
the Derby site

Shutting Down the Network Server

Shutting Down the Network Server

Derby databases shut down normally when the Network Server is shut down, as long as user authentication is not enabled If user authentication is enabled, you must explicitly shut down the databases, specifying a valid Derby user name and password. Shut down the databases before shutting down the Network Server. The databases are shut down either by an applicationDerby server or when itself is shut down.

From the command line, shut down the Network Server with the following command:

java org.apache.derby.drda.NetworkServerControl
    shutdown [-h <host>][-p <portnumber>] 

Shutting Down Using the API

You can use the NetworkServerControl API to shut down the Network Server from within a Java application, using the following syntax:


For example, the following command shuts down the Network Server running on the current machine using port 1527.

NetworkServerControl server = new NetworkServerControl();

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