- TEST_JOB_ID - Static variable in class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
ID to be used with test job
- testAggregatorsCheckpointing() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.aggregators.TestAggregatorsHandling
Test if aggregators are are handled properly when restarting from a
- TestAggregatorsHandling - Class in org.apache.giraph.aggregators
Tests if aggregators are handled on a proper way
- TestAggregatorsHandling() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.aggregators.TestAggregatorsHandling
- testAggregatorsHandling() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.aggregators.TestAggregatorsHandling
Tests if aggregators are handled on a proper way during supersteps
- testAsyncMessageStoreCheckpoint() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
- TestAutoCheckpoint - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for automated checkpoint restarting
- TestAutoCheckpoint() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestAutoCheckpoint
- TestBspBasic - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for many simple BSP applications.
- TestBspBasic() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
- testBspCheckpoint() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
- testBspCheckpoint(boolean) - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
- testBspCheckpoint() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestManualCheckpoint
Run a sample BSP job locally and test checkpointing.
- testBspCombiner() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally with message combiner and
checkout output value.
- testBspFail() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job in JobTracker, kill a task, and make sure
the job fails (not enough attempts to restart)
- testBspMasterCompute() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally and test MasterCompute.
- testBspMigrationToBlocksFramework() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.block_app.TestMigrationBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally and test using migration
library for Blocks Framework, as an drop-in replacement.
- testBspMsg() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally and test messages.
- testBspPageRankSingleCompute() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.TestPageRank
- testBspPageRankWithAggregatorWriter() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally and test PageRank with AggregatorWriter.
- testBspShortestPaths() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally and test shortest paths.
- testBspSuperStep() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally and test supersteps.
- TestCheckpointing - Class in org.apache.giraph
Tests that worker context and master computation
are properly saved and loaded back at checkpoint.
- TestCheckpointing() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
Create the test case
- TestCheckpointing.CheckpointComputation - Class in org.apache.giraph
Actual computation.
- TestCheckpointing.CheckpointVertexMasterCompute - Class in org.apache.giraph
Master compute
- TestCheckpointing.CheckpointVertexWorkerContext - Class in org.apache.giraph
Worker context associated.
- testCombiner() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.MinimumIntCombinerTest
- TestComputationState - Class in org.apache.giraph
- TestComputationState() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestComputationState
- testComputationState() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestComputationState
- TestComputationTypes - Class in org.apache.giraph.vertex
- TestComputationTypes() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- TestComputationTypes.GeneratedVertexMatchMessageCombiner - Class in org.apache.giraph.vertex
Matches the GeneratedComputationMatch
- TestComputationTypes.GeneratedVertexMismatchMessageCombiner - Class in org.apache.giraph.vertex
Mismatches the GeneratedComputationMatch
- TestComputationTypes.GeneratedVertexMismatchValueFactory - Class in org.apache.giraph.vertex
Mismatches the GeneratedComputationMatch
- testDerivedInputFormatType() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- testDerivedMatchingType() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- testEmptyGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testEmptyVertexInputFormat() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a sample BSP job locally with no vertices and make sure
it completes.
- testFiveNodesAllNodesBlockedNOutOfMGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testFiveNodesAllNodesFreeNOutOfMGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- TestGraphPartitioner - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for manual checkpoint restarting
- TestGraphPartitioner() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestGraphPartitioner
- testHaltSuperstep0() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Test halting at superstep 0
- testInputSplitLocality() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Run a test to see if the InputSplitPathOrganizer can correctly sort
locality information from a mocked znode of data.
- testInstantiateNullVertex() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Test whether vertices with NullWritable for vertex value type, edge value
type and message value type can be instantiated.
- testInstantiateVertex() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Just instantiate the vertex (all functions are implemented) and the
VertexInputFormat using reflection.
- testJsonBase64FormatType() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- TestKryoPageRank - Class in org.apache.giraph.examples
Test page rank with kryo wrapper
- TestKryoPageRank() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.examples.TestKryoPageRank
- testKryoPageRank() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.TestKryoPageRank
- testKryoPageRankTenThreadsCompute() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.TestKryoPageRank
- testLocalJobRunnerConfig() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestBspBasic
Do some checks for local job runner.
- testManualCheckpoint() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
- TestManualCheckpoint - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for manual checkpoint restarting
- TestManualCheckpoint() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestManualCheckpoint
- testManualCheckpointAtTheBeginning() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestCheckpointing
- testMatchingType() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- testMax() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.MaxComputationTest
- TestMaxSuperstep - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for testing max superstep feature of Giraph
- TestMaxSuperstep() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestMaxSuperstep
- testMaxSuperstep() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestMaxSuperstep
Run a job that tests that this job completes in the desired number of
- TestMaxSuperstep.InfiniteLoopComputation - Class in org.apache.giraph
Simple test vertex class that will run forever (voteToHalt is never
- TestMigrationBspBasic - Class in org.apache.giraph.examples.block_app
Unit test for many simple BSP applications.
- TestMigrationBspBasic() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.examples.block_app.TestMigrationBspBasic
- testMismatchingCombiner() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- testMismatchingVertex() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- testMismatchingVertexValueFactory() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.vertex.TestComputationTypes
- TestMutateGraph - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for graph mutation
- TestMutateGraph() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestMutateGraph
- testMutateGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestMutateGraph
Run a job that tests the various graph mutations that can occur
- TestMutateGraph.TestVertexResolver<I extends org.apache.hadoop.io.WritableComparable,V extends org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable,E extends org.apache.hadoop.io.Writable> - Class in org.apache.giraph
Custom vertex resolver
- TestNotEnoughMapTasks - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for not enough map tasks
- TestNotEnoughMapTasks() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestNotEnoughMapTasks
- testNotEnoughMapTasks() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestNotEnoughMapTasks
This job should always fail gracefully with not enough map tasks.
- testOneInitNodeGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testOneNotInitNodeGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testOnNoShorterPathFound() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputationTest
Test the behavior when a new, but not shorter path to a vertex has been
- testOnShorterPathFound() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputationTest
Test the behavior when a shorter path to a vertex has been found
- TestOutOfCore - Class in org.apache.giraph
Unit test for out-of-core mechanism
- TestOutOfCore() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestOutOfCore
- testOutOfCoreInMemoryAccessor() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestOutOfCore
- testOutOfCoreLocalDiskAccessor() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestOutOfCore
- TestPageRank - Class in org.apache.giraph.examples
Test page rank (with and without multithreading)
- TestPageRank() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.examples.TestPageRank
- testPageRankTenThreadsCompute() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.TestPageRank
- testPartitioners() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestGraphPartitioner
Run a sample BSP job locally and test various partitioners and
partition algorithms.
- testSingleFault() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.TestAutoCheckpoint
Run a job that requires checkpointing and will have a worker crash
and still recover from a previous checkpoint.
- testSuperstepOne() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleTriangleClosingComputationTest
Test behavior of compute() with incoming messages (superstep 1)
- testSuperstepZero() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleTriangleClosingComputationTest
Test the behavior of the triangle closing algorithm:
does it send all its out edge values to all neighbors?
- testThreeNodesAllNodesBlockedGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testThreeNodesAllNodesBlockedNOutOfMGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testThreeNodesAllNodesFreeGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testThreeNodesAllNodesFreeMultiEdgesGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testThreeNodesAllNodesFreeNOutOfMGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testThreeNodesInitNodeFreeNOutOfMGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.BrachaTouegDeadlockComputationTest
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.ConnectedComponentsComputationTest
A local integration test on toy data
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.ConnectedComponentsComputationTestInMemory
A local integration test on toy data
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.PageRankComputationTest
A local integration test on toy data
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.RandomWalkWithRestartComputationTest
A local integration test on toy data
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.scc.SccComputationTestInMemory
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputationTest
A local integration test on toy data
- testToyData() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.TryMultiIpcBindingPortsTest
A local integration test on toy data
- testToyDataJson() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.SimpleShortestPathsComputationTest
A local integration test on toy data
- TestVertexResolver() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.TestMutateGraph.TestVertexResolver
- testWeightedGraph() - Method in class org.apache.giraph.examples.RandomWalkWithRestartComputationTest
A local integration test on toy data
- TryMultiIpcBindingPortsTest - Class in org.apache.giraph.examples
- TryMultiIpcBindingPortsTest() - Constructor for class org.apache.giraph.examples.TryMultiIpcBindingPortsTest