
Package brooklyn.enricher


Class Summary
CustomAggregatingEnricher Subscribes to events from producers with a sensor of type T, aggregates them with the provided closure and emits the result on the target sensor V.
DeltaEnricher Converts an absolute sensor into a delta sensor (i.e. the diff between the current and previous value)
HttpLatencyDetector An Enricher which computes latency in accessing a URL.
RollingMeanEnricher Transforms a sensor into a rolling average based on a fixed window size.
RollingTimeWindowMeanEnricher Transforms Sensor data into a rolling average based on a time window.
TimeFractionDeltaEnricher Converts an absolute measure of time into a fraction of time, based on the delta between consecutive values and the elapsed time between those values.
TimeWeightedDeltaEnricher Converts an absolute sensor into a delta sensor (i.e. the diff between the current and previous value), presented as a units/timeUnit based on the event timing

Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.