
[Java] Interface ScriptRunner

public interface ScriptRunner

in 0.6.0, see NaiveScriptRunner from software-base project

Method Summary
int execute(java.util.List script, java.lang.String summaryForLogging)

Runs a script and returns the result code

int execute(java.util.Map flags, java.util.List script, java.lang.String summaryForLogging)

Runs a script and returns the result code, supporting flags including: out, err as output/error streams; logPrefix, prefix string to put in log output; env, map of environment vars to pass to shell environment


Method Detail


public int execute(java.util.List script, java.lang.String summaryForLogging)
Runs a script and returns the result code


public int execute(java.util.Map flags, java.util.List script, java.lang.String summaryForLogging)
Runs a script and returns the result code, supporting flags including: out, err as output/error streams; logPrefix, prefix string to put in log output; env, map of environment vars to pass to shell environment


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