
Package brooklyn.policy.loadbalancing


Interface Summary
BalanceableContainer Contains worker items that can be moved between this container and others to effect load balancing.
BalanceablePoolModel Captures the state of a balanceable cluster of containers and all their constituent items, including workrates, for consumption by a BalancingStrategy.
Movable Represents an item that can be migrated between balanceable containers.

Class Summary
BalanceableWorkerPool Represents an elastic group of "container" entities, each of which is capable of hosting "item" entities that perform work and consume the container's available resources (e.g.
BalanceableWorkerPool.ContainerItemPair Encapsulates an item and a container; emitted for ITEM_ADDED, ITEM_REMOVED and ITEM_MOVED sensors.
BalancingStrategy Represents an abstract algorithm for optimally balancing worker "items" among several "containers" based on the workloads of the items, and corresponding high- and low-thresholds on the containers.
DefaultBalanceablePoolModel Standard implementation of BalanceablePoolModel, providing essential arithmetic for item and container workrates and thresholds.
ItemsInContainersGroup A group of items that are contained within a given (dynamically changing) set of containers.
LocationConstraint Temporary stub to resolve dependencies in ported LoadBalancingPolicy.
PolicyUtilForPool Provides conveniences for searching for hot/cold containers in a provided pool model.

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.