
[Java] Interface WithMutexes

public interface WithMutexes

interface which allows multiple callers to co-operate using named mutexes, inspectably, and containing implementation as inner class

MutexSupport is a common implementation of this. mixin code frequently delegates to this, as shown in the test case's WithMutexesTest.SampleWithMutexesDelegatingMixin class

Method Summary
void acquireMutex(java.lang.String mutexId, java.lang.String description)

acquires a mutex, if available, otherwise blocks on its becoming available; caller must release after use

boolean hasMutex(java.lang.String mutexId)

returns true if the calling thread has the mutex with the given ID

void releaseMutex(java.lang.String mutexId)

releases a mutex, triggering another thread to use it or cleaning it up if no one else is waiting; this should only be called by the mutex owner (thread)

boolean tryAcquireMutex(java.lang.String mutexId, java.lang.String description)

acquires a mutex and returns true, if available; otherwise immediately returns false; caller must release after use if this returns true


Method Detail


public void acquireMutex(java.lang.String mutexId, java.lang.String description)
acquires a mutex, if available, otherwise blocks on its becoming available; caller must release after use


public boolean hasMutex(java.lang.String mutexId)
returns true if the calling thread has the mutex with the given ID


public void releaseMutex(java.lang.String mutexId)
releases a mutex, triggering another thread to use it or cleaning it up if no one else is waiting; this should only be called by the mutex owner (thread)


public boolean tryAcquireMutex(java.lang.String mutexId, java.lang.String description)
acquires a mutex and returns true, if available; otherwise immediately returns false; caller must release after use if this returns true


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