
the Derby site

Add the jar file or files to the database

Add the jar file or files to the database

Use a set of procedures to install, replace, and remove jar files in a database. When you install a jar file in a database, you give it a Derby jar name, which is an SQL92Identifier.

Once a jar file has been installed, you cannot modify any of the individual classes or resources within the jar file. Instead, you must replace the entire jar file.


See the Derby Tools and Utilities Guide for reference information about the utility and complete syntax.

Installing Jar Files

-- SQL  statement
CALL sqlj.install_jar(
    'tours.jar', 'APP.Sample1', 0)
-- SQL  statement
-- using a quoted identifier for the 
-- Derby  jar name
CALL sqlj.install_jar(
    'tours.jar', 'APP."Sample2"', 0)

Removing Jar Files

-- SQL  statement
CALL sqlj.remove_jar(
    'APP.Sample1', 0)

Replacing Jar Files

-- SQL  statement
CALL sqlj.replace_jar(
    'c:\myjarfiles\newtours.jar', 'APP.Sample1')

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