
[Java] Class FollowTheSunParameters


public class FollowTheSunParameters

Field Summary
java.util.Set excludedLocations

a list of excluded locations

double triggerAbsoluteMajority

as corresponding majority and total fields, with x_A-x_B on the LHS of inequality

double triggerAbsoluteTotal

fields as above, this parameter T defines a number such that x_A > T in order for X to be migrated to A

double triggerDeltaAbovePercentMajority

as corresponding majority and total fields, with x_A-x_B on the LHS of inequality

double triggerDeltaAbovePercentTotal

fields as above, and T as above, this parameter T' defines a number such that x_A > T*x + T' in order for X to be migrated to A

double triggerPercentMajority

fields as above, with X_B the number from a different geography B, where A and B are the two most prolific requesters of X, and X_A >= X_B; this parameter T defines a number such that x_A-x_B > T*x in order for X to be migrated to A

double triggerPercentTotal

trigger for moving segment X from geo A to geo B: where x is total number of requests submitted in X across the CDM network, and x_A is number of reqs from geo A, with A the most prolific geography (arbitrarily chosen in case of ties so recommended to choose at least a small percent_majority or delta_above_percent_majority, in addition to this field); this parameter T defines a number such that x_A > T*x in order for X to be migrated to A (but see also DELTA_ABOVE_PERCENT_TOTAL, below)

Method Summary
boolean isTriggered(double highest, double total, double nextHighest, double current)

static FollowTheSunParameters newDefault()

java.lang.String toString()

Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
java.lang.Object#wait(), java.lang.Object#wait(long), java.lang.Object#wait(long, int), java.lang.Object#equals(java.lang.Object), java.lang.Object#toString(), java.lang.Object#hashCode(), java.lang.Object#getClass(), java.lang.Object#notify(), java.lang.Object#notifyAll()

Field Detail


public java.util.Set excludedLocations
a list of excluded locations


public double triggerAbsoluteMajority
as corresponding majority and total fields, with x_A-x_B on the LHS of inequality


public double triggerAbsoluteTotal
fields as above, this parameter T defines a number such that x_A > T in order for X to be migrated to A


public double triggerDeltaAbovePercentMajority
as corresponding majority and total fields, with x_A-x_B on the LHS of inequality


public double triggerDeltaAbovePercentTotal
fields as above, and T as above, this parameter T' defines a number such that x_A > T*x + T' in order for X to be migrated to A


public double triggerPercentMajority
fields as above, with X_B the number from a different geography B, where A and B are the two most prolific requesters of X, and X_A >= X_B; this parameter T defines a number such that x_A-x_B > T*x in order for X to be migrated to A


public double triggerPercentTotal
trigger for moving segment X from geo A to geo B: where x is total number of requests submitted in X across the CDM network, and x_A is number of reqs from geo A, with A the most prolific geography (arbitrarily chosen in case of ties so recommended to choose at least a small percent_majority or delta_above_percent_majority, in addition to this field); this parameter T defines a number such that x_A > T*x in order for X to be migrated to A (but see also DELTA_ABOVE_PERCENT_TOTAL, below)

Method Detail


public boolean isTriggered(double highest, double total, double nextHighest, double current)


public static FollowTheSunParameters newDefault()


public java.lang.String toString()


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