


Interface Summary
EntityManager For managing and querying entities.
ExecutionContext This is a Brooklyn extension to the Java java.util.concurrent.Executor.
ExecutionManager This class manages the execution of a number of jobs with tags.
HasTaskChildren Interface marks tasks which have explicit children, typically where the task defines the ordering of running those children tasks
LocationManager For managing and querying entities.
ManagementContext This is the entry point for accessing and interacting with a realm of applications and their entities in Brooklyn.
SubscriptionContext This is the context through which an Entity can manage its subscriptions.
SubscriptionHandle A "receipt" returned by SubscriptionContext and SubscriptionManager's subscribe() methods.
SubscriptionManager The management interface for subscriptions.
Task Represents a unit of work for execution.
TaskAdaptable marker interface for something which can be adapted to a task
TaskFactory Interface for something which can generate tasks (or task wrappers)
TaskQueueingContext Marks a place where tasks can be added, e.g. a task which allows children to be added (including after it is activated); if the implementer of this is also a task, then it may be picked up by hierarchical methods (e.g. in DynamicTasks).
TaskWrapper Interface for something which is not a task, but which is closely linked to one, ie. it has a task.

Class Summary

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.