print(">
"); } %>