Class SqlSampleSpec

    • Constructor Detail

      • SqlSampleSpec

        protected SqlSampleSpec()
    • Method Detail

      • createNamed

        public static SqlSampleSpec createNamed​(java.lang.String name)
        Creates a sample which substitutes one relation for another.
      • createTableSample

        public static SqlSampleSpec createTableSample​(boolean isBernoulli,
                                                      float samplePercentage)
        Creates a table sample without repeatability.
        isBernoulli - true if Bernoulli style sampling is to be used; false for implementation specific sampling
        samplePercentage - likelihood of a row appearing in the sample
      • createTableSample

        public static SqlSampleSpec createTableSample​(boolean isBernoulli,
                                                      float samplePercentage,
                                                      int repeatableSeed)
        Creates a table sample with repeatability.
        isBernoulli - true if Bernoulli style sampling is to be used; false for implementation specific sampling
        samplePercentage - likelihood of a row appearing in the sample
        repeatableSeed - seed value used to reproduce the same sample