
Package brooklyn.event.adapter


Class Summary
AbstractPollHelper captures common fields and processes for pollers that support sensor adapters
AbstractPushHelper Captures common fields and processes for pushers that support sensor adapters.
AbstractSensorAdapter Captures common fields and processes for sensor adapters
AbstractSensorEvaluationContext provides fields and methods that are brought into scope when executing closures submitted by an entity developer for evaluating a sensor; fields can be made explicit, to be shared among multiple sensors; and specific per-sensor evaluation properties can be passed as "extraProperties" which exist only for that evaluation context duration
ConfigSensorAdapter Simple config adapter which, on registration, sets all config-attributes from config values
FunctionSensorAdapter Entry point for wiring up arbitrary functions to be used as the source for sensors.
HttpPollHelper @deprecated See brooklyn.event.feed.http.HttpFeed
HttpResponseContext context object for evaluating sensor closures with http data handy
HttpSensorAdapter @deprecated See brooklyn.event.feed.http.HttpFeed
JmxAttributeAdapter Adapter that polls for a JMX attribute.
JmxHelper @deprecated Use brooklyn.event.feed.jmx.JmxHelper instead
JmxNotificationAdapter Adapter that subscribes to a JMX notification.
JmxNotificationFilters @deprecated Use brooklyn.event.feed.jmx.JmxNotificationFilters instead
JmxObjectNameAdapter Provides convenient/fluent (and preferred) way to access a JMX object instance.
JmxOperationAdapter Adapter that periodically calls a JMX operation.
JmxReachableAdapter Adapter that polls for a JMX attribute.
JmxSensorAdapter Entry point for wiring up brooklyn attributes to jmx; this doesn't evaluate any sensors directly, but provides support for specific object-name/attribute combos etc.
SensorRegistry This class manages the periodic polling of a set of sensors, to update the attribute values of a particular Entity.
ShellSensorAdapter Like FunctionSensorAdapter but executes a shell command (on the local machine where this instance of brooklyn is running).
SingleValueResponseContext @deprecated See brooklyn.event.feed
SshPollHelper Captures output and exit code for SshSensorAdapter.
SshResultContext Context object for evaluating sensor closures with ssh command results.
SshSensorAdapter @deprecated See brooklyn.event.feed.ssh.SshFeed
SshShellSensorAdapter Like ShellSensorAdapter but executes the shell command remotely.

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.