Enum ExpressionType

  • All Implemented Interfaces:
    java.io.Serializable, java.lang.Comparable<ExpressionType>

    public enum ExpressionType
    extends java.lang.Enum<ExpressionType>

    Analogous to LINQ's System.Linq.Expressions.ExpressionType.

    • Enum Constant Summary

      Enum Constants 
      Enum Constant Description
      An addition operation, such as a + b, without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      An addition compound assignment operation, such as (a += b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      An addition compound assignment operation, such as (a += b), with overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      An addition operation, such as (a + b), with overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      A bitwise or logical AND operation, such as a &amp; b in Java.
      A conditional AND operation that evaluates the second operand only if the first operand evaluates to true.
      A bitwise or logical AND compound assignment operation, such as (a &= b) in C#.
      An indexing operation in a one-dimensional array, such as array[index] in Java.
      An operation that obtains the length of a one-dimensional array, such as array.Length.
      An assignment operation, such as (a = b).
      A block of expressions.
      A method call, such as in the obj.sampleMethod() expression.
      A node that represents a null coalescing operation, such as (a ?? b) in C# or If(a, b) in Visual Basic.
      A conditional operation, such as a > b ? a : b in Java.
      A constant value.
      A cast or conversion operation, such as (SampleType) obj in Java.
      A cast or conversion operation, such as (SampleType) obj in Java.
      Debugging information.
      Declaration of a variable.
      A unary decrement operation, such as (a - 1) in C# and Visual Basic.
      A default value.
      A division operation, such as (a / b), for numeric operands.
      An division compound assignment operation, such as (a /= b), for numeric operands.
      A dynamic operation.
      A node that represents an equality comparison, such as a == b in Java.
      A bitwise or logical XOR operation, such as a ^ b in Java.
      A bitwise or logical XOR compound assignment operation, such as (a ^= b) in C#.
      An extension expression.
      A "go to" expression, such as goto Label in C# or GoTo Label in Visual Basic.
      A "greater than" comparison, such as (a > b).
      A "greater than or equal to" comparison, such as (a >= b).
      A unary increment operation, such as (a + 1) in C# and Visual Basic.
      An index operation or an operation that accesses a property that takes arguments.
      An operation that invokes a delegate or lambda expression, such as sampleDelegate.Invoke().
      A false condition value.
      A true condition value.
      A label.
      A lambda expression, such as a -&gt; a + a in Java.
      A bitwise left-shift operation, such as a << b in Java.
      A bitwise left-shift compound assignment, such as (a <<= b).
      A "less than" comparison, such as (a < b).
      A "less than or equal to" comparison, such as (a <= b).
      An operation that creates a new IEnumerable object and initializes it from a list of elements, such as new List<SampleType>(){ a, b, c } in C# or Dim sampleList = { a, b, c } in Visual Basic.
      A loop, such as for or while.
      An operation that reads from a field or property, such as obj.SampleProperty.
      An operation that creates a new object and initializes one or more of its members, such as new Point { X = 1, Y = 2 } in C# or New Point With {.X = 1, .Y = 2} in Visual Basic.
      A percent remainder operation, such as (a % b), for numeric operands.
      An arithmetic remainder operation, such as (a % b) in C# or (a Mod b) in Visual Basic.
      An arithmetic remainder compound assignment operation, such as (a %= b) in C#.
      A multiplication operation, such as (a * b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      A multiplication compound assignment operation, such as (a *= b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      A multiplication compound assignment operation, such as (a *= b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      An multiplication operation, such as (a * b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      An arithmetic negation operation, such as (-a).
      An arithmetic negation operation, such as (-a), that has overflow checking.
      An operation that calls a constructor to create a new object, such as new SampleType().
      An operation that creates a new array, in which the bounds for each dimension are specified, such as new SampleType[dim1, dim2] in C# or New SampleType(dim1, dim2) in Visual Basic.
      An operation that creates a new one-dimensional array and initializes it from a list of elements, such as new SampleType[]{a, b, c} in C# or New SampleType(){a, b, c} in Visual Basic.
      A bitwise complement or logical negation operation.
      An inequality comparison, such as (a != b) in C# or (a <> b) in Visual Basic.
      A ones complement operation, such as (~a) in C#.
      A bitwise or logical OR operation, such as (a | b) in C# or (a Or b) in Visual Basic.
      A bitwise or logical OR compound assignment, such as (a |= b) in C#.
      A short-circuiting conditional OR operation, such as (a || b) in C# or (a OrElse b) in Visual Basic.
      A reference to a parameter or variable that is defined in the context of the expression.
      A unary postfix decrement, such as (a--).
      A unary postfix increment, such as (a++).
      A mathematical operation that raises a number to a power, such as (a ^ b) in Visual Basic.
      A compound assignment operation that raises a number to a power, such as (a ^= b) in Visual Basic.
      A unary prefix decrement, such as (--a).
      A unary prefix increment, such as (++a).
      An expression that has a constant value of type Expression.
      A bitwise right-shift operation, such as (a >*gt; b).
      A bitwise right-shift compound assignment operation, such as (a >>= b).
      A list of run-time variables.
      A subtraction operation, such as (a - b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      A subtraction compound assignment operation, such as (a -= b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      A subtraction compound assignment operation, such as (a -= b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      An arithmetic subtraction operation, such as (a - b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      A switch operation, such as switch in C# or Select Case in Visual Basic.
      An operation that throws an exception, such as throw new Exception().
      A try-catch expression.
      An explicit reference or boxing conversion in which null is supplied if the conversion fails, such as (obj as SampleType) in C# or TryCast(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic.
      An exact type test.
      A type test, such as obj is SampleType in C# or TypeOf obj is SampleType in Visual Basic.
      A unary plus operation, such as (+a).
      An unbox value type operation, such as unbox and unbox.any instructions in MSIL.
    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      (package private) int lprec  
      (package private) boolean modifiesLvalue  
      (package private) java.lang.String op  
      (package private) java.lang.String op2  
      (package private) boolean postfix  
      (package private) int rprec  
    • Constructor Summary

      Modifier Constructor Description
      private ExpressionType()  
      private ExpressionType​(java.lang.String op, boolean postfix, int prec, boolean right)  
      private ExpressionType​(java.lang.String op, java.lang.String op2, boolean postfix, int prec, boolean right)  
      private ExpressionType​(java.lang.String op, java.lang.String op2, boolean postfix, int prec, boolean right, boolean modifiesLvalue)  
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Static Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      static ExpressionType valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
      Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
      static ExpressionType[] values()
      Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Enum

        clone, compareTo, equals, finalize, getDeclaringClass, hashCode, name, ordinal, toString, valueOf
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
    • Enum Constant Detail

      • Add

        public static final ExpressionType Add
        An addition operation, such as a + b, without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • AddChecked

        public static final ExpressionType AddChecked
        An addition operation, such as (a + b), with overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • And

        public static final ExpressionType And
        A bitwise or logical AND operation, such as a &amp; b in Java.
      • AndAlso

        public static final ExpressionType AndAlso
        A conditional AND operation that evaluates the second operand only if the first operand evaluates to true. It corresponds to a && b in Java.
      • ArrayLength

        public static final ExpressionType ArrayLength
        An operation that obtains the length of a one-dimensional array, such as array.Length.
      • ArrayIndex

        public static final ExpressionType ArrayIndex
        An indexing operation in a one-dimensional array, such as array[index] in Java.
      • Call

        public static final ExpressionType Call
        A method call, such as in the obj.sampleMethod() expression.
      • Coalesce

        public static final ExpressionType Coalesce
        A node that represents a null coalescing operation, such as (a ?? b) in C# or If(a, b) in Visual Basic.
      • Conditional

        public static final ExpressionType Conditional
        A conditional operation, such as a > b ? a : b in Java.
      • Constant

        public static final ExpressionType Constant
        A constant value.
      • Convert

        public static final ExpressionType Convert
        A cast or conversion operation, such as (SampleType) obj in Java. For a numeric conversion, if the converted value is too large for the destination type, no exception is thrown.
      • ConvertChecked

        public static final ExpressionType ConvertChecked
        A cast or conversion operation, such as (SampleType) obj in Java. For a numeric conversion, if the converted value does not fit the destination type, an exception is thrown.
      • Divide

        public static final ExpressionType Divide
        A division operation, such as (a / b), for numeric operands.
      • Mod

        public static final ExpressionType Mod
        A percent remainder operation, such as (a % b), for numeric operands.
      • Equal

        public static final ExpressionType Equal
        A node that represents an equality comparison, such as a == b in Java.
      • ExclusiveOr

        public static final ExpressionType ExclusiveOr
        A bitwise or logical XOR operation, such as a ^ b in Java.
      • GreaterThan

        public static final ExpressionType GreaterThan
        A "greater than" comparison, such as (a > b).
      • GreaterThanOrEqual

        public static final ExpressionType GreaterThanOrEqual
        A "greater than or equal to" comparison, such as (a >= b).
      • Invoke

        public static final ExpressionType Invoke
        An operation that invokes a delegate or lambda expression, such as sampleDelegate.Invoke().
      • Lambda

        public static final ExpressionType Lambda
        A lambda expression, such as a -&gt; a + a in Java.
      • LeftShift

        public static final ExpressionType LeftShift
        A bitwise left-shift operation, such as a << b in Java.
      • LessThan

        public static final ExpressionType LessThan
        A "less than" comparison, such as (a < b).
      • LessThanOrEqual

        public static final ExpressionType LessThanOrEqual
        A "less than or equal to" comparison, such as (a <= b).
      • ListInit

        public static final ExpressionType ListInit
        An operation that creates a new IEnumerable object and initializes it from a list of elements, such as new List<SampleType>(){ a, b, c } in C# or Dim sampleList = { a, b, c } in Visual Basic.
      • MemberAccess

        public static final ExpressionType MemberAccess
        An operation that reads from a field or property, such as obj.SampleProperty.
      • MemberInit

        public static final ExpressionType MemberInit
        An operation that creates a new object and initializes one or more of its members, such as new Point { X = 1, Y = 2 } in C# or New Point With {.X = 1, .Y = 2} in Visual Basic.
      • Modulo

        public static final ExpressionType Modulo
        An arithmetic remainder operation, such as (a % b) in C# or (a Mod b) in Visual Basic.
      • Multiply

        public static final ExpressionType Multiply
        A multiplication operation, such as (a * b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • MultiplyChecked

        public static final ExpressionType MultiplyChecked
        An multiplication operation, such as (a * b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • Negate

        public static final ExpressionType Negate
        An arithmetic negation operation, such as (-a). The object a should not be modified in place.
      • UnaryPlus

        public static final ExpressionType UnaryPlus
        A unary plus operation, such as (+a). The result of a predefined unary plus operation is the value of the operand, but user-defined implementations might have unusual results.
      • NegateChecked

        public static final ExpressionType NegateChecked
        An arithmetic negation operation, such as (-a), that has overflow checking. The object a should not be modified in place.
      • New

        public static final ExpressionType New
        An operation that calls a constructor to create a new object, such as new SampleType().
      • NewArrayInit

        public static final ExpressionType NewArrayInit
        An operation that creates a new one-dimensional array and initializes it from a list of elements, such as new SampleType[]{a, b, c} in C# or New SampleType(){a, b, c} in Visual Basic.
      • NewArrayBounds

        public static final ExpressionType NewArrayBounds
        An operation that creates a new array, in which the bounds for each dimension are specified, such as new SampleType[dim1, dim2] in C# or New SampleType(dim1, dim2) in Visual Basic.
      • Not

        public static final ExpressionType Not
        A bitwise complement or logical negation operation. In C#, it is equivalent to (~a) for integral types and to (!a) for Boolean values. In Visual Basic, it is equivalent to (Not a). The object a should not be modified in place.
      • NotEqual

        public static final ExpressionType NotEqual
        An inequality comparison, such as (a != b) in C# or (a <> b) in Visual Basic.
      • Or

        public static final ExpressionType Or
        A bitwise or logical OR operation, such as (a | b) in C# or (a Or b) in Visual Basic.
      • OrElse

        public static final ExpressionType OrElse
        A short-circuiting conditional OR operation, such as (a || b) in C# or (a OrElse b) in Visual Basic.
      • Parameter

        public static final ExpressionType Parameter
        A reference to a parameter or variable that is defined in the context of the expression. For more information, see ParameterExpression.
      • Power

        public static final ExpressionType Power
        A mathematical operation that raises a number to a power, such as (a ^ b) in Visual Basic.
      • Quote

        public static final ExpressionType Quote
        An expression that has a constant value of type Expression. A Quote node can contain references to parameters that are defined in the context of the expression it represents.
      • RightShift

        public static final ExpressionType RightShift
        A bitwise right-shift operation, such as (a >*gt; b).
      • Subtract

        public static final ExpressionType Subtract
        A subtraction operation, such as (a - b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • SubtractChecked

        public static final ExpressionType SubtractChecked
        An arithmetic subtraction operation, such as (a - b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • TypeAs

        public static final ExpressionType TypeAs
        An explicit reference or boxing conversion in which null is supplied if the conversion fails, such as (obj as SampleType) in C# or TryCast(obj, SampleType) in Visual Basic.
      • TypeIs

        public static final ExpressionType TypeIs
        A type test, such as obj is SampleType in C# or TypeOf obj is SampleType in Visual Basic.
      • Assign

        public static final ExpressionType Assign
        An assignment operation, such as (a = b).
      • Block

        public static final ExpressionType Block
        A block of expressions.
      • DebugInfo

        public static final ExpressionType DebugInfo
        Debugging information.
      • Decrement

        public static final ExpressionType Decrement
        A unary decrement operation, such as (a - 1) in C# and Visual Basic. The object a should not be modified in place.
      • Dynamic

        public static final ExpressionType Dynamic
        A dynamic operation.
      • Default

        public static final ExpressionType Default
        A default value.
      • Extension

        public static final ExpressionType Extension
        An extension expression.
      • Goto

        public static final ExpressionType Goto
        A "go to" expression, such as goto Label in C# or GoTo Label in Visual Basic.
      • Increment

        public static final ExpressionType Increment
        A unary increment operation, such as (a + 1) in C# and Visual Basic. The object a should not be modified in place.
      • Index

        public static final ExpressionType Index
        An index operation or an operation that accesses a property that takes arguments.
      • RuntimeVariables

        public static final ExpressionType RuntimeVariables
        A list of run-time variables. For more information, see RuntimeVariablesExpression.
      • Loop

        public static final ExpressionType Loop
        A loop, such as for or while.
      • Switch

        public static final ExpressionType Switch
        A switch operation, such as switch in C# or Select Case in Visual Basic.
      • Throw

        public static final ExpressionType Throw
        An operation that throws an exception, such as throw new Exception().
      • Unbox

        public static final ExpressionType Unbox
        An unbox value type operation, such as unbox and unbox.any instructions in MSIL.
      • AddAssign

        public static final ExpressionType AddAssign
        An addition compound assignment operation, such as (a += b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • AndAssign

        public static final ExpressionType AndAssign
        A bitwise or logical AND compound assignment operation, such as (a &= b) in C#.
      • DivideAssign

        public static final ExpressionType DivideAssign
        An division compound assignment operation, such as (a /= b), for numeric operands.
      • ExclusiveOrAssign

        public static final ExpressionType ExclusiveOrAssign
        A bitwise or logical XOR compound assignment operation, such as (a ^= b) in C#.
      • LeftShiftAssign

        public static final ExpressionType LeftShiftAssign
        A bitwise left-shift compound assignment, such as (a <<= b).
      • ModuloAssign

        public static final ExpressionType ModuloAssign
        An arithmetic remainder compound assignment operation, such as (a %= b) in C#.
      • MultiplyAssign

        public static final ExpressionType MultiplyAssign
        A multiplication compound assignment operation, such as (a *= b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • OrAssign

        public static final ExpressionType OrAssign
        A bitwise or logical OR compound assignment, such as (a |= b) in C#.
      • PowerAssign

        public static final ExpressionType PowerAssign
        A compound assignment operation that raises a number to a power, such as (a ^= b) in Visual Basic.
      • RightShiftAssign

        public static final ExpressionType RightShiftAssign
        A bitwise right-shift compound assignment operation, such as (a >>= b).
      • SubtractAssign

        public static final ExpressionType SubtractAssign
        A subtraction compound assignment operation, such as (a -= b), without overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • AddAssignChecked

        public static final ExpressionType AddAssignChecked
        An addition compound assignment operation, such as (a += b), with overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • MultiplyAssignChecked

        public static final ExpressionType MultiplyAssignChecked
        A multiplication compound assignment operation, such as (a *= b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • SubtractAssignChecked

        public static final ExpressionType SubtractAssignChecked
        A subtraction compound assignment operation, such as (a -= b), that has overflow checking, for numeric operands.
      • PreIncrementAssign

        public static final ExpressionType PreIncrementAssign
        A unary prefix increment, such as (++a). The object a should be modified in place.
      • PreDecrementAssign

        public static final ExpressionType PreDecrementAssign
        A unary prefix decrement, such as (--a). The object a should be modified in place.
      • PostIncrementAssign

        public static final ExpressionType PostIncrementAssign
        A unary postfix increment, such as (a++). The object a should be modified in place.
      • PostDecrementAssign

        public static final ExpressionType PostDecrementAssign
        A unary postfix decrement, such as (a--). The object a should be modified in place.
      • TypeEqual

        public static final ExpressionType TypeEqual
        An exact type test.
      • OnesComplement

        public static final ExpressionType OnesComplement
        A ones complement operation, such as (~a) in C#.
      • IsTrue

        public static final ExpressionType IsTrue
        A true condition value.
      • IsFalse

        public static final ExpressionType IsFalse
        A false condition value.
      • Declaration

        public static final ExpressionType Declaration
        Declaration of a variable.
    • Field Detail

      • op

        final java.lang.String op
      • op2

        final java.lang.String op2
      • postfix

        final boolean postfix
      • lprec

        final int lprec
      • rprec

        final int rprec
      • modifiesLvalue

        final boolean modifiesLvalue
    • Constructor Detail

      • ExpressionType

        private ExpressionType()
      • ExpressionType

        private ExpressionType​(java.lang.String op,
                               boolean postfix,
                               int prec,
                               boolean right)
      • ExpressionType

        private ExpressionType​(java.lang.String op,
                               java.lang.String op2,
                               boolean postfix,
                               int prec,
                               boolean right)
      • ExpressionType

        private ExpressionType​(java.lang.String op,
                               java.lang.String op2,
                               boolean postfix,
                               int prec,
                               boolean right,
                               boolean modifiesLvalue)
    • Method Detail

      • values

        public static ExpressionType[] values()
        Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared. This method may be used to iterate over the constants as follows:
        for (ExpressionType c : ExpressionType.values())
        an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared
      • valueOf

        public static ExpressionType valueOf​(java.lang.String name)
        Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name. The string must match exactly an identifier used to declare an enum constant in this type. (Extraneous whitespace characters are not permitted.)
        name - the name of the enum constant to be returned.
        the enum constant with the specified name
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if this enum type has no constant with the specified name
        java.lang.NullPointerException - if the argument is null