
Package brooklyn.location


Interface Summary
AddressableLocation A location that has an IP address.
Location A location that an entity can be in.
LocationDefinition Defines a location, where the getSpec() is like a serialized representation of the location so that Brooklyn can create a corresponding location.
LocationRegistry The registry of the sorts of locations that brooklyn knows about.
LocationResolver Provides a way of creating location instances of a particular type.
MachineLocation A location that is a machine.
MachineProvisioningLocation A location that is able to provision new machines within its location.
PortRange A range of ports (indicator for Location and other APIs).
PortSupplier Mixin interface for location which allows it to supply ports from a given range

Exception Summary
NoMachinesAvailableException Indicates no machines are available in a given location.

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.