
[Java] Interface BrooklynCatalog

public interface BrooklynCatalog

Method Summary
void addItem(CatalogItem item)

adds an item to the 'manual' catalog; this does not update the classpath or have a record to the java Class, so callers of this method will typically also need to call addToClasspath(String) or addToClasspath(ClassLoader)

CatalogItem addItem(java.lang.Class clazz)

creates a catalog item and adds it to the 'manual' catalog, with the corresponding Class definition (loaded by a classloader) registered and available in the classloader.

void addToClasspath(java.lang.ClassLoader loader)

adds a classpath entry which will be used by the 'manual' catalog

void addToClasspath(java.lang.String url)

adds a classpath entry which will be used by the 'manual' catalog

CatalogItem getCatalogItem(java.lang.String id)

finds the item with the given ID, or null if not found

CatalogItem getCatalogItem(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.String id)

variant of getCatalogItem(String) which checks (and casts) type for convenience (returns null if type does not match)

java.lang.Iterable getCatalogItems()

returns all items in the catalog

java.lang.Iterable getCatalogItems(Predicate filter)

convenience for filtering items in the catalog

java.lang.ClassLoader getRootClassLoader()

returns the classloader which should be used to load classes and entities; this includes all the catalog's classloaders in the right order

java.lang.Class loadClass(CatalogItem item)

throws exceptions if any problems

java.lang.Class loadClassByType(java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.Class typeClass)


Method Detail


public void addItem(CatalogItem item)
adds an item to the 'manual' catalog; this does not update the classpath or have a record to the java Class, so callers of this method will typically also need to call addToClasspath(String) or addToClasspath(ClassLoader)


public CatalogItem addItem(java.lang.Class clazz)
creates a catalog item and adds it to the 'manual' catalog, with the corresponding Class definition (loaded by a classloader) registered and available in the classloader.

note that the class will be available for this session only, although the record of the item will appear in the catalog DTO if exported, so it is recommended to edit the 'manual' catalog DTO if using it to generate a catalog, either adding the appropriate classpath URL or removing this entry.


public void addToClasspath(java.lang.ClassLoader loader)
adds a classpath entry which will be used by the 'manual' catalog


public void addToClasspath(java.lang.String url)
adds a classpath entry which will be used by the 'manual' catalog


public CatalogItem getCatalogItem(java.lang.String id)
finds the item with the given ID, or null if not found


public CatalogItem getCatalogItem(java.lang.Class type, java.lang.String id)
variant of getCatalogItem(String) which checks (and casts) type for convenience (returns null if type does not match)


public java.lang.Iterable getCatalogItems()
returns all items in the catalog


public java.lang.Iterable getCatalogItems(Predicate filter)
convenience for filtering items in the catalog


public java.lang.ClassLoader getRootClassLoader()
returns the classloader which should be used to load classes and entities; this includes all the catalog's classloaders in the right order


public java.lang.Class loadClass(CatalogItem item)
throws exceptions if any problems


public java.lang.Class loadClassByType(java.lang.String typeName, java.lang.Class typeClass)


Brooklyn Multi-Cloud Application Management Platform Apache License. © 2012.