
[Java] Class FlagUtils


public class FlagUtils

class to help transfer values passed as named arguments to other well-known variables/fields/objects; see the test case for example usage

Field Summary
static Logger log

Method Summary
static void checkRequiredFields(java.lang.Object o)

@throws an IllegalStateException if there are fields required (nullable=false) which are unset

static java.util.List getAllAssignableTypes(java.lang.Class base)

returns base, superclasses, then interfaces

static java.util.List getAllAssignableTypes(java.lang.Class base, groovy.lang.Closure filter)

static java.util.List getAllAssignableTypes(java.lang.Class base, Predicate filter)

static java.util.List getAllFields(java.lang.Class base, groovy.lang.Closure filter)

returns all fields on the given class, superclasses, and interfaces thereof, in that order of preference, (excluding fields on Object)

static java.util.List getAllFields(java.lang.Class base)

static java.util.List getAllFields(java.lang.Class base, Predicate filter)

static java.util.Map getAnnotatedFields(java.lang.Class type)

returns a map of all fields which are annotated 'SetFromFlag', along with the annotation

static java.lang.Object getDefaultValueForType(java.lang.Class t)

returns the default/inital value that is assigned to fields of the givien type; if the type is not primitive this value is null; for primitive types it is obvious but not AFAIK programmatically visible (e.g. 0 for int, false for boolean)

static java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.Object objectOfField, java.lang.reflect.Field f)

gets the value of the field.

static java.util.Map getFieldsWithValues(java.lang.Object o)

returns a map of all fields which are annotated 'SetFromFlag' with their current values; useful if you want to clone settings from one object

static java.util.List getLocalFields(java.util.List classes)

returns all fields explicitly declared on the given classes

static java.util.List getLocalFields(java.util.List classes, groovy.lang.Closure filter)

static java.util.List getLocalFields(java.util.List classes, Predicate filter)

static java.util.Map setConfigKeysFromFlags(java.util.Map flags, AbstractEntity entity)

static void setField(java.lang.Object objectOfField, java.lang.reflect.Field f, java.lang.Object value, SetFromFlag annotation)

sets the field to the value, after checking whether the given value can be set respecting the constraints of the annotation

static java.util.Map setFieldsFromFlags(java.util.Map flags, java.lang.Object o)

sets all fields (including private and static) on the given object and all supertypes, from the given flags map, returning just those flag-value pairs passed in which do not correspond to SetFromFlags fields

static java.util.Map setPublicFieldsFromFlags(java.util.Map flags, java.lang.Object o)

sets all public fields (local and inherited) on the given object from the given flags map, returning unknown elements

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()

Field Detail


public static final Logger log

Method Detail


public static void checkRequiredFields(java.lang.Object o)
an IllegalStateException if there are fields required (nullable=false) which are unset
wrapped IllegalAccessException


public static java.util.List getAllAssignableTypes(java.lang.Class base)
returns base, superclasses, then interfaces


public static java.util.List getAllAssignableTypes(java.lang.Class base, groovy.lang.Closure filter)


public static java.util.List getAllAssignableTypes(java.lang.Class base, Predicate filter)


public static java.util.List getAllFields(java.lang.Class base, groovy.lang.Closure filter)
returns all fields on the given class, superclasses, and interfaces thereof, in that order of preference, (excluding fields on Object)


public static java.util.List getAllFields(java.lang.Class base)


public static java.util.List getAllFields(java.lang.Class base, Predicate filter)


public static java.util.Map getAnnotatedFields(java.lang.Class type)
returns a map of all fields which are annotated 'SetFromFlag', along with the annotation


public static java.lang.Object getDefaultValueForType(java.lang.Class t)
returns the default/inital value that is assigned to fields of the givien type; if the type is not primitive this value is null; for primitive types it is obvious but not AFAIK programmatically visible (e.g. 0 for int, false for boolean)


public static java.lang.Object getField(java.lang.Object objectOfField, java.lang.reflect.Field f)
gets the value of the field.


public static java.util.Map getFieldsWithValues(java.lang.Object o)
returns a map of all fields which are annotated 'SetFromFlag' with their current values; useful if you want to clone settings from one object


public static java.util.List getLocalFields(java.util.List classes)
returns all fields explicitly declared on the given classes


public static java.util.List getLocalFields(java.util.List classes, groovy.lang.Closure filter)


public static java.util.List getLocalFields(java.util.List classes, Predicate filter)


public static java.util.Map setConfigKeysFromFlags(java.util.Map flags, AbstractEntity entity)


public static void setField(java.lang.Object objectOfField, java.lang.reflect.Field f, java.lang.Object value, SetFromFlag annotation)
sets the field to the value, after checking whether the given value can be set respecting the constraints of the annotation


public static java.util.Map setFieldsFromFlags(java.util.Map flags, java.lang.Object o)
sets all fields (including private and static) on the given object and all supertypes, from the given flags map, returning just those flag-value pairs passed in which do not correspond to SetFromFlags fields


public static java.util.Map setPublicFieldsFromFlags(java.util.Map flags, java.lang.Object o)
sets all public fields (local and inherited) on the given object from the given flags map, returning unknown elements


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